Chapter 790 Theft and Anti-theft

The opening ceremony ended quickly, and there was no moth. Because no new students were enrolled, the opening ceremony was not so grand this time.

Andy also spoke on stage as usual, but Bailiyuan always felt that Andy looked at him a little strangely.

Is it because I broke through to a high-level coat of arms?

But Bailiyuan always felt that something was wrong.


who cares.

After the opening ceremony, normal classes started. The afternoon of the first day was relatively easy, with only one culture class.

However, when the teacher of the cultural class saw that there were only a few students in the class, he almost thought it was still on vacation.

Although some students have recovered, but only a few students, most of the students are still lying in the hospital, and their problem is also very consistent - excessive physical exertion.

Excessive physical exertion is no worse than an injury. If it is not for special reasons, the academy hospital will not use special means to assist students in their physical recovery.

Because always relying on auxiliary recovery ability will inevitably affect the body's own recovery ability, and even cause dependence. This is not to say that if you don't rely on it, you won't depend on it. Humans are like this. They say no, but their body is very honest.

It's okay if there is a teammate with recovery ability and enough milk in the future, but what if there is no one?

Once the physical strength is exhausted or injured, the self-recovery ability is slow, and it is easy to cause serious consequences.

Therefore, when it comes to normal consumption, the college's hospital will generally choose to give the students a shot of nutrient solution, and then throw the students aside to let the students recover by themselves. At most, they will provide a hospital bed, which is the kind of ward with multiple rooms.

The same goes for minor injuries.

Especially the students on the combat side, the treatment in this situation is even worse, they will even be kicked out of the hospital directly, and the nutrient solution will not be given. yes.

Therefore, many students are exhausted and would rather go back to the dormitory and lie down than go to the hospital.

Of course, if it reaches the level of fainting caused by excessive consumption, it will have to be hospitalized.

This is also the reason why many students in the second class of the first year have not come back to class.

Only some students with strong recovery ability came back to class, and at this time there were only seven students in the second class of the first year.

Including Bailiyuan, Shazi, and Diana, among the remaining four students, three are professions that are good at physical recovery, and the last one is a healing profession, the kind that can breastfeed themselves.

The teacher in class looked at the seven radish heads in the class, blinked, and put down the book.

"This class is self-study."


The day's class was over soon, but Bailiyuan didn't go back to the dormitory immediately, but was leading Brother Pingtou to wander around the academy.

Of course it is not aimless, but has a clear goal.

Bailiyuan walked into the school district for non-combatant students, and then stopped in front of a flower garden.

Behind the flower garden is a very simple gate, on which is a sign decorated with various food patterns - Agricultural School District.

The agricultural school area is the area where students in the agricultural direction study. Similar to it are the animal husbandry school area, forestry school area, engineering school area, cooking school area...etc.

In the future, students who graduate from these school districts will be active in the corresponding industries, and they are all elites, and there are many leaders.

After all, Yuncheng College is here!

As for why Baili Yuan came here...

"Is the easter egg for the start of school here?" Baili Yuan blinked.

Bailiyuan went for a walk with Brother Pingtou at night, and planned to touch the Easter eggs by the way.

The gate of the agricultural school district was not closed, because all school districts had no access control. Unlike clubs, school districts belonged to colleges and were public facilities, while clubs belonged to private territories rented from colleges, so it couldn't be so casual.

The Agricultural School District is actually very popular, and the vegetables grown by the students inside will also be sold to the outside world. Although there are not many of them, they are cheap, and are deeply loved by the Kitchen School District and some students who can cook. Of course, those cultivated and cherished The price of fruits and vegetables will be more expensive, and some need to spend credits to buy.

However, there is actually another way to get the products of the Agricultural College, and that is—steal!

After all, when the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds, not to mention that the colleges are all heraldic users with various means. Don't forget that thief is also one of the heraldic professions, and theft and sneaking are also compulsory for some special professions. class.

Although the students do not lack the money to buy food, some students just like to do such exciting things.

And in the face of students who came to steal vegetables, the Agricultural School District was also constantly on guard.

In fact, not only in the agricultural school district, but also in many other school districts, there are thieves.

Because the academy's attitude towards thieves is—for sure!

Why should you be punished for stealing vegetables based on your ability?

Not only will they not be punished, but they will also be rewarded!

The college has also set up the "King of Thieves Champion Award", which rewards the student who steals the most valuable items in the college every year. However, there are no grade and occupation requirements for the selectors, and the college will keep the identity of the champion secret.

And the meaning behind this award is that no one's small actions can hide from the academy.

There is no need to report, as long as you become the champion, the reward will be issued to you secretly, and the things you steal will naturally be included in the academy's statistics.

Of course, the college has also made some regulations on theft, specifying some things that can be stolen, those important things are not within the scope of stealing, and the items that can be stolen will also be marked with special marks, and once someone steals If you start with items other than the target, you will face extremely severe punishment.

Although the academy encourages stealing, especially for students who are thieves, at the same time, the academy also has its own philosophy - those thieves who can't control their hands are all failed thieves.

The original words of the head of the Thieves Department are - "The real thief is not what you can steal, but what you want to steal."

Only those who act according to their own ideas can go further, instead of being blinded by their own desires, unable to see the direction, and eventually fail, because many things, once they fail, there will be no next time.

Of course, if there are people who steal, there are people who catch thieves. Similarly, the academy also set up the "King of Anti-Theft Award", and this award is awarded in a fair and honest way, and the reward is generous. In contrast, most people think that the "King of Thief Award" Also rich.

In addition to this reward, those who catch the thief, as long as they show definite evidence, can also get an item from the thief whose value is similar to the value of the stolen item, or convert it into money and credits. As for teaching the thief, As long as it does not cause death, disability, or humiliation, it can be done at will.

After all, stealing and being stolen at Yuncheng Academy is more like a game and an activity.

Both those who steal and those who catch thieves have their own tacit understanding.

Like now...

"We're so familiar, can we not slap our faces?" A male student wearing thief equipment was tied up and thrown on the ground, but he was still talking with a playful smile on his face.

"Don't worry, I'll be lighter, Boy~" A brawny farmer-like man with bronzed muscles laughed, then licked his lips and began to undress.

"Brother Jie, what are you going to do?" The thief man's face changed, it was not like this when he was caught before!

"Of course I want to show you some nice ones~" Brother Jie showed an ambiguous smile.

"Don't come here!" The thief man rubbed back.

"Then why do you always come to my vegetable garden to steal vegetables?! This is the third time this month, you've gone too far, so I decided to show you some amazing things today, so that you will never forget it!"

"Ah ♂!"

Baili Yuan stood at the door and watched the scene inside, then turned his head silently.

I don't know when it started, and the students of life-related occupations also have good combat effectiveness.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why the Academy supports this event.

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