I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 80 Attack of Warcraft

Technology is advancing and the times are developing.

Today, Xuecun's security equipment no longer relies solely on human eyes as it used to. At night, even if you stare out your eyes, the distance you can see is limited.

Although Xuecun has no signal or network, it is also connected to electricity and has its own power generation room.

Therefore, Xuecun's security method now is through infrared cameras.

Not only can you see the situation in the distance clearly at night, but also liberate the labor force.

The people who stayed behind stayed in the duty rooms all over the snow village, ready at any time.

It's not that monsters attacked Xuecun before, but it's not too many.

Every time monsters attack Xuecun, it's okay to say that there are fewer, and they can easily be sniped outside Xuecun.

If there are too many, it will be troublesome.

Due to the special climate around the snow village, it is doomed that the snow village cannot build up too strong a defense. The defense outside the snow village may not be able to stop the attacking monsters.

Although there is a shelter in the snow village, and the people who stay behind can deal with the attacking monsters with a little time, but those buildings that cannot be moved will suffer, and rebuilding will cost a lot of effort and money.

All in all, it's frustrating.

Fortunately, there are only two periods of time before and after the heavy snow every year that monsters may attack Xuecun, and the people in Xuecun can still hold on.

The people in the duty room looked at the picture displayed on the screen, and their expressions changed.

Because, on the screen, there are many black shadows rushing towards Xuecun at this time!

Judging by the appearance of the black shadow, it is definitely not human!

The person who discovered the situation immediately pressed the alert button to notify everyone in Xuecun.

Bailiyuan was awakened by the siren, hurriedly got up, put away the eight-sided prism immediately, and ran out of the room.

Coming to the living room, Bailiyuan heard Grandpa Hua Hua's voice.

"What? There are a lot of black shadows coming, from all directions? MD, what kind of laser rain do these bastards come out without sleeping in the middle of the night? Second Battalion Commander, pull out your fucking Armstrong cyclotron jet Armstrong cannon for me , Boom his mother, let his mother explode on the spot!!!"

Bailiyuan: "..."

It was hard for Bailiyuan to imagine that an old man who was usually so kind would be so irritable after being woken up, and would shoot at every disagreement.

"Okay, let's go to the refuge." Huazi walked over and said to Bailiyuan.

"Refuge?" Baili Yuan asked suspiciously.

"That's right, some villagers with insufficient combat power will go to the shelter when facing a large-scale attack by monsters." Hanako explained.

Baili Yuan nodded, but instead of going to the shelter, he tightened his grip and walked outside.

"I'd better go help."

With that said, Bailiyuan left the house.

Hanako smiled.

"He is really a hardworking kid."

After finishing speaking, Hanako touched Huahua's little head beside her, and said with a smile, "You don't have to grow up to be an outstanding person~"

Huahua nodded half understanding.

Hanako smiled again, and took Huahua to help arrange the villagers to take refuge in the shelter.


Bailiyuan walked in the snow village.

Participating in the battle, on the one hand, is because of the thoughts in his heart. Bailiyuan feels very good about Xuecun, and Bailiyuan can't turn a blind eye. Although his strength may not be as good as Xuecun's ordinary village name, Bailiyuan still wants to You have to do your best, otherwise your thoughts will not be clear.

On the other hand, it was because Bailiyuan was also eager to fight, and the few days of idleness made Bailiyuan feel a little uncomfortable.

At this time, Xuecun was already busy, but it was still in an orderly manner. The villagers talked and laughed as they walked towards the shelter, not seeming very worried about the next attack.

Also, this is not the first time, everything is the same, after a lot of experience, I get used to it.

On the way, Bailiyuan saw the bartender brother walking out of the tavern with a kitchen knife.

"Coincidental." The bartender brother smiled at Baili Yuan.

"Uh, you are..." Baili Yuan.

The bartender brother glanced at the kitchen knife in his hand, smiled shyly, "It's nothing, I'm idle, I just want to go out and kill two monsters."

"Let's go together then." Baili Yuan nodded and said.

"Are you going too?" The bartender was taken aback.

Baili Yuan nodded, "That's right, although I'm just a trainee summoner, my strength is still pretty good."

"If you are confident, come here, but if you are in danger, you must ask for help." The bartender reminded.

The Xuecun people are used to fighting, and they didn't stop Bailiyuan from joining the battle just because Bailiyuan was only a five-year-old child.

"Don't worry, I still have some confidence in my own strength. I can't go out to hunt, but it's okay to follow you to guard the snow village." Baili Yuan said with a smile.

"Okay, come with me. The Second Battalion Commander and the others should organize a defense outside the village." The bartender nodded.

Following the bartender brother, Bailiyuan came to the outside of the village and found the second battalion commander.

After being introduced by the bartender brother, the villagers who want to participate in the war cannot just participate in the war, they must report to the second battalion commander, and the second battalion commander will make unified arrangements.

For this battle mode, Baili Yuan nodded in agreement. The unified arrangement can allow the commander to clearly understand the situation everywhere, and there will be no oolongs. He can command the battle with confidence, and it can also make everyone advance and retreat with evidence. , During the battle, everyone can exert the greatest strength of everyone as much as possible, instead of being broken by the enemy one by one.

The bartender brother went to communicate with the second battalion commander, while Bailiyuan looked around.

There is a low defense circle outside the village. The villagers are standing on the defense and attacking the monsters that attack from a distance. Xuecun is conducting a long-range attack on the monsters that attack.

It was not the attack of the heraldry, but various firearms.

This world has also invented firearms, but their use is strictly controlled. Except for the heraldic envoys of special professions, only some special personnel can use firearms.

Bailiyuan didn't expect Xuecun to have firearms, and they didn't look like ordinary firearms, but powerful firearms specially aimed at monsters.

Among the shooting crowd, Bailiyuan even saw two cannonball launchers.

Bailiyuan once again refreshed her impression of Xuecun.

It is definitely not easy for Xuecun to get these things.

The bartender brother had a short exchange with the second battalion commander, and then came back to find Bailiyuan, and brought back two sets of equipment, and gave one set to Bailiyuan.

The equipment is very simple, a night vision device, a rifle, two shuttle bullets, and a headset.

Bailiyuan looked at the rifle standing taller than herself... Lan Shou.

"There are four directions for defense, and there are more than a dozen people in each direction. Let's go to the north to support. There are fewer people there, and the village chief is also there." The bartender brother said.

village head? Bailiyuan was taken aback, Huahua's grandfather also participated in the battle at such an old age?

Bailiyuan followed the bartender brother to the north of Xuecun.

Because the subsequent battle may damage the facilities, after all the villagers entered the shelter, Xuecun cut off the electricity in the village to prevent the electric sparks caused by the battle from causing a fire.

Therefore, when Bailiyuan followed the bartender brother to the north of the village with his rifle on his shoulder, the snow village was already plunged into darkness, and he could only see the surroundings clearly through the moonlight reflected from the snow surface.

Those who were still in Xuecun had already made preparations and took out the night vision goggles they had prepared in advance and put them on their faces, but the muzzles in their hands did not stop, and the bullets continued to pour down.

However, even so, the monsters still quickly approached Xuecun.

It is not for nothing that ordinary firearms have not taken the place of heraldrymen.

Even if it is a firearm specially designed to deal with monsters, it does not have the ability to add a heraldry, and the power it causes is quite limited. Facing stronger monsters, it is difficult to break the defense, so the damage that the shells can cause is greater.

Soon, the monsters approached Xuecun.

"Abandon the gun and fight!"

The commanding voice of the second battalion commander came from the earphones.

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