Chapter 733: Prompt from God

"Please forgive some of our impoliteness, because we are also the first contact with Ultraman, so I don't know if Mr. Bailiyuan can reveal something about Ultraman for us, but I hope you don't worry too much, we There is no other meaning, but I am instinctively curious about the Ultraman who has been protecting this planet and all life on the blue star." Song Qian said.

Bailiyuan blinked.

Song Qian and Monica smiled.

"But, I refuse!"


Bailiyuan shook his head.

"Your planet is guarded by Ultra warriors. I'm just an ordinary Ultraman passing by. Since the Ultraman guarding this planet hasn't revealed anything to you, I can't say much, but I hope you don't Therefore, there is a grudge, no matter what happens in the future, I hope you can fight side by side with the Ultra fighters and trust each other, the future of this planet is in your hands."

Baili Yuan silently gave herself a thumbs-up. This passage is so well spoken, it's like an old sow wearing a bra - one set after another!

However, although Bailiyuan's words sounded nice, Song Qian and Monica still heard the rejection in Bailiyuan's words, and Bai Chuanjunzi was still distracted.

Monica couldn't help being a little disappointed.

Song Qian just paused, but the smile on her face did not change.

"So, Mr. Bailiyuan is just passing by Blue Star temporarily?" Song Qian grasped a key point in Bailiyuan's words.

Bailiyuan nodded.

"Yes, I have just come to this planet for a while, and I will only stay for a while, and then I will leave."

"Leave?" Shirakawa Junko finally recovered.

"You want to go?"

"I don't plan to leave yet." Baili Yuan scratched his head, "I still need to recuperate on Blue Star for a while, and it seems that something is happening on this planet, so I will stay for a while."

"For a while?" Junko Shirakawa fell silent again.

Song Qian and Monica looked at each other.

"Mr. Bailiyuan, are you saying, what is happening on this planet?" Song Qian asked in a serious tone, this is not a trivial matter.

Monica's brain was also working fast.

"Could it be, is there any connection with the monsters that appeared during this time?"

If there are any major events on Blue Star recently, there are only monsters that appear more frequently, and Monica made a bold guess.

But this guess is obviously not a good thing.

Baili Yuan nodded with a serious face.

"Although the specific situation cannot be determined yet, the monsters that have appeared recently are all related."

"This is not good news." Monica clenched her fists.

Song Qian also nodded, and even Junko Bai Chuan came back to her senses.

Based on their experience, there is definitely a more terrifying disaster behind all such interrelated events.

This is like playing a game. If you want to deal with powerful bosses, you must eliminate the mobs before the boss. Often, the more powerful the boss, the more mobs you have under you, and the stronger the strength.

"This matter must be prepared early!" Junko Bai Chuan made a decision, "We will return to the defense team now!"

Junko Shirakawa has developed her own rules of conduct over the years.

Although Shirakawa Junko still wants to communicate with Bailiyuan more, but in the face of the crisis that threatens the safety of Blue Star, she must let go of these things first.

Although Shirakawa Junko is not from this world, she has lived in this world for more than 30 years, has her own friends and life, and has experienced many things.

Blue Star is her second hometown for Shirakawa Junko, and she is willing to protect this planet!

"But haven't you already resigned?" Baili Yuan said with some doubts.

"Then reinstate, anyway, the announcement hasn't been issued yet."

"So casual?"

"Because I am Junko Shirakawa!"

Shirakawa Junko has self-confidence, and her value is enough to do some willful things.

Bailiyuan looked at Bai Chuan Junzi's confident appearance, and smiled. Today's Bai Chuan Junzi's body doesn't show the youthfulness and innocence of the past at all.

Although many years have passed, for Bailiyuan, the time is not long, and Junko Shirakawa has lived in this world for more than thirty years.

"You've grown up." Baili Yuan said with a smile.

"He's obviously a brat, but he talks old-fashionedly!" Junko Bai Chuan said angrily, Baili Yuan's real appearance didn't make Junko Bai Chuan feel any pressure.

Bailiyuan laughed out loud.

"I am your senior!"

"That was in the past!" Junko Shirakawa puffed up her chest.

Hmm...the boobs don't seem to be growing much.

Song Qian and Monica looked at the two of them, both showing a storytelling expression.

Although they also heard that Junko Shirakawa had some relationship with this new Ultra fighter, they didn't tell them about it, so they didn't know much about it. Now it seems that the story...may be very exciting !

Can't show it live.

After the three left, Baili Yuan stretched his wrist.

"Aren't you curious about why Shirakawa Junko appeared in this world?" Caroline asked aloud.

"If she wants to say it, she will say it. There are some things, and it doesn't make sense to know so much."

"You can see it."

"So what can you do if you can't see it? Fate broke your limbs and took off your clothes. What else can you do except stick up your butt?"

Saying that, Baili Yuan raised his left hand and took a fancy to the mysterious ring on his finger that no one else could see.

"Don't you think so? Great God."

However, the God of Fate on the other side of the ring didn't want to pay attention to Baili Yuan.

"A suckling pig!"

A faint voice rang in Baili Yuan's ears.

"Fate seems to be accidental, but it is also inevitable. Behind the plot, there is an author who broke his hand and sat down, so please treat the author well. One of your recommendation tickets, one monthly ticket, one reward , will be the driving force of the author's code..."

Baili Yuan ignored the latter words, but covered the ring on her finger.

"What are you doing?" Caroline asked curiously.

"I'm looking to the God I believe in for help and I'm hoping he can give me some hints."

"What's the result of that?"

"Behind this incident, someone should be manipulating it." Baili Yuan frowned seriously.

"Someone manipulated it? Is there any other news?"

Bailiyuan shook his head.

"One roast suckling pig can be exchanged for so much." Bailiyuan still knew himself, the god he believed in... was very expensive.

"Then take out two roast suckling pigs and ask." Caroline said.

Bailiyuan looked at Nicole who was holding ice cubes by her side.

"If you have that money, it's better to spend it on my daughter. Come on, daughter, let me smell one, mua~"

Caroline: "..."

Caroline felt that when she returned to the world of heraldry this time, maybe she should apply to establish a pig farm.

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