Chapter 739

Although the content of Hongshuang's personal gift was not much, it was just right for Bailiyuan now.

Hongshuang's personal gift includes three aspects - Hongshuang's own practice perception of ice power, analysis and extension of potential, and some news about the spirit world.

Hongshuang's own understanding of the practice of ice power is not so deep, it is just a prototype of practice, the most important part is a special kind of ice condensed by using spiritual power, this ice is named by Hongshuang——Ling ice.

Well, simple and straightforward.

Spiritual ice is different from ordinary ice, and the influence of natural laws on spiritual ice will also be reduced, and the effect of spiritual ice is also different from ordinary ice. Spiritual ice is colder than ordinary ice, and it especially restrains creatures with condensed spiritual power.

And when a stranger is frozen by the spirit ice, he will be frozen from the soul to the body, which is even more dangerous.

The analysis and extension of the potential is the most helpful to Baili Yuan, Baili Yuan did not expect Hongshuang to understand the content of the potential.

According to Hongshuang's narration, everyone has their own will, and when a person's pure will condenses to a certain extent, it will sublimate to power.

The will affects itself, and the momentum is able to start affecting other people.

Of course, the momentum condensed by different wills in different ways is different. Some people's momentum can shock the world as soon as it is condensed, while some people's momentum can only help the battle.

For example, Bailiyuan belongs to the latter.

Fortunately, the momentum can actually be enhanced. The stronger the heart, the stronger the strength, the stronger the momentum.

And when you understand the momentum, you will have the qualification to understand your own Tao. As for how to understand depends on the opportunity and your own understanding.

Finally, news about the spirit world.

To be precise, the spirit world is a special world full of spiritual power. It can be said to be a layer in the interlayer on the surface of the world. The situation in different worlds is different, so not all worlds have the spirit world. The situation in the spirit world is also different.

And those who can enter the spirit world are often not living things, and the spiritual power in the spirit world will also infect the existence of the spiritual power, and then transform them into new life forms, such as monsters.

This does not mean that strangers cannot have spiritual power, on the contrary, those who have spiritual power are all talented people.

However, as a stranger, although one can have spiritual power, if one goes to the spirit world, a world with abundant spiritual power, and stays in the spirit world for a long time, he will also be infected by the abundant spiritual power of the spirit world, and eventually turn into a half body. It will be very difficult for a creature composed of human and half spiritual power to return to the material world.

In addition to this point, there will be creatures hostile to the existence of the material world in the spiritual world of some worlds, especially living beings. Once they stray into the spiritual world, they will become the targets of these beings, and even their food.

But for some reason, the spirit world of Blue Star World is extremely empty, there are no active creatures at all, and it is quite scattered.

This is Hongshuang's gift, and it is of great help to Bailiyuan. In many cases, knowledge is more important than power.

Then there are the reward eggs brought by the recruitment mode.

Bailiyuan cracked open the golden egg and got what he wanted. The book about Bingdun was a scroll - "Book of Bing".

""Ice の书": A book about ice escape, which records the basics of ice escape and some ninjutsu of ice escape."

Bailiyuan opened the scroll as soon as he got it, and flipped through it.

The content in "Bing の Book" is not just the skills of the Mizuki clan of the Ice escape family in "Naruto" that Bailiyuan expected, but the collection of ice escape ninjutsu that appeared in the world of "Naruto" , but the number of ice escape ninjutsu recorded is not as many as imagined, it is indeed a part.

Fortunately, the basic content of Ice Escape is very comprehensive.

There are only three basic stages of Ice Escape - ice freezing, shaping, and crushing ice.

Ice condensing is to condense the ice escape into ice, shaping is to shape the ice into the shape you want, and crushing ice is to control your own ice to break.

Although Bingdun is the limit of Blood Successor, it can be said to be an innate ability as long as it is awakened, but it still requires a certain amount of connection and effort to achieve free control.

Otherwise, if the power is not used well, it will hurt others and yourself.

Bailiyuan asked Caroline to record all the contents for herself and put away the scroll.

Bailiyuan is used to asking Caroline to help memorize things, such as exercises, skills, favorite ladies... cross out the last one.

"You can show Nicole that scroll, and even if you don't have Chakra, you can learn from the attack method." Caroline reminded.

Bailiyuan nodded, then sent the scroll into the home space and handed it to Nicole.


Get what you want, and then enjoy it.

"Oh oh oh~"

Bailiyuan stepped on the snowboard to move forward in the snow.

Although Bailiyuan was also exposed to skiing for the first time, after all, Bailiyuan was not an ordinary person, and it was easy to get started, and he did not look like a novice at all.

Stopping handsomely, Bailiyuan stepped on his skis to stop on the snow, then took off his helmet and goggles, his handsome black hair fluttering in the sun.

At this time, Bailiyuan looks like an adult, but he also looks free in his twenties, and he is quite handsome, especially the inexplicable temperament (charm bonus) on his body makes him even more attractive.

No, when Bailiyuan was about to skate for the second lap, a little girl had already come up to strike up a conversation.

Although women have different requirements for men due to different ages, but no matter when they are good-looking, they can often have certain privileges.

Do you really think that the other party looks down on you because you don't meet the other party's requirements?

No, it's not that you are not good-looking!

This is true for both men and women.

Before being trapped in talent and being loyal to character, there is another sentence that starts with appearance! ! !

"Well, we're not very good at skiing yet..." the two little beauties said shyly in front of Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan looked the two girls up and down, and then smiled.

"I'll pay attention when I'm skiing later, don't worry, I won't hit you, but I guess you won't be able to slide in front of me! Hahaha..."



! ?

Regardless of the dazed appearance of the two girls, Bailiyuan put on the goggles again, and then rushed down again with force.

Bailiyuan didn't wear a helmet this time, feeling the wind blowing past his ears, Bailiyuan showed a comfortable smile. (do not imitate)

Bailiyuan still likes the feeling of fast speed.

"If the ice escape is condensed into an ice path, can it be used as a means of fast movement, and most people are not used to moving on the ice, um... this trick is called slippery..."

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