I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 710 Asmodeus

A monster appeared in the park.

The height of the monster is nearly fifty meters. Its humanoid body stands upright on the ground. Its arms are bony organs like two sharp long knives. Moreover, there are two sheep-like heads growing on the neck of the monster. The whole is pitch black, and behind it is a spherical organ that resembles a sheep's tail.

The pink mist in the grove dissipated, and Ren Jiehe saw the monster outside the grove.

"Monster!" Ren Jie's pupils shrank, and at the same time subconsciously looked at Bailiyuan, and found that Bailiyuan seemed to have expected it, and was looking at him.

Ren Jie understood something.

"Who the hell is Mr.?" Ren Jie frowned and asked, he suspected that Baili Yuan probably knew his identity.

Ren Jie secretly concentrated his strength and looked at Bailiyuan, but he didn't see anything. Bailiyuan interfered with Ren Jie's perception with super powers far surpassing Ren Jie's.

"I'm just a worthless wanderer..." Bailiyuan said, and then looked at Ren Jie, "Ultraman Sykes, I'll leave it to you."

"You really know!" Ren Jie's pupils shrank.

Baili Yuan smiled, and then walked towards the direction where the black shadow flew out before.

As for why you say you are a homeless person... Can you still say that you are Ren Jie's father?

Ren Jie watched Baili Yuan's back, frowned, but quickly shrugged.

What did he see through his identity and himself?

In fact, the real reason is that Ren Jie knows that if Bailiyuan wants to do something, he can't stop him, and if his mouth grows on Bailiyuan's body, he can't stop him.

And Ren Jie himself is not a person who likes to think about things.

Ren Jie took out his transformation device.

"Transform! Sykes!"

The light is blooming, and Ultraman Sykes is here!

Ultraman Sykes glanced in Bailiyuan's direction, then looked in the direction of the two-headed monster, and rushed up.

At this time, most of the people's attention is on the gorgeous fireworks display, and the location of the park is remote, and those who come here to do things have fainted, so the people who noticed Sykes and the monster were not a lot of.

Under the light of the fireworks, Ultraman Sykes also officially fought against the monster.

In the darkness, a figure stood, looking at Ultraman Sykes and the monster who were fighting, his eyes flickered.

"Have you been interrupted again? Oh, but the Ultra fighters can only stand here. The sin of adultery, Asmodeus, this world will eventually be buried by sin. When all the seven deadly sins come, Original sin will restart the world."

The figure didn't look much, but turned and left again.

With the experience from last time, Ying Ying knows that the crime of adultery that has not reached the peak cannot stop Ultra fighters, especially the red and blue one from last time, not to mention that there are five red Ultra fighters in this world up.

No one knows that the figure has left, just like no one knows that the figure has ever come.

On the other side, Bailiyuan also dug out the person who had been possessed by evil from the woods.

This time it was a very attractive man, but his charm was still not as good as Baili Yuan's.

And men are now naked too.

"Why are you suddenly interested in men?" Caroline asked.

"Tsk, how is it possible? I always like big sister!" Baili Yuan said seriously, then squatted down, and looked at the naked man in front of him.

"I didn't have time to observe carefully last time. I can't miss it this time. I am very curious. They were infected by evil. Why can they turn back into humans? This is the second time, which means that this incident is not accidental." Bailiyuan said seriously.

Andy told Bailiyuan about being infected by evil, and Bailiyuan himself had encountered it many times, but without exception, the people or things infected by evil definitely changed, Even face is beyond recognition, loses reason.

Even Shazi, who seems to have become normal, Bailiyuan can feel that Shazi's power has actually changed, but Shazi has never shown it, and Bailiyuan doesn't know what the change in Shazi is. how is it like.

Bailiyuan took out the equipment and began to check the physical condition of the man who fainted on the ground.

"There is no obvious mutation, but the physical fitness has clearly reached the theoretical peak of human beings. As for the others, no problems have been found...it shouldn't be."

Bailiyuan frowned, although a small amount of evil can indeed cause mutations, and if you are lucky, there will be beneficial mutations, but this man's situation is obviously different, this man's physical condition seems to be strengthened by the man.

This is very inconsistent with the setting of evil!

"Has the evil attached to men expired?"

However, what Bailiyuan can be sure of is that this kind of situation is definitely related to the evil attached to the man, that is to say...

"It has something to do with that monster...huh? The defense team is here."

The defense team came very quickly, and unlike last time, the defense team was able to match Sykes to fight.

With the continuous fighting, the strength of the monsters has also been shown.

Including the power shown before, as well as new power.

For example, when the two sheep's heads scream at the same time, it will cause people within the range to have a headache reaction. Even Sykes can't bear it, let alone ordinary people. If it weren't for the Blue Star Guard The team's fighter plane has an autopilot mode, and it may have crashed long ago.

Bailiyuan covered his ears, and his brain was a little swollen. Although covering his ears didn't have any effect of weakening the sound, it was an action most creatures would do subconsciously.

"Then, at this time..."


The light bloomed, and Bailiyuan's red and blue figure appeared again!

"It's Ultraman Bud!" The people in the command room of the Blue Star Defense Team said excitedly when they saw this scene.

As for why Bailiyuan is Ultraman Bud... because they don't know Bailiyuan's name, but they still want to name Bailiyuan, and then they don't know which little clever ghost cleverly combined "Blue" (blue) and The two words "Red" (red) are combined to come up with the name "Bud Altman", which means "Blue \u0026amp;amp; Red" (blue plus red).

Simple, direct, image.

But Bailiyuan would never admit it!

Fortunately, Bailiyuan still doesn't know about the name, otherwise he would really have to consecrate the head of that little clever ghost in the Blue Star Defense Team.

The appearance of Bailiyuan also attracted the attention of Ultraman Sykes and the monster present.

Ultraman Sykes looked at Bailiyuan in surprise, while the monster became even angrier.

Same as last time, Asmodeus still recognized that it was Bailiyuan who hit it before, so it barked even harder.

"If this continues, the brains of ordinary people nearby will explode!" The analysts in the Blue Star command room shouted in panic.

And at this time, Bailiyuan also moved.

"Call me a ****!"

Baili Yuan stretched out his hands, and two bug monsters appeared out of nowhere, and before Asmodeus could react, he opened his mouth and bit Asmodeus' two heads into his mouth.

The world is quiet.

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