Chapter 759: Ice and Snow Cage, Powerless Fury

"Draw your sword, Jing Long Chongguang!"

Jian Guang appeared from behind the neck of Furious Sin, attacking directly.

However, to Bailiyuan's surprise, the crime of rage raised an arm in time and grabbed Jing Long Chongguang!

Baili Yuan's expression changed again, and with a shake of the long sword in his hand, he shook off the hand of the crime of rage, and then retreated.

The strength of the opponent in this form is very strong!

"Compared to the mutations I've seen before, this second-stage mutation is obviously stronger, and already has platinum-level strength!" Baili Yuan analyzed, "Then, after turning into a monster, the opponent's strength..."

Didn't think about it too much, because the crime of rage has moved.

Looking at Bailiyuan, the crime of rage raised the knight spear in his hand, and then sprinted over, extremely fast and powerful at the same time, the ground was crushed by the sin of rage's four legs, turning into pieces of rubble.

Baili Yuan retreated quickly, and at the same time a belt appeared around Baili Yuan's waist.

However, there were not many areas in the street where Bailiyuan could retreat. In a blink of an eye, Bailiyuan was forced under a building, and the crime of rage had not stopped.

Bailiyuan squatted down and took out his ID card.


"Angry sprint!"


The crime of rage rushed into the building, turning a wall into ruins, and the dust was everywhere, making it difficult to see what was going on inside.

Immediately afterwards, there was another loud noise, and the crime of rage rushed out from the other wall of the building, but on the tip of its spear... there was no sign of Bailiyuan!

The crime of rage stopped.

Clap, stampede came from behind the crashed wall.

"It's really thrilling." Baili Yuan came out wearing a battle armor.

Although there are many ways for Bailiyuan to escape or fight back without the battle armor, the battle armor must be worn. In the human body state, the help of the battle armor to Bailiyuan is very obvious.

Moreover, Bailiyuan looked at the extra glory eggs in the warehouse, this was his goal.

Glory egg +1

Bailiyuan shook his hand.

"Sarah, let's count your sins."

And the crime of rage also raised the knight spear in his hand again, and the joints on his body sprayed out white high-temperature gas, making a hissing sound of discouragement.

Bailiyuan chuckled, this time he took the initiative to rush towards the crime of rage, and at the same time drew out a card and inserted it into his belt.

"It's up to you, Menus!"


Pink, green, and beige rays of light enveloped Bailiyuan's body, and the color of the rays of light was the same as that of Shining Menus.

On both sides of the armor's two legs, patterns similar to those of Menus appeared. Beige lines appeared on the body, and a pattern representing water appeared on the chest. At the same time, a pink-green wing-like decoration appeared on the head of the armor. .

The sound of water flowing rang around Baili Yuan's body.

【Play! Sky blue rapids! Venus under the lake! Mercy form! 】

Baili Yuan opened his hands, and the water stream appeared on both sides of his body, like two ribbons, slightly supporting Baili Yuan's body.

The crime of rage charged towards Bailiyuan again, but Bailiyuan seemed unhurried.

"Let's play in the water together~"

Baili Yuan snapped his fingers, and the surrounding environment also became more humid.

Bailiyuan clasped his hands, and the water condensed in his hands.

"Water Waves!"

The water polo condensed in Baili Yuan's hand fluctuated violently, and then Baili Yuan suddenly pushed the water polo towards the crime of rage who rushed in front of him.


The water polo exploded, and its power was not low. It pushed the sin of rage back, and the sin of rage almost fell down.

Bailiyuan was not affected too much, and Bailiyuan raised his hand again, and the water around him gathered into his hand, turning into a huge water flow like a whip.

"Water tail!"

Sensing the crisis, the crime of rage turned around immediately, successfully dodging Bailiyuan's attack, and the tail of the water flow fell to the ground.


A thick and hideous crack appeared on the ground.

The crime of rage glanced at the crack, and subconsciously shrunk his neck.

Then, the crime of rage found that the whip in Baili Yuan's hand had been pulled down again.

Sin of Rage hurried to his feet on all fours, then spun around and dodged, dodging the whip.

When the supporting soldiers arrived, they saw this scene - Baili Yuan was holding a water whip, whipping in the direction of Raging Sin, and Raging Sin was turning quickly to dodge.

"Is this spinning a top?"

But this situation didn't continue, and Baili Yuan changed his tactics very quickly.

"There's enough water around."

Ice crystals condensed around Bailiyuan.

Although Bailiyuan's attack was to defeat the crime of rage, it was also to increase the concentration of water vapor around him.

Baili Yuan looked up at the crime of rage.

"Cool you down!"

During this period of time, Bailiyuan has almost figured out the situation of Rage Sin. As the temperature in Rage Sin's body rises, the strength of Rage Sin is constantly increasing. However, every time Rage Sin erupts, the body's The temperature will drop a little, and the strength will drop.

Therefore, the conclusion drawn is that the strength of the crime of rage is directly proportional to the body temperature.

Therefore, Bailiyuan decided to artificially cool down the crime of rage.

However, the temperature in the sin of rage is not so easy to lower, it needs a lot of ice, in the previous environment, Bailiyuan's ice escape could not meet the requirements, so it is necessary to increase the water content in the surrounding environment.

It's a pity that Bailiyuan doesn't have a powerful ice elf around him, so he can only use water to generate ice, otherwise Bailiyuan is now in a state of ice attribute, and the suppression of the crime of rage is definitely greater.

But Bailiyuan didn't panic.

Cooling the crime of rampage with the help of ice escape is only part of the plan.

Baili Yuan's fingers slid across his waist, a ray of light shot out from Baili Yuan's lower body and fell on the ground, and the figure of Menus appeared beside Baili Yuan.

"Trouble you, Menus!"

Menus nodded to Bailiyuan, and the surrounding temperature dropped a bit.

Bailiyuan made a handprint.


Lengyueshuanghua, the ice escape secret technique of the Minazuki clan, uses ice to trap the opponent, but this is only the simplest method, there are many derivative effects of this trick, but the simplest method is enough for now.

Large sheets of ice appeared all around.

And Menas also acted.

Ask for rain!


Freezing Wind!

The continuous use of the three skills actually made the three skills linked together. A large piece of ice and snow was blown in the direction of the crime of rage, covering a large area, and Bailiyuan's ice escape also created a circle of ice wall, covering the place of the crime of rage. The crime was trapped in it, and at the same time, the ice escape gradually spread to the crime of rage, trying to bury the crime of rage.

However, the crime of rage is also counterattacking, not only the attack, but the high temperature emitted by the crime of rage is also melting the ice and snow.

If the speed of ice and snow can't keep up with the speed of melting ice and snow, then it will be the victory of the crime of rage!

There was a gleam of light around Menus' mouth.

Freezing Beam!

Frozen marks finally appeared on the body of the crime of rage!

But the crime of rage still did not give up resistance.


The sin of rage seemed to lose his mind, the temperature in his body rose a lot again, the traces of freezing on his body disappeared, and at the same time, the sin of rage was also frantically attacking the surrounding ice.

However, the crime of rage still failed to break through the ice and snow cage jointly created by Bailiyuan and Menus!

Baili Yuan clapped his hands, looked at the crime of rage that was venting crazily there, and clicked his tongue twice.

"Incompetent rage."

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