I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 702 Make It Bad

Bailiyuan's flying kick was inevitably skewed. Although it still hit Belu Saibabu's body, it was not on the head, but on the big mouth of the abdomen.

Who would have thought that Belu Saibabu had such a skill?

Belu Saibabu doesn't have many means, but in many cases, this monotonous means can often restrain those bells and whistles.

When Bailiyuan's flying kick entered the big mouth of Belusebabu's abdomen, Beelusebabu's big mouth closed and bit the foot that Bailiyuan kicked with the flying kick.

But Bailiyuan found that things didn't seem to be that simple - the power attached to his feet was dissipating quickly!

No, it was absorbed by Belu Sai Babu!

Not only the power on the feet, but also the power in Baili Yuan's body was absorbed!

The pain in the feet and the rapid loss of strength in the body made Bailiyuan's condition very bad. Bailiyuan even felt that his soul was shaking, and his super power and ultra will could not be used at all. It showed that... Bailiyuan The inner edge is flashing!

Ding dong, ding dong...

"No, hurry up and help the Ultra warriors!"

The members of the Blue Star Guard were finally able to intervene, and they drove chariots and fighter planes to attack Belu Saibabu, hoping that Beru Saibabu would let go of Bailiyuan's mouth.

"To launch an attack before you are sure whether the opponent has no magic resistance at all, not only consumes strength for nothing, but also puts yourself in a disadvantageous situation. In summary, Xiaoyuan, you are inflated!" Caroline said .

"...Then what should I do! It hurts..."

"According to my inspection, this monster's mouth is very special, it can swallow all power and matter to feed back to the monster itself, and according to your situation, it can be judged that as long as the creature is bitten by this mouth, it cannot use its own power. Can let it absorb continuously, if you are bitten like this and continue to be absorbed, even if you are absorbed light and become a dark god form, the dark power in your body will still be absorbed, while the other party will become more and more Strong, so..."


"It's hopeless, wait for death, and leave!"


"Just to remind you, your profession is a summoner." Caroline stopped talking.

It was only then that Bailiyuan came to his senses - there was help!

Then Bailiyuan began to think about who to call out.

However, someone helped Bailiyuan make a choice.

Xanadu asked to play!

Bailiyuan was taken aback for a moment. In fact, Bailiyuan was more inclined to Longlongyan, Heavy Armored Tyrannosaurus and two bug monsters who could talk about monsters. Now that Xanadu was about to come out, Bailiyuan hesitated and agreed.

After all, Xanadu is actually the strongest among the elves!

Xanadu, who looked like a girl with green hair, appeared beside Baili Yuan, and then her blood-colored eyes lit up.

Xanadu slowly raised a hand expressionlessly.

Strange rays of light appeared in the sky, covering the surrounding space, including Bailiyuan and Belu Saibabu.

"What exactly is this?"

"Temporarily stop attacking, keep a safe distance!"

The members of the Blue Star Defense Team stopped and stared at the suddenly changing space.

The space seems to be distorted, making people dizzy.

"This is... a wonderful space!" Baili Yuan recognized the reason for the change in the surrounding environment.

Wonderful space: create a bizarre space, and exchange the defense and special defense of all targets within a certain period of time.

At this time, Xanadu's goal is only Belu Saibabu.

The exchange of defense and special defense is not as simple as it sounds literally. The exchange of defense attributes and special defense attributes is actually a change in the target's own quality. Sudden problems often make the target feel strange to his body, which is also a disguised form. weakened the combat effectiveness of the target.

But it's not over yet, the biggest problem is the mouth of Belu Sai Babu biting Baili Yuan's leg.

Xanadu raised her hand and turned it around, her palm turned downward, and her super power was concentrated on the giant mouth in Belu Saibabu's abdomen.

Mind power!

Xanadu used his thoughts to control Belu Saibabu's giant mouth when he was disturbed by the wonderful space.

Because time was a bit urgent, Xanadu chose to interfere first, and then opened Belu Saibabu's mouth in the most direct way, and because he didn't know how resistant Belu Saibabu was to superpowers, he chose Interfering with the safest space-type abilities may be less effective, but the possibility of being effective is higher.


The moment Belu Saibabu's giant mouth was opened by the force of thought, Baili Yuan retreated quickly, pulling back the leg that was bitten by Beru Saibabu.

However, Xanadu's risky use of mental power to open Belu Saibabu's mouth also made Xanadu's face pale. At that moment, most of Xanadu's superpowers were swallowed up by Beiru Saibabu's huge mouth!

If there was no moment of interference from the wonderful space, Xanadu might not even have the opportunity for this moment.

Because of this, the moment Bailiyuan withdrew, Belu Saibabu broke free from Xanadu's control, and wanted to bite Bailiyuan again, but Bailiyuan had already hid in a safe place.

Xanadu didn't stop there, but attacked Belu Saibabu's head again with superpowers.


However, hypnotism was not used successfully.

Xanadu was shocked to find that Belu Saibabu's brain was full of all kinds of chaotic thoughts, which could not be unified at all. When Xanadu hypnotized part of Beru Saibabu's thoughts, the rest of the thoughts would disappear. Shouting "sleep you are paralyzed, wake up high", and then those hypnotized thoughts will be "forced to wake up", hypnotism is used in such situations and fails.

Xanadu groaned a little.

The existence of so many thoughts is either a split personality or a fusion of thoughts in itself.

But, no matter what, Xanadu thought of a way to deal with Belu Saibabu!

The power of thought once again invaded Belu Saibabu's brain.

Now that it's a mess, let's make it even worse!

I don't know why, at this moment, Xanadu suddenly remembered the scene where Bailiyuan used his fingers to mess up the system, nine shallow and one deep, three left and three right, swaying like an eel...

Unsurprisingly, Belu Sai Babu became confused, his body seemed to lose coordination, as if he was about to fall to the ground at any time.

Bailiyuan also seized this opportunity.

Gather the last power of light and sacred power, gather your momentum and belief, and strike the final blow!

At this moment, Baili Yuan Fuling's heart was full, and he felt that his punch had made another breakthrough.

Burst punch!

Explosive Fist: Use all your strength to punch, which will definitely confuse the opponent.

But it's useless to be confused or not, because Bailiyuan's punch directly blasted Belu Saibabu's head.

The sacred power in the fist purified the evil of Belu Saibabu, and Beru Saibabu exploded directly, but did not turn into fragments, but turned into countless golden light spots and scattered, like a flash of light. The rain is beautiful.

And Baili Yuan also felt his body soften, turning into light in the light rain, and returning to his original body.

A voice sounded in Baili Yuan's mind.

"Obtaining [Blessing of Gluttony]: The power of gluttony is not simple, gaining the power of devouring."

Shanaiduo appeared beside Bailiyuan, supported Bailiyuan, and smiled at Bailiyuan.

"Thank you." Baili Yuan said.

Xanadu shook his head, saying that he didn't need to say thank you to her.

Caroline also spoke again.

"Kidney deficiency, sometimes after excessive fatigue, it seems that the body has been hollowed out..."

Bailiyuan: "..."

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