I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 706 The Grove

"Hey, that girl..." A teenager who was making snacks looked at Xanadu, and was taken aback suddenly, because he thought Xanadu looked familiar.

"It seems that among the materials that uncle brought back... ah, there is a call."

The boy stopped worrying about Xanadu's affairs, but picked up his mobile phone.

"Hi, I'm Ren Jie."

"Come here quickly, there are traces of monsters!" The voice of Ren Jie's cousin An Mengmeng came from the phone.

"Okay, send me the location, I'll be there soon!"

Ren Jie put down his phone, and then took off his apron.

"Boss, I have something to do, let's go first!" Ren Jie shouted, he had said before that he might leave early.

The boss who was busy on the other side was taken aback.

"Is there anything urgent?"

"save the world!"



At the end of the bustling commercial street is a river, and on the other side of the river is a secluded park, where there are many trees, dark and quiet, and there is a sharp difference from the brightly lit busy commercial street.

However, it is also because of the darkness and quietness here that it has become a place for many couples to have a tryst. As for whether it is a simple tryst or doing other things, it can only be said that the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees the wisdom.

But what is certain is that the flow of people here tends to increase during the holidays, such as today.

Under the atmosphere of the fireworks display, the hormones in the bodies of men and women are also secreting rapidly.

However, the calm was also broken tonight.

A young girl was outside the woods in the park, watching her surroundings.

The girl is An Mengmeng.

Facing the dark forest, An Mengmeng wisely didn't go in. Although she had never studied the art of war, she still understood the principle of not entering the forest, not to mention she knew her own weight.

However, in fact, An Mengmeng doesn't want to encounter this kind of thing. Although she came here with her father's mission, she thinks it's better to leave this kind of thing to her cousin. She still eats, plays and enjoys junior high school life The last leisure time is good.

However, it doesn't allow things, trouble has found her!

An Meng dreamed of what happened before, and couldn't help being afraid for a while. She was almost controlled before, but in the end it was because of the special power in her body that she escaped.

She couldn't help thinking about what would happen if she was controlled, hypnotized... In short, it should be all kinds of bad things, such as the plots in the books drawn by her cousin that she peeked at.

But it was also because she was almost controlled that An Mengmeng caught the enemy's tail and immediately notified her cousin to come to support him.

Although An Mengmeng looks sweet, her temper is not so sweet. An Mengmeng said that if she had the chance, she would definitely smash the opponent's head!


The breeze blew up An Mengmeng's skirt slightly, but An Mengmeng held it down in time and did not lose it.

An Mengmeng looked at the person who came, it was Ren Jie who had arrived.

As a boy, Ren Jie is really fast, An Mengmeng sighed.

"Where is the enemy?" Ren Jie asked, he didn't know what An Mengmeng was thinking.

"In the woods, the other party has the ability to control people, so be careful." An Mengmeng quickly told the story.

Ren Jie nodded.

"Let's go in." Ren Jie said.

"!!!" An Mengmeng looked at Ren Jie, "Why do I still go in with you? Shouldn't you let me go at this time?"

"???" Ren Jie looked at An Mengmeng, "Why do you have this illusion? You are not an ordinary person."

"But I'm a girl!"

"Then what's the problem? It's so dark inside, I feel safe with you here."

"You deserve to be single!"

"Hehe, I'm sorry, my wife draws it all by myself."

"I'm talking about a three-dimensional normal girl!"

"Three-dimensional?" Ren Jie showed a somewhat terrifying face, "Three-dimensional people don't piss and take pictures of themselves, just like that, I want to get my ancestral... Puff!"

Ren Jie knelt down on the ground with his stomach in his arms, and An Mengmeng withdrew his hand.

"Go and spread it yourself... Keep up!" An Mengmeng snorted coldly, turned and walked towards the woods.

"So... the three-dimensional girls really have problems." Ren Jie struggled to get up from the ground, and then chased after An Mengmeng.

Ren Jie and An Mengmeng walked into the woods.

Ren Jie's ears moved and he frowned.

"Be careful." Ren Jie reminded.

"Did you find anything?" An Mengmeng looked around vigilantly, and she knew there was a problem without Ren Jie reminding her.

"It's too quiet here!" Ren Jie said seriously.

"Quiet?" An Mengmeng was a little strange.

"This is a famous holy place for shooting guns nearby, so it's strange that it's so quiet," Ren Jie said.

"You know so well?" An Mengmeng looked at Ren Jie warily, and shrank her neck subconsciously.

Ren Jie glanced at An Mengmeng, swallowed his words, and then explained: "Do you think I'm here to play? In the past two days, I have also found out the situation around me, but I originally planned to use this I was drawing a book for the prototype, but now..."

Ren Jie moved his neck.

"Let's get rid of the guy hiding here first!"


Ren Jie rushed out in the blink of an eye, punched a big tree, and interrupted it. At the same time, a black shadow flashed out from behind the big tree, rushed into the depths of the woods, and disappeared into the darkness .

"Hurry up!" An Mengmeng shouted, raising her legs to catch up.

However, Ren Jie held back An Mengmeng.

"The poor don't chase after them!"

"Are you scared?" An Mengmeng asked suspiciously. She has been with Ren Jie for so long. To put it bluntly, she can almost guess whether Ren Jie wants to fart or pee as soon as Ren Jie lifts his leg.

"No." Ren Jie shook his head, "I exerted a bit too much force just now, and my leg cramped."


An Mengmeng felt a little tired.

"Be careful, another enemy is coming!" Ren Jie reminded.

An Mengmeng narrowed her eyes, and she also noticed the situation around her.

A pink mist floated in the surrounding woods, glowing in the dark, looking extremely weird.

"Be careful with the fog."


It was the sound of stepping on and breaking wood, and it was not in one place, as if there were people in all directions.

They are surrounded!

Ren Jie guarded An Mengmeng behind him... No, the two of them back to back guarded their surroundings.

"Hide your head and show your tail." An Mengmeng said with some displeasure.

Soon, the two saw who it was that came out of the woods—a group of men and women.

"They're under control!" An Mengmeng said.

"Stun them, don't kill them." Ren Jie also made a judgment.

An Mengmeng nodded.

The two shouted and rushed towards the person who came out.

Because of their special identities, both of them have received certain training, especially Ren Jie, who has received more systematic training, so as long as the two of them are not restricted in their actions, it is not difficult to deal with these people who are only controlled.

However, after the fight, Ren Jie, who was physically strong, was a little out of breath, and An Mengmeng was sweating profusely.

"Why are there so many people here?" An Mengmeng couldn't help complaining.

"It's a big hit every year and holiday... sorry."


What the hell are you sorry about!

Are you mocking me for not having a boyfriend?

Believe it or not, I will put you on the ground right now for Fa-rectification?

An Mengmeng looked at Ren Jie, then suddenly froze.

She suddenly felt that Ren Jie seemed a bit handsome today.


Oops, this is the heart...

The surrounding atmosphere was cast a layer of pink.

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