I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 736 Red Frost

The emptiness of the snow-capped mountains facilitated Bailiyuan's recruitment battle.

Although he was recruited at the gold level this time, the opponent was not too far away from Bailiyuan, nor was he far from Zhongtian Ski Resort.

Bailiyuan and Nicole found each other easily.

However, because it is a special call, the opponent's strength is also very clear. Although it has not reached the platinum level, it is definitely the top existence in the gold level!

What appeared in front of Bailiyuan was a beautiful woman in a blue and white kimono, who was not very eye-catching in the snow-capped mountains.

However, the woman's eyes were red, and gave Baili Yuan a very dangerous feeling.

Not because of appearance, but because of momentum!

After seeing the woman, Nicole hid behind Bailiyuan, and Bailiyuan also sent Nicole back to her home, and then took out Jinglong Chongguang, and became vigilant.

The woman obviously fits the image of a big sister that Baili Yuan likes, and is even more beautiful, but Baili Yuan can't arouse any interest, and instead feels a little chills down the spine.

Seeing Baili Yuan's arrival, the woman smiled.

"Are you a tester? You are really weak."

Baili Yuan twitched the corners of his mouth, how could he be able to violently beat platinum level enemies, okay?

You are a gold-level, even if you are a stronger gold-level, you have the nerve to mock me?

"However, it is enough to deal with concubines in this period." The woman's smile remained unchanged.


Baili Yuan always felt that the enemies he recruited this time were a bit strange.

Not only is there no explanation, but the way he speaks is also weird, as if he is very awesome.

Well, be careful.

The woman nodded to Bailiyuan.

"The name of the concubine is Hongshuang, the snow girl of the void, but the concubine in this period is just an ordinary snow girl, and she will be your opponent today. If you can defeat the concubine, the concubine will give you some things you need. I reward you."

Saying that, Hongshuang pulled out a simple-looking Taidao from nowhere, and then slowly pulled out the Taidao, revealing the ice-blue blade with a cold air.

Hongshuang threw away the scabbard casually, pointed the blade of the tachi upright in front of her eyes, aimed at Bailiyuan, then narrowed her eyes slightly, but still had a smile on her face.

"Then let's start, holding the consciousness of being killed!"

As soon as Hongshuang's words fell, the pupils of Bailiyuan's eyes shrank, because the Hongshuang that was in front of his eyes disappeared!

Immediately afterwards, Baili Yuan felt a chill on the back of his neck.

not good!

Baili Yuan was startled, and immediately moved away from the spot.


The sound of piercing the sky came from where Baili Yuan was standing just now.

When Bailiyuan looked in that direction, Hongshuang was slowly retracting the Taidao that was swung out, and the body of the Taidao was still emitting a cold air.

"If I hadn't been vigilant all the time, I should have been beheaded by now..." Baili Yuan was a little scared. Even if he had been vigilant all the time and held the hilt of his sword, he still almost couldn't react, so he could only choose to evacuate , rather than parry or counterattack.

Hongshuang still had a smile on her face, and the blue and white kimono on her body was still so supple.

Baili Yuan concentrated all her attention on Hongshuang.

Hongshuang was wearing a kimono, Fang was inconvenient to fight, and Bailiyuan didn't know, but it was true that Hongshuang almost killed him just now.

Hongshuang moved again, but this time she didn't show that unbelievable speed. Instead, she stepped on the snow and rushed towards Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan greeted him without hesitation.

"Draw out the sword, Jinglong Chongguang! Juhe slash!"

The moment Jing Long Chongguang came out of his sheath, he slashed towards Hongshuang with a mixture of powerful strength and a decisive momentum.

Hongshuang didn't mean to hurt both sides, so Hongshuang changed her tactics.

However, Hongshuang just stopped in her tracks, turned the Taidao in her hand and held it backwards in her hand. There was nothing fancy about it, it was just a simple change of move, and she didn't seem to use much power.

However, just hearing a "ding", the seemingly ordinary Tai Dao in Hongshuang's hand easily held Baili Yuan's Juhe Zhan!

Bailiyuan didn't hesitate too much, if one move fails, then continue to attack!

Because of the speed Hongshuang showed before, Bailiyuan didn't want Hongshuang to take the initiative to attack.

The battle rhythm must be in your own hands!

Jing Long Shigemitsu turned around, rubbed the blade of the Taidao and cut towards Hongshuang's hand holding the Taidao.

Hongshuang hopped, retreated, protected her hands, and then changed hands to hold the Taidao, her appearance was still elegant, with a faint smile on her face, calm and unhurried.

Bailiyuan continued to bully him, swiping the long sword in his hand quickly, Hongshuang kept retreating, and occasionally blocked Bailiyuan's attack with the sword in his hand.

"Although it's just a simple collision, I can feel that you have good fighting strength, but you are still too immature. By the way, your sword is really like CXK."


Bailiyuan looked confused, he didn't understand Hongshuang's words, but he still understood the meaning of Hongshuang's words - she was mocking him for his inability to use a sword.

But there is no way, Bailiyuan has been learning sword skills, and he can only use double-edged swords as knives, so when he dances swords, it feels like using knives, but knives and swords are actually There are differences, at least the way of using a single-edged sword and a double-edged sword is different.

Single-edged swords are more about strength and speed, while double-edged swords are more skill-oriented.

However, Jinglong Chongguang is Bailiyuan's strongest weapon. Facing Hongshuang, Bailiyuan has no choice but to choose Jinglong Chongguang, so now he can only bite the bullet and use it.

The long sword in Baili Yuan's hand shone with light, and the various amplified powers that Baili Yuan had mastered were attached to the blade.


The powerful move that Bailiyuan once used was able to slash three times in a short period of time, so that the three attacks fell almost simultaneously.

Three saber lights flashed, directly hitting Hongshuang's throat, heart, and abdomen, three fatal parts.

However, Hongshuang just squinted her eyes, held the Taidao with both hands, and slowly raised it.

"Ghost Skill: Flower in the Mist!"

As Hongshuang raised her hand, an afterimage appeared in front of Hongshuang.

Bailiyuan and Hongshuang crossed each other.

Panting heavily, Baili Yuan retreated quickly, but his hand holding Jing Long Chongguang was still trembling.

What just happened?

Hongshuang turned around, with a smile on her face, but the smile looked a little scary, because a bloodstain slowly appeared on Hongshuang's cheek, and the red blood flowed down, staining Hongshuang's half. The face was stained with red frost on the blue and white kimono, and it was dotted with a lot of blood.

"Very good change." Hongshuang said with a smile.

Baili Yuan gasped for breath and didn't answer. He also expended more energy in order to change his moves, and using Future Eye also consumed energy.

Although Bailiyuan used the continuous chop just now, he saved his hand, knowing that Hongshuang was not so easy to deal with, so he secretly used Future Tong.

Future Hitomi can only see what happens in the next five seconds, although it is short, it is enough.

Through the future pupil, Bailiyuan knew that the continuous slash would have no result, and he would be retaliated, so he temporarily changed his move, gave up the next attack, and instead targeted the attack on Hongshuang's head. The target is Hongshuang's head!

The change of tactics is only in an instant, and it is difficult for ordinary people to react.

But Hongshuang used his terrifying combat experience to block Bailiyuan's move. Although he still missed a knife, Bailiyuan's knife just brushed Hongshuang's face and didn't produce any substantial effect at all. harvest.

No, it seems that Hongshuang is a little angry.

Hongshuang wiped the blood on her face with one hand, then raised her face to look, but she still had that smile on her face.

But Bailiyuan couldn't laugh anymore.

"Hey, did you know that Xue Nu's blood is actually red, but do you know the origin of my name?"

The blood in Hongshuang's hands gradually solidified and swelled, turning into red ice crystals in a blink of an eye, releasing red cold air.

Hongshuang's eyes became even more blood red.

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