Chapter 695 I Heard You Are Happy On Vacation?

The heavy armored tyrannosaurus rushed out, and the sharp horns on its nose twirled.

With the tonnage of the heavy-armored tyrannosaur, the whole beach vibrates when running, and it is full of momentum.

Ultraman Nesser hurriedly opened his hands, condensing a light screen for defense.

"not good!"

Everyone in the Blue Star Defense Team raised their hearts.


The heavy armored tyrannosaurus passed Ultraman Nesser, and when passing by Ultraman Nesser, the heavy armored tyrannosaurus glanced at Ultraman Nesser.

Big brother, what are U doing?

Nesser Ultraman: "..."

The target of the Heavy Armored Tyrannosaurus is - the toad monster!

Of course, the toad monster also felt the hostility of the heavily armored tyrannosaurus.

There is no love without reason, and there is no hate without reason, but the toad monster can't figure out why this new monster comes up and knocks it.

However, my toad monster is not vegetarian either!

Feeling the crisis, the toad monster suddenly opened its mouth, and ejected a thick, long, and flexible tongue from its mouth, and there was a terrifying electric current on the tongue, as if the air had been scorched by electricity.

The heavily armored tyrannosaurus did not stop, and even jumped a bit.

Well, Bailiyuan's fishing rod was lying where it was just now.

Then, the Heavy Armored Tyrannosaurus collided with the tongue ejected from the toad monster.

Although the resistance of the armored tyrannosaurus to electricity is reduced because of the metal armor on its body, it does not mean that the armored tyrannosaurus will be afraid of electricity.

The heavily armored tyrannosaurus raised its hands abruptly, and quickly and accurately clamped the toad monster's tongue—empty hands into white blades!

This action also wrapped the hands of the armored tyrannosaurus with electric current, interrupting the angle drill of the armored tyrannosaurus, but it did not affect the approaching footsteps of the armored tyrannosaurus.

When the distance got closer, the toad monster wanted to retreat, but the heavily armored tyrannosaurus suddenly exerted force on its feet, making a movement that was quite difficult for a creature of his size.

Kick off your feet, lean forward, and roll over.

The Heavy Armored Tyrannosaurus made a forward somersault.

And under this movement, the heavy armored tyrannosaurus' tail hammer fell heavily, hitting the toad monster's head accurately.

Seeing this scene, Baili Yuan narrowed one eye and turned his head away.

Brainburst is nothing more than that.

Toad Monster is still too brittle.

But the toad monster didn't die yet, but became more ferocious as it lost its mind.

"The energy in the toad monster's body has started to riot, it's about to explode!" Caroline said hastily.

Baili Yuan understood.

"Heavy Armored Tyrannosaurus, get rid of it!"

Bailiyuan's voice was not loud, but it seemed to reach the ears of the armored tyrannosaurus. The armored tyrannosaurus did not stop, and stood up again, carrying the electric current forcefully, and charged towards the toad monster.

However, the electric current of the toad monster is quite violent, making it difficult for the armored tyrannosaurus to approach easily.

The heavily armored Tyrannosaurus stomped its feet.


The ground shook, flying sand splashed!

Altman Nesser was shocked and flew up, then sat down on the beach.

Similarly, even if the limbs of the toad monster are shock-absorbing, they are still unstable, and there is a gap in the release of current.

The heavy armored tyrannosaurus seized the opportunity and stuck to the toad monster, and then smashed the caves of both hands on the toad monster, and at the same time, the tail hammer fell to the ground, forming a triangle structure with the two feet.

The heavily armored tyrannosaurus smiled at the toad monster, and light bloomed from the caves in its hands.

rock! stone! gun!

Rock Cannon, the strongest move of the Heavy Armored Tyrannosaurus, was always considered to be the exclusive skill of the Heavy Armored Tyrannosaurus before the Shiju Crabs were discovered.

Of course, this move is not only powerful, but also has a considerable recoil. For a huge heavy-armored Tyrannosaurus rex, if you want to use this move safely, you must use the tail hammer to support the ground so that the lower body can reach a stable state, otherwise it will be very difficult. It may throw the Heavy Armored Tyrannosaurus out by itself, and at the same time affect the accuracy of the rock cannon.

Focus, the triangle is stable!

Rock shells exploded from the hands of the heavy armored tyrannosaurus, the ground trembled again, and the tail hammer and feet of the heavy armored tyrannosaurus fell into the sand.

But the toad monster only felt a huge force coming, and then it was carried by the rock shell and flew into the sky.



The first sound is the sound produced by the explosion of the rock shell, and the second sound is the sound produced by the explosion of the toad monster, which is even more powerful than the explosion of the rock shell.

Whether it was Ultraman Nesser on the ground, the crowd in the distance, or the members of the Blue Star Defense Team in the air, they still couldn't understand what was going on.

The monster that suddenly appeared just now solved the toad monster?

Although it is true that there are monsters that are friendly to humans and will help humans solve the monsters, this kind of scene is really... too rare!

Moreover, the appearance of the heavily armored tyrannosaurus does not look like it is easy to talk and friendly to humans!

The Heavy Armored Tyrannosaurus turned around sharply.

Ultraman Nesser was taken aback, and hurriedly put on a posture.

The Heavy Armored Tyrannosaurus stepped forward, but he did not make any dangerous moves, and Ultraman Nesser and the Blue Star Defense Team did not want to provoke the Heavy Armored Tyrannosaurus.

Then, the Heavy Armored Tyrannosaurus walked up to Ultraman Nesser and patted Ultraman Nesser on the shoulder.

Everyone was silent, and Baili Yuan also covered his face.

"Come back, Heavy Armored Tyrannosaurus!"

The figure of the Heavy Armored Tyrannosaurus disappeared.


"what happened?"

Ultraman Nesser seemed to have caught Bailiyuan's movement of retracting the heavy armored tyrannosaurus, turned around suddenly, and looked at Bailiyuan's position, but at this time, the position was empty.

Nesser Altman scratched his head.

Another day of pretense~

Opening his hands, Ultraman Nesser flew to the sky and disappeared from everyone's sight.

After the battle comes the aftermath.

Although this battle is a bit confusing, it still does not affect people's lives and work.

The aftermath was dealt with by relevant departments, but the Blue Star Defense Team did not leave, but stayed temporarily in case of accidents, and at the same time searched for clues about the heavy armored tyrannosaurus and toad monsters.

Fortunately, the toad monster came from the sea, but the appearance and disappearance of the armored tyrannosaurus were so sudden that people had to pay attention.

The entire beach has been cordoned off.

"Captain." Ankang crossed the martial law line, ran into the beach, and stopped the captain of the Oushen team who was standing on the beach.

"It's Ankang." The captain of the Oushen team, Braun, smiled when he saw Ankang coming.

"I heard you were very happy on vacation?"


Ankang twitched the corner of his mouth, look, is this what people say?

Ankang chose to skip this topic, after all, he couldn't beat their captain.

"I was helping the masses evacuate before, and I came here now. Have you found anything now?"

Browne shook his head.

Ankang frowned.

"Ankang..." Brown suddenly said, "When did you and your younger siblings have a little son?"


"What, what? I'm talking about that one, the kid who turned in with you just now." Brown pointed in one direction.

Ankang turned around.

Bailiyuan pulled out his fishing rod from the beach.

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