Chapter 767 Dr. Ott

"Speaking of demi-artifacts..."

Baili Yuan took out a huge battle ax from the warehouse.

"Bat battle axe: a semi-divine weapon, but it is entangled with strong resentment. If you use it forcibly, it will be corroded by resentment. Note: After cleaning up the resentment, the quality of the battle ax will decrease. Skills: [Resentment]: Entangled by resentment, the strength recovery will be enhanced, But you will lose your will, lose your mind, and sink into resentment."

This is the loot obtained after defeating Gua Wraith in the world of Ultraman X, along with a bat whip.

Compared with the bat battle ax that cannot be easily used, the bat whip Bailiyuan can be used instead, and the bat whip also has a skill that can pierce armor [pain].

As a summoner, one of the weapons that Bailiyuan can use is the whip, but it is generally called the animal taming whip.

Wait... Summoner? Taming whip?

Baili Yuan folded his arms around his chest.

"What's wrong?" Caroline asked.

"I'm thinking about why I'm a summoner doing things like a berserker."


Bailiyuan looked back at the Heima fishing rod again, and then compared the Heima fishing rod with the bat battle axe.

"Demi-artifact, what is the similarity?"

The description of Heima Fishing Rod is different from that of Bat Battle Axe, so we can't find any similarities.

And the three words "semi-artifact" of Heima Fishing Rod appear in the skill, and the three words "half-artifact" of Bat Tomahawk appear in the introduction.

Perhaps this is the difference between the two.

"Caroline, can I check the difference?"

"Can try."

This inspection took more than an hour, and the final conclusion surprised Bailiyuan.

"Although the strength of the Heima fishing rod has improved, and it is out of the category of ordinary fishing rods, it is still a fishing rod and an item in essence, but the bat battle ax is different. Compared with its own characteristics as a weapon, it has more This kind of power fluctuation is not usually possessed by the Heima fishing rod, but if the skill of the Heima fishing rod semi-artifact is used, then this special power fluctuation will also appear on the Heima fishing rod. "

"Besides this kind of power fluctuation, because of the limited information about the demigod, even after a more detailed inspection, we haven't found too many similarities. Maybe there are some things about the demigod that we don't know about. "

Baili Yuan rubbed his hands, suddenly thought of something, and took out his Eternal Spirit Knife.

"The Eternal Soul Knife is an artifact, maybe we can find something else."

However, after some inspections, Caroline still found nothing, and even the inspection results showed that the Eternal Soul Knife was just a harder ordinary kitchen knife.

"The methods on the scientific side are different from those on the mysterious side. Maybe I don't have the ability to touch the more advanced areas on the mysterious side." Caroline said with some regret.

"Don't worry, I will always be able to visit that area in the future."

Bailiyuan put away the Heima fishing rod and Yongling knife, but kept the bat battle axe.

"Anything wrong with the Bat-Axe?"

Bailiyuan looked at the huge bat prisoner and touched his chin.

"Don't you think the energy fluctuations of resentment on the bat prisoner of war are somewhat similar to the energy fluctuations of spiritual power?"

Caroline froze for a moment.

"Indeed, do you have any ideas? Clearing out the resentment will reduce the quality of the battle axe."

"Then what if I don't know how to get rid of the resentment?" Baili Yuan was thinking, "Do you think I can pass the resentment and then control the battle axe? After all, this is a powerful semi-divine weapon."

Caroline was taken aback again.

"But can you use an axe?"

This time it was Bailiyuan's turn to be dazed.

Caroline was always able to ask key points.

That's right, what's the use of controlling the bat battle ax by yourself?

My weapon is Jinglong Shigemitsu, and Jinglong Shigemitsu is no worse than a demi-magic weapon, and it is Zanpakuto, which can perfectly fit my own strength.

Even if the bat battle ax is a semi-divine weapon, but it should be rarely used if it is fully controlled by oneself.

Could it be that he really wanted to change his job to be a berserker with an ax in his hand?

Bat whips are more practical than bat battle axes.

Bailiyuan twitched the corner of his mouth.

"But, after all, it is a semi-divine weapon..."

At the beginning, Bailiyuan didn't disassemble the bat battle ax because of the word "semi-artifact".

"Maybe you can break it down and see if you can break it down to something good."

"What if it fails?"

"Then it will fail. It's not my ax anyway."


After some hesitation, Bailiyuan still trembled and threw the bat prisoner in his hand into the decomposition machine.

"System, if the decomposition fails, you will be miserable!"


The success rate of the decomposition machine is out of my control!

After putting the bat battle ax into the decomposition machine, Baili Yuan did not wait, but started his own cultivation.

While practicing, Baili Yuan also began to think about things.

For the time being, Bailiyuan still lives in Universe Village, but there are some things to think about.

It has been two months since I came to this world, and it is considered to be a world where I have stayed for a relatively long time.

However, from Ultraman Nesser, Bailiyuan learned that this world is not the world of the Ultra universe he was born in.

The timeline doesn't match up.

Because the captain of the Ultra Space Guard in this period is - Ultraman Taro!

Ultraman Taro has also grown a beard.

And beards can only be grown by people over 40,000 years old in the Otto clan, that is to say, this era is almost 30,000 years after Baili Yuan was born.

This is the future time and space of Altec Universe!

As for the father of Otto and other Otto brothers in this period, they have all resigned and become heroes. Although they are still there, they rarely appear, fighting in unknown star fields, and maintaining the universe. safety.

Taro took over the position of Ultra's father, deterring the evil Xiaoxiao in the universe, and taking over Sophie's position is Ultraman Mebius, but Mebius hasn't grown a beard yet, and Mebius Su Altman also serves as the instructor of the Alt School.

In addition to them, there were two very famous Ultra fighters in this period, one of which was Ultraman Sailuo, the son of Ultraman Seven, who was known as "the most powerful warrior in the Kingdom of Light". "Warrior", but always travels in the universe with the team he formed to maintain the peace of the universe, because of his chic fighting posture, he has won widespread attention from the female creatures in the universe.

In addition to Ultraman Zero, another very famous Ultraman is also a red and blue mixed-race Ultraman, known as "Dr. Ultra".

However, unlike Ultraman Zero, Dr. Otto rarely appears, no, it should be said that he almost never appears, but it does exist, because many technological means and combat methods of the Kingdom of Light now come from this Dr. Ott, and many Ultra fighters know this Dr. Ott, but they will not disclose any information about the identity of this Dr. Ott.

However, through the descriptions of these Ultra fighters, it can be determined that this Dr. Ultra is also not weak.

Especially Ultraman Taylor, every time he talks about Dr. Otto, he always says the word "eat".

Therefore, some people speculate that the relationship between Dr. Ott and Ultraman Tyro is very good, and they may be characters from the same period. Maybe the two always eat together.

However, in Bailiyuan's memory, there is no such thing as a "doctor" among the Ultramans of the same era as Ultraman Taro.

Could it be Tsuburaya's newly designed Ultraman?

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