Chapter 794 Holy Master

Evil breath!

The sacred power in Baili Yuan's body sounded an alarm.

Seeing the yellow disc appearing in front of him, Baili Yuan tiptoed out and tapped the disc.

The eyes of the dragon head on the disc flickered.


Bailiyuan kicked Yuanpan into the home space, and then Caroline understood Bailiyuan's meaning, and directly locked Yuanpan into the small black room.

It's no wonder that Baili Yuan was so careful, the things he sent were intelligent, who knows what kind of special stuff, no matter how careful he was, he couldn't be too careful.

Although being able to be sent by Ah Fu meant that Yuanpan should not be too dangerous, but at any time, one could never be too careful, especially now that Bailiyuan had a BOSS template, maybe something was a lurking scourge.

Now Bailiyuan has a feeling that "there are always people who want to harm me".

Although it wasn't that strong, it made Bailiyuan less casual when facing some things.

Bailiyuan picked up the phone again.

"Ah Fu, what was that just now?"

"Ah, boss, you received it, wait for me, I will send you the information I got..."

Soon, Ah Fu sent over a document - "Introduction to the Holy Master.doc".

Apparently it was well prepared.

Bailiyuan clicked on the information.

[Holy Lord is the villain of my own world, and I used to be a powerful warrior under the Holy Lord, once...]

Bailiyuan skipped the big part of Ah Fu's boasting, then quickly browsed the information below, and soon figured out the situation of a few discs—that is, the Holy Master.

The Holy Master usually appears in the form of a statue. Zodiac charms with control of fire spells and twelve powerful divine powers, can summon shadow warrior servants, quite clever and cunning.

To emphasize the point, the Tiger Talisman comes from the Holy Lord!

Moreover, Ah Fu also listed the approximate abilities of the remaining eleven talismans. Bailiyuan looked carefully and found that the abilities of the Holy Master's rat talisman were quite similar to the mouse talisman he had obtained.

Coupled with the similar appearance of the rat charm and the tiger charm, Baili Yuan felt that there was a high possibility that his rat charm was the one of the Holy Master.

Bailiyuan couldn't help being interested.

In addition to these, Ah Fu also said that the twelve spells are actually transformed by the twelve powers of the Holy Lord. When the Holy Lord regains the twelve kinds of power, the Holy Lord can get rid of the form of the statue and restore the real body!

However, even though it is in the form of a stone statue, the Holy Lord has strong power, and it seems to be more restrictive. Ah Fu also succeeded in a sneak attack, and then gave the Holy Lord as a red envelope to Baili Yuan.

And Ah Fu also said at the end that he would continue to collect the remaining eleven charms for Baili Yuan.

After Bailiyuan finished reading the information, he roughly understood what Ah Fu meant.

Ah Fu sent the Holy Lord over again, and wanted to collect the remaining eleven charms for Baili Yuan, the meaning was self-evident-it was beneficial!

Although Ah Fu didn't say anything similar, this was also Ah Fu's cleverness.

Bailiyuan estimated that if he did not give enough benefits, the remaining eleven charms might be "difficult to find".

But Bailiyuan didn't reject this kind of thing, on the contrary, he liked it very much. After all, the situation at this time was a seller's market.

Bailiyuan's strength is stronger, and there are more operations behind it.

Trading on the Internet is like this. No one knows how much someone has, and how much they can earn depends on the operation.

Bailiyuan didn't cheat Ah Fu either.

What Ah Fu is looking for is nothing more than strength.

Bailiyuan has sorted out a more advanced superpower cultivation material, which is not bad even in the world of heraldry, and includes quite good cultivation methods and meditation methods.

However, in the end, Bailiyuan hesitated for a moment, and then added the immortal cultivation skills eliminated by Pikachu to the data, and added the sentence "cultivate to a high level, you can live forever". As for whether it can really "live forever", Anyway, that's what it says in theory, and Bailiyuan didn't lie to Ah Fu.

But it's nothing compared to "Code of Thunder".

It's like the difference between crawling on the ground and flying.

Then Bailiyuan took out some resources to assist in the cultivation of superpowers, packaged them together with the materials and sent them to Ah Fu.

These things are just a drop in the bucket for Baili Yuan, but not so for A Fu, A Fu may have never gotten such high-end things in his life.

Although Ah Fu also often participates in group activities, due to luck and strength, the gains are limited each time. Fortunately, he makes progress every time. This is also the reason why Ah Fu can sneak attack on the Lord.

Ah Fu in another world opened Bailiyuan's red envelope, and when he saw the contents of the red envelope, he couldn't help but twitched his lips, feeling happy.

What a bumper harvest!

Ah Fu's most important thing is not those cultivation methods, but resources!

In Ah Fu's world, what he lacks most are resources.

Although Ah Fu has the strength to grab it, the problem is...he doesn't know where to grab it, what to grab? Steal who?

Although there are many things related to magic in his world, there is nothing related to superpowers.

Just very angry!

The fuck is there is no dragon slaying skill, but no dragon to slay.

I can only occasionally beat Jackie Chan to calm down.

But what is certain now is that the resources Bailiyuan sent him are definitely useful for cultivating superpowers.

In the past, Ah Fu got what he is now because of practicing the meditation technique that Bailiyuan gave him, and Ah Fu still remembers Bailiyuan's powerful super power, so Ah Fu will continue to trade with Bailiyuan .

Ah Fu estimated that the resources that Bailiyuan sent him were enough for him to raise a level, maybe he could touch the threshold of LEVEL5!

Compared with external force and magic, Ah Fu values ​​the super power born from his body and his own pair of fists more!

After collecting the resources, Ah Fu expressed his gratitude to Bailiyuan, and then said that he would send the next spell to Bailiyuan as soon as possible.

After finishing the chat, Ah Fu drank his saliva.

In fact, Ah Fu also has a rabbit charm in his hand, which can speed up the speed of action.

But the reason why Ah Fu didn't send the Rabbit Charm directly to Baili Yuan in exchange for something was because of the long-term flow of water.

Ah Fu understands that only by giving Bailiyuan the remaining eleven charms bit by bit, can he get the most benefit from Bailiyuan, and in this way can he get along with Bailiyuan. Build a good relationship.

However, the problem is that the remaining eleven charms are gone, what else can I use to exchange resources from Bailiyuan?

The magic of your own world?

It may be feasible, but I am not sure. We must find something more valuable.

A few days later, Ah Fu's superpower successfully broke through to LEVEL4!

However, before Ah Fu had time to celebrate, the door of the room where Ah Fu was hiding was destroyed, and a group of dark ninja-like figures rushed in and surrounded Ah Fu.

And a figure came out from behind the shadow.

To Ah Fu's surprise, it turned out to be his former boss - Wa Long.

Wa Long was also the person who followed the Holy Master before, and he was also hired by Wa Long, and then... the Holy Master was sent to Baili Yuan by Ah Fu.

However, the current situation of Walong seems strange, and Walong wears a strange mask on his face.

"Ah Fu, hand over the Holy Master, and I will spare you!" Wa Long said proudly.

Ah Fu could see that Walong's confidence was the shadow corps around him, and the reason why these shadow corps listened to Walong's words should be related to the mask on Walong's face.

Ah Fu looked at the figures around him that were similar to the shadow warriors summoned by the Holy Lord, and looked at the mask on Wa Long's face, and suddenly smiled.

There is only one truth - the shadow warrior servants of the Holy Lord are not the only ones, so there must be more than one mask controlling these shadow warriors!

Ah Fu found an item to replace the talisman and exchange resources with Baili Yuan.

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