I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 782 A Passing Old Handsome Guy

In the turbulence of time and space.

"Wow, old iron, you are so miserable, but do you want to be with me?"

The young Ultraman held out his hand to the system.

For some reason, the system rushing towards the figure suddenly remembered the scene when it and Bailiyuan met for the first time, but it was only for such a moment, the system also rushed in front of the figure, and with all its strength, it actually smashed away. figure.

And the entity condensed by Bailiyuan's light is also shattered.

The figure was knocked away, and Bailiyuan naturally let go of it. At the same time, Galateron also suddenly lifted into the air, hugged Bailiyuan, and then retreated quickly.

The system fell, recalling every bit of the relationship with Bailiyuan.

"Is this a revolving lantern?"

"Looking for death!" The figure seemed to become angry, and a black light shot towards the system, passing through the system!

The system falls to the ground, and...

"Huh? Are you okay?"

The system twisted its body, even if it was shot through by the black light, the system didn't feel anything, and there wasn't even any damage on the body.

"Oh, by the way, I am an existence between fantasy and reality. Now this intangible state cannot be attacked, oops, tsk tsk..."

Then, the system looked up and found that the figure was staring at it unkindly.

Turning his head, turning around, the system flew back into Baili Yuan's body in the blink of an eye.

"The baby is scared to death~ please hug~"

Weak, pitiful, and helpless, but coquettish.

Because the system has no entity now, it cannot leave Bailiyuan's body for too long. After all, it is a system with a host, so it cannot wander around casually, and must "care about the family".

But at this moment, Bailiyuan's situation was not very good. The flashing speed of the indicator light on his chest gradually slowed down, with a large interval between each flashing, and the red light was very weak, as if it was about to go out at any time.

"Xiao Yuan!" Ankang shouted worriedly at Baili Yuan.

"Let's evacuate quickly! Keep the green hills, so we don't have to worry about running out of firewood!" the system suggested.

Caroline didn't make a sound, but looked at Bailiyuan.

"Sorry, I might die soon." Although Bailiyuan was weak, he could speak smoothly. However, Bailiyuan really felt the loss of life.

"I'll accompany you," Caroline said.

Bailiyuan smiled.

"The system's body is condensed with the power in my body." Baili Yuan suddenly said an irrelevant topic.

"That's right." The system said.

Caroline suddenly felt that something was wrong with Bailiyuan.

Baili Yuan struggled to stand up, but one leg was broken and he could only stand on one foot.

With his back to Galatron, Baili Yuan looked at the figure in the sky.

"Then the dark power should be able to create a body for the system..."

"What?" The system was taken aback.

But at this moment, the little power left in Baili Yuan's body boiled up.

Then with a bang, a black system light sphere was squeezed out of Bailiyuan's body and fell on Galatron's body.

"Ah, come out!"

The ooze-like substance was squeezed out from Baili Yuan's body, and then fell into Galateron.

This is Caroline's body!

"Xiao Yuan!" Caroline was startled, but found that she was rejected by Baili Yuan's body, unable to return to Baili Yuan's body again, and could only fall on Galateron's body, and then with Galatron Long as a carrier.

"Next, I don't need you to accompany me!"

Bailiyuan threw the "Izreal Identity Card" and "Future Soldier Transformation Card" to Caroline.

At the same time, a light flew out of Baili Yuan's body, and it landed on the home warship in the distance, which were the spirit-possessed elves.

With his back to the crowd, Baili Yuan stood up straight and at the same time released a blessing to his left leg with his last strength.

However, due to lack of strength, the effect of the blessing did not completely heal Baili Yuan's leg, but only relieved it for a while.

"Caroline, I'll leave the rest to you, take care of everyone..." Baili Yuan's voice gradually weakened.

"Xiao Yuan, don't!" Caroline controlled Galatron to catch Baili Yuan.

However, Bailiyuan fell silent, and the indicator light on his chest became weak, almost invisible.

However, Bailiyuan took a bumpy step.

"I'm Bailiyuan, a child over two thousand years old!"

Accompanied by the shout, Baili Yuan quickened his pace and started to run. With the help of jumping, his body flew into the sky and rushed towards the figure in the air.

The figure smiled slightly, and then sent out a light blade, cutting across Baili Yuan's body, but Baili Yuan was not injured, but a doll suddenly appeared in the air, and then the doll was shattered into pieces.

The dead doll, this is the equipment that Bailiyuan bought from the system store a long time ago, it can deliver a fatal blow to the bound crotch.

Bailiyuan continued to rush towards the figure.

Seeing this, the figure was a little surprised, and then slowly raised a finger.


The black light flashed, pierced through the position of Baili Yuan's heart, and then emerged from behind Baili Yuan.

Bailiyuan fell to the ground like a rag.


Bailiyuan fell to the ground, and the indicator light on his chest was completely extinguished.

"Xiao Yuan!!!"

Shouts came from the position of the home ship and the lowered Galatron.

Light bloomed from the direction of the home warship.

At this time, Junko Shirakawa's state was very wrong, her body glowed, everyone was staring at Junko Shirakawa, even Junko Shirakawa looked at her hands unexpectedly.

Then the light on Shirakawa Junko's body split into two, turning into two beams and falling on both sides of the home space, and then two giants of light appeared in the light!

"This is……"

"Ultraman Seven!"

"Ultraman Leo!"

"Why did the two Ultra fighters appear from Captain Bai Chuan's body?!"

The secretary narrowed his eyes slightly.


Ultraman Seven and Ultraman Leo appear very few times, but if you study carefully, you will find that every time these two Ultraman appear, there is always a common premise - the appearance of an enemy , Shirakawa Junko is in danger!

Unfortunately, the secretary is the caring person.

But because there was no basis for this possibility, and there was no evidence, the secretary never revealed it.

But now it seems that the two Ultra fighters are indeed related to Shirakawa Junko.

Some broken memories also appeared in Shirakawa Junko's mind.

It was an old-looking Ultraman wearing a cloak, with a sphere on the head, red eyes, armor on the shoulders, a huge ornate medal on the waist, most of the body was silver, and the limbs were black. There is a part of the color of the gold.


"You are Junko Shirakawa? I feel your heartfelt voice, but if you really choose this path, it will be very difficult."

"I don't care, I'm going to find him!"

"Why? Love?"

"No, young, self-willed!"

"Interesting, okay, but there are many uncertainties in traveling through time and space, and it also consumes a lot of power, um, I just secretly borrowed some of the power of Seven and Leo for you, don't tell others, and these powers can be extended Your lifespan keeps you young~"

"Okay, thank you very much, but who are you?"

"Me? An old handsome guy passing by~"



After Ultraman Seven and Ultraman Leo came out, they both looked at Bailiyuan, then flew towards Bailiyuan, and entered Bailiyuan's body again as light.

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