Chapter 719 A doctor who doesn't want to be a swordsman is not a good doctor

Bailiyuan also received the battle situation on the top of the mountain.

"We can't be here anymore, let's go to the top of the mountain." Baili Yuan said.

"To see her in this state?" Caroline asked a nonsense.

Baili Yuan hesitated for a moment, then nodded seriously.

"why not?"

Bailiyuan quickly called back the elves and Misaka sisters who were fighting, and then rushed to the top of the mountain with a samurai sword in hand.

When Bailiyuan headed towards the mountaintop ashram, the sky of Suna Mountain also changed, and a faint phantom appeared in the sky of Suna Mountain, but it was hard to see clearly.

The Blue Star Defense Team finally arrived, and the Ska team was the first to arrive. The members of the Ska team also noticed the situation in the sky, so they did not approach easily.

"What the hell is in the sky?"

The scientific researchers in the Blue Star Guard couldn't help standing up when they saw the image sent back by the Ska team.

"This is……"

"It's space overlapping! You can't be wrong, the same thing happened more than 30 years ago!"

"This is quite a rare phenomenon!"

"Spatial overlap?" The captain of the Ska team asked.

"That's right, a similar thing happened more than 30 years ago. It was also from that time that we began to study space, and this phenomenon is called space overlap."

"The specific reason for the space overlap has not been studied yet, but according to some situations that occurred last time, the Blue Star Defense Team also made some conclusions. First of all, the space overlap should be temporary. It can be regarded as two worlds due to unknown reasons. The buildings of the two worlds will overlap each other, and there is a certain danger. Similarly, the creatures of the two worlds can travel back and forth between the two worlds through the overlapping parts. If they do not return to their own world before the space overlap ends, Then stay in another world."

"In addition, when the space overlaps, some physical laws will change, such as gravity, repulsion, etc. You must be more careful. When the space overlap ends, the two worlds can return to their original state, but the damaged building cannot be restored. , the geographical environment will change, and the dead cannot be brought back to life, so... you must pay attention to safety, it is best to fight outside the overlapping space, but if you can venture in and help get some research materials... beep beep..."

The captain of Team Scar turned off the comms.

"team leader!"

The captain of the Ska team thought for a while, and then made a decision: "Land down, let's walk in, everyone must pay attention to safety."

The laws of physics have changed in the area where the space overlaps. It would be tantamount to death to fly a fighter plane in. It is better to walk in. Although the speed is slower, it is more stable, at least it will not happen on the road.

"Well, I take back the Flag just now."

The captain of the Ska team looked at the group of fierce monsters that appeared in front of him and his team members, and twitched his lips.

"I'm really a smart player, I'm not good at fighting~"

As he said that, the captain of the Ska team shot and killed a monster that rushed over, which represented the official start of the battle.

"Crush the duck!"


In the Blue Star Defense Force, the executive officer took over an old dossier handed to him by the secretary. In this era of advanced technology, there are not many materials that can be written on the dossier, but without exception, there is absolutely special meaning.

"The space overlaps..." The executive touched the file in his hand, then opened it.

This is obviously a dossier about overlapping spaces, but the word "top secret" on it means that not everyone is qualified to read this dossier.

And the reason why this dossier is set as top secret is because this dossier involves some special people——

[××year×month×day, a special phenomenon occurred on Black Reef Island, and a powerful monster appeared, named Banjie... Ultraman Leo and Ultraman Seven appeared for the first time, and Nesseo Terman wiped out the class together, and then they both disappeared... Scientists analyzed the special phenomenon and named the special phenomenon as space overlap... The scientific expedition team brought back a human being in the area of ​​space overlap. The peak power that a human being can have... This human being wakes up and claims to be...]

"Shirakawa Junko!" The executive chanted the name at the end of the dossier, his eyes flickering.


When Bailiyuan came to the dojo again, he found that the fighting near the dojo was easier than he had imagined...?

Originally, the vicinity of the dojo was surrounded by countless monsters.

"Susano Ninety Nine!"

The green Susanoo giant's breastplate opened, and countless chakra thousand copies were shot out from it. These chakra thousand copies were like mowing grass, clearing away a large number of monsters.

These monsters surrounding the dojo are not very strong monsters, and they didn't even refresh their bodies, so they naturally couldn't withstand Uchiha Shisui's attack, and Uchiha Shisui didn't even make a full shot.

Because only the incomplete Susano Ninety-Nine has such an attack method.

Bailiyuan casually killed two monsters that appeared around him, and added two souls to the katana. Along the way, the number of souls on Bailiyuan's katana exceeded thirty. The growth rate of the body is stronger, but it also has a greater impact on Baili Yuan's mind. Fortunately, the divine power blocks the evil thoughts.

However, having said that, Baili Yuan who was holding a samurai sword was shining with a bloody light. He did not look like a normal person, but he was fighting with those monsters.

Therefore, a long sword appeared in front of Baili Yuan, and it went straight to Baili Yuan's throat.

"Don't make trouble." Baili Yuan used the samurai sword in his hand to push aside the long sword.

Yue Sheng, holding the long sword in his hand, was taken aback for a moment, it was the first time he saw a "monster" who could communicate, but he stabbed out the long sword in his hand again.

"It's not over, is it?" Baili Yuan held the long sword, and then he was taken aback, "Oh? Aren't you that doctor?"

Yue Shengtu was taken aback, this "monster" knew him?

However, after taking a closer look at Baili Yuan, Yue Shengtu also showed a surprised expression.

"It's you, the one with the child... are you a 'monster'?"

"Are you stupid for studying medicine?" Baili Yuan said bluntly.

"Eh..." Yue Sheng put away the long sword embarrassingly, he figured it out, there might be special reasons for Baili Yuan to become like this, but it still doesn't feel like a good thing.

"By the way, why are you, a doctor, killing monsters here with a sword?" Baili Yuan asked curiously.

"Ahem." Yue Shengtu coughed twice, "As the saying goes, a doctor who doesn't want to be a swordsman is not a good doctor."


Sure enough, he was stupid to study medicine.

"Are you a partner of your Excellency inside?"

"Your Excellency?" Baili Yuan was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that he was talking about Xanadu.

Bailiyuan nodded.

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