Chapter 771 Adult Magazine

This is an event that has spread to the whole world. A large number of people have fainted all over the world, but the reason for the fainting is unknown, and they cannot wake up.

The coma came so suddenly that he couldn't take precautions.

And this kind of indiscriminate coma has also caused many problems, the operation of the world has problems, and some people even died because of sudden coma.

The Blue Star Defense Team issued a danger warning to the entire world, asking everyone to stop what they were doing, find a safe place to take refuge, and ensure that there would be no danger after they fell into a coma.

Although many people in the Blue Star Defense Team are unconscious, the internal system of the Blue Star Defense Team can do the notification.

Because many people suddenly fell into a coma, panic and chaos appeared in the world, but this chaos did not last too long, because more people fell into a coma, and many cities with fewer people seemed to become ghost towns without a trace. The sound made even the animals faint.

In the Blue Star Defense Team, several figures sat in a meeting room.

Executive officer, secretary, three captains and three vice-captains, Ankang, several team members and Bailiyuan.

"Are we the only ones in the defense team who can stay awake?" the executive officer asked with a serious face.

"According to the report, this is the case." The secretary browsed the data in front of him with an equally serious expression. "No one from any department responded to the message. Fortunately, the system in the base is still running and there is no problem."

After returning to the base, the members of the Blue Star Defense Team also fell into a coma one after another. Only some people in the conference room were still awake at this time, and those members who went out to relax or go to the bathroom also disappeared.

"How many people in this world can stay awake?" the executive then asked.

The secretary looked at the screen in front of him, then shook his head.

"Now the branches in various places have been paralyzed, and it is impossible to report at all."

"It's more serious than expected." Junko Bai Chuan tapped her finger on the table.

"Everyone, please contact your family members first. No, everyone who can be contacted should contact you to see what's going on outside and see if anyone is still awake," the executive officer said.

Everyone nodded.

Soon, everyone contacted around, but their expressions were not very good.

"Are your relatives and friends still awake?" The executive officer said with a bad face. His relatives and friends had no news.

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads.

Ankang also paused, then shook his head.

Ren Jie and An Mengmeng were also awake, but he didn't intend to say anything, and now they should have gone out to check the situation.

"A few of my friends can still stay awake, but they are all people who practice swordsmanship and know little about the outside world. I have already reminded them, but they said that they will go out to see the outside situation. " Junko Baichuan said.

"Is anyone still awake?" Everyone was a little surprised.

"Maybe we can see the similarities between them, and maybe we can find the reason to solve this coma incident." The captain of the Ska team said, and then everyone looked at Junko Shirakawa.

Shirakawa Junko frowned and thought about it.

"If you want to talk about the similarities, they are all people with firm will, simple mind, and only the sword." Junko Baichuan said.

"Could it be that I'm also a person with a firm will and a simple mind?" The captain of the Oushen team scratched his head.

"Not necessarily, why didn't everyone in our room fall into a coma?" Song Qian said the key to the matter.

They were all awake, but some of the players outside fell into a coma. Aren't those players strong-willed?

"Maybe there is some special reason for this."

Everyone looked at each other with some doubts, and finally they all looked at Bailiyuan.

"Huh?" Baili Yuan was taken aback, "I didn't do anything."

"I think it might be because of a problem with this room." The captain of the Oushen team said suddenly, and then got up.

"I'll go out and try!"

"Wait a minute! Captain!" A member of the Oushen team grabbed his own captain.

"The captain and vice-captains must be sober, so leave the probing to me!" said the team member, and after finishing speaking, he walked out the door first.

"Wait a minute!" The captain of the Oushen team wanted to hold back his players, but was stopped by the vice-captain Monica.

Monica shook her head at the captain of the Oushen team.

"I believe everyone will be fine." Monica said seriously.

"That's right, I also believe that the captain will wake me up. If I am really unconscious, it will be regarded as falling asleep." The team member said to the captain of the Oushen team with a smile.

The captain of the Oushen team was silent, and then gave a team salute, and everyone else did the same.

The team members returned a team salute, and then walked out of the meeting room.

"Huh? Are you okay?" The team members were a little surprised, but before they could laugh, they rolled their eyes and fell to the ground.

"Xiao Hai!" The Oushen team captain exclaimed, and came to the door, but stopped there.

Bailiyuan also came to the door, and then stretched out his hand to pull the team members back to the conference room, but the team members did not wake up.

Bailiyuan stood up after examining the unconscious team members.

"It seems to be affected, but there is no problem with the body."

"Thank you." The Oushen team captain said to Bailiyuan.

"You're welcome, but I can't make him wake up." Baili Yuan said with a frown. He also tried to wake up the team members with his own light or blessing, but the team members didn't respond.

Moreover, Bailiyuan didn't feel any signs of being attacked on the team members, as if the team members should have fallen asleep.

"No, we can't sit still," the executive said.

"Maybe there is really something in the conference room that can keep us awake, let's look for it carefully."

Others nodded one after another.

Then the executive officer opened the cabinet in the conference room under everyone's puzzled eyes.

"Everyone, search quickly!" said the executive officer.

Only then did the others come to their senses, and then began to search the meeting room, turning over everything in every corner, and even turning over the meeting table.

However, after a lot of searching, the problematic things were not found, but a bunch of things that shouldn't exist were found.

"Snacks, toys, figurines, electric hot pots, and adult impurities..." Bailiyuan looked at the things on the ground and twitched his lips. He couldn't imagine why so many things could be hidden in a conference room with only a few cabinets .

The executive officer also looked at everyone present with a bad expression, and many of them showed ashamed expressions, because it was against the regulations to enter the base with these things.

"Everyone put away your own things, and help put away other people's things too." Junko Bai Chuan said with a sigh.

Everyone hurried forward and put away their own things or those of their friends.

In the end, however, there was one adult magazine left on the floor.

Shirakawa Junko frowned.

"Whose is this?"

But no one said anything.

At this time, the secretary moved closer to the executive officer.

"Executive officer, do you really not need to collect your impurities?"

The executive's expression changed.

"how do you know?!"

A mysterious smile appeared on the secretary's face, but he didn't reply.

And because of the executive's behavior just now, the others also looked at the executive, with strange expressions on their faces.

"This meeting room is the special meeting room for our three teams, why is something from the executive officer appearing in our meeting room, or something like this..." Song Qian narrowed her eyes, and the other female team members subconsciously groaned. After taking a step back, only the secretary was still standing beside the executive officer, showing an expression that had nothing to do with him.

The captain of the Ska team looked at his vice-captain and felt a toothache.

Pay attention, the executive officer doesn't want to lose face?

Still, the magazine is good, and the executive is still very tasteful.

Except for Baili Yuan, all the men present looked at each other.

I checked the eyes, they were all peeking people.

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