Chapter 690 Unknown Universe

Bailiyuan rested at home for a while, and after dealing with most things, he was ready to travel again, because the armor of the future warrior had been fully charged, and this time he was going to travel to the Ultra universe.

Frog Son hasn't come back yet, so he won't bring Frog Son with him this time. As for Brother Pingtou, he was also kept by Baili Yuan.


As soon as the eyes are closed and opened, it is time-traveled.

Bailiyuan found that he was becoming more and more proficient in time travel.

And Bailiyuan flashed into the home space immediately after crossing.

Now that there is a home space, on the one hand, Bailiyuan can use the home space to observe the outside situation, and on the other hand, it can avoid being affected by sudden accidents.

Bailiyuan looked around.

Well, it's the universe.

Caroline, get my space shuttle out!

When Bailiyuan appeared again, it was he who was driving the space shuttle to sail in the universe.

Caroline can now also develop equipment that can move in the universe, but it is not yet possible to develop equipment of the level of a space battleship.

Homespace does sell space battleship skins, but the price... is really too expensive!

Bailiyuan's current warships are only amphibious, they can't enter space at all, they can't even break through the atmosphere, and the speed of flying in the air is quite limited.

The most important thing is that the "bare ship" was bought back. The defense system, attack system and even the navigation system were all installed by Caroline.

Bailiyuan is wandering in the universe on a space shuttle, he has no direction, he just moves forward...

There is silence everywhere in the universe, but the bright galaxy still feasts Bailiyuan's eyes. Even Bailiyuan has never seen such a bright beauty of the universe in the Kingdom of Light. After all, Bailiyuan is still a child, and children are not allowed to go into the universe. stroll.

However, staying in the universe for a long time will also make you tired. Bailiyuan decided that if he was still wandering in the universe for a certain period of time, he would return to the world of the coat of arms first.

Even if there is no gain this time, it is better than danger.

Fortunately, fate guided Bailiyuan so that he would not be like a salted fish wandering alone in the universe.

After traveling in the universe for more than half a month, Bailiyuan finally saw something else—a technological creation.

This is a spaceship, and on the surface of the spaceship there is an English letter that Bailiyuan recognizes——ECT.

"Maybe this is a spaceship from Earth." Baili Yuan said.

"Even if not, there should be a civilization similar to Earth, unless these three letters are not English, or the whole universe speaks English." Caroline said.

And the spacecraft seems to have discovered Bailiyuan, and began to approach Bailiyuan's space shuttle.

Bailiyuan smiled.

"No matter what, at least you don't have to worry about continuing to wander in the universe..."

As soon as he finished saying this, Baili Yuan's smile froze, because he saw something rush towards the spaceship quickly, then... penetrated the spaceship, and then continued to fly to the distance.

There was an explosion inside the spaceship, and then it began to dismember, but there was no explosion sound, and the flames produced by the explosion were quickly extinguished.

Bailiyuan: "???"

Caroline: "???"

"Just now..." Baili Yuan blinked.

"If you read correctly, it should also be a space shuttle, but it crashed into a spaceship." Caroline said.

"Is this...a car accident?"

"Probably, it's also the first time I've seen it, although it can't be ruled out that it was a suicide collision." Caroline said uncertainly.

Bailiyuan and Caroline stared at the disintegrated spaceship in front of them, as if they were watching a silent movie, but it made Bailiyuan and Caroline feel mixed.

But it was only for a while, before Bailiyuan reacted.


The light bloomed, and a red and blue giant appeared in space!

Bailiyuan's super power scans the spaceship, looking for survivors in the spaceship.

After confirming the situation, Baili Yuan condensed the light on one hand, attached the green light at the same time, and then cut it out suddenly.

The area where the spaceship exploded was cut off by Bailiyuan, and then Bailiyuan used his own light to protect the people who were stepping on the escape capsule.

Confirmed, it's human.

The people who were about to board the escape pod were stunned by the scene in front of them, and even forgot to continue entering the escape pod, and even ignored...Because of the disintegration of the spaceship, they are now exposed to space.

Fortunately, Bailiyuan's light protected them from sudden death, but Bailiyuan couldn't last long.

"Ultra Warrior!?"

"Unfamiliar Ultra warrior!"

"Why did it appear here?"


The people in the spaceship kept making noises.

"Get on the escape pod!" A man who looked like a leader shouted.

Only then did the others react, and when they realized that they were being exposed to space, they couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat, and then hurried into the escape cabin.

Everyone is sitting in two escape pods.

When they left, everyone saluted and thanked Bailiyuan, and Bailiyuan nodded in response, and at the same time threw a blessing, wishing them a safe home.

However, the two escape pods trembled a little under Bailiyuan's blessing.

"Go~ the boat~ don't shake~~ah~"

"I~ don't want to~ah~ah, but, but~ it's so comfortable~~~"

"The ~top~ behind me is here~~"


Baili Yuan watched the two escape pods leave, the one on his chest floating in space.

"I remember that the space capsule that passed through them also went in this direction." Baili Yuan said.

"Yes." Caroline said, "Following them may find their homeland."

"But..." Baili Yuan hesitated, "They seem to know me."

"Maybe they have seen other Ultra fighters, after all, this is the Ultra universe!" Caroline replied.

Bailiyuan nodded.

"Then, let's go!"

I don't know which Ultra warrior in this world is it?


"This is Space Base No. 1. What happened to the spaceship of the Space Exploration Team?"

"This is the Space Exploration Team. This is the Space Exploration Team. I am Captain Dongmu. Our spaceship has been hit by an unknown object and has been destroyed. Fortunately, all of our members escaped successfully, but... in the process we Received the help of Ultra fighters."

There was a shocked voice from over there.

"Ultra warrior? Which one?"

Dongmu recalled the appearance of the Ultra warrior he saw.

"Not the known Ultra warrior."

"Anything else worth noting?"

Dongmu recalled it carefully.

"The new Ultra warrior...seems a little short."


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