Chapter 675

[Urban Legend-Guide]: It is said that there is a "guide" who can lead others in and out of buildings without doors and windows.

Academy City is a city, so there are naturally various urban legends. However, few people know that most of the urban legends are actually traceable and real.

After all, this is a city with superpowers!

July 24.

That was three days ago, the day Bailiyuan had just arrived in this world.

After the Fantastic Beast incident, Baili Yuan, Jiang Chen and Ah Fu dispersed and moved freely.

Jiang Chen didn't have much communication with Misaka Mikoto, but left after leaving a good impression.

His destination is - Wuqiu Women's College.

Of course, Jiang Chen didn't come to act in certain ○○ plots, but came to find someone, and he also successfully found the person he was looking for—the senior girl is a red-haired, double ponytail, giant R female high school student—Jie Biaodan hope.

"Who are you?" Jie Biao Danxi asked warily, although she didn't want to talk to Jiang Chen, but even ordinary people could clearly feel the dangerous aura on Jiang Chen.

Although there was no hostility on Jiang Chen's body, those dangerous auras could turn into hostility at any time.

"I have something to do with you, specifically, I have something to do with the person behind you." Jiang Chen said with a smile, pretending to be aggressive by the way, feeling happy.

Yubia Danxi refused.

Then there was a solo between two people.

The final result was that Jiang Chen won.

Because Jiang Chen knew Jiebiao Danxi's weakness.

Jiebiao Danxi was seriously injured because she lost control of her ability in the test, and the psychological trauma left by this made her dare not move herself continuously.

As long as he grasps this point and launches a fierce attack, Jiebiao Danxi will reveal his flaws, and for Jiang Chen, he only needs one such flaw.

In fact, Jiebiao Danxi is not weak, if it is not because of this psychological trauma, she is qualified to be judged as a superpower (level 5).

But, no matter what, Jiang Chen won.

And Jiebiao Danxi also received a message from someone after the battle, and agreed to Jiang Chen's request.

As for why Jiang Chen came to look for Jiebiao Danxi... That's right, because Jiebiao Danxi is the protagonist of the "leader" in the urban legend!

The official name of the "building without doors and windows" that the "leader" leads others in and out is actually the "General Council Headquarters Building", which is the residence of the general director Aleister, located in the center of the seventh school district.

Jiang Chen's real goal is Aleister. After all, when he came to Academy City, it would be unreasonable not to communicate with this man who "hangs upside down" behind Academy City. It's very commemorative, take a group photo or something... you shouldn't be beaten to death, right? probably~

No one knows what Jiang Chen and Aleister said, but after he came out, Jiang Chen not only obtained the official identity of Academy City, but also successfully joined a research institute, moreover, he began to come into contact with people with absolute abilities plan……

The purpose is unknown!


At this time, in the headquarters building of the General Council, Aleister was floating in a life support device made of tempered glass.

However, he also pays attention to the outside world.

Aleister's attention to the outside world is based on the micro-information network formed by the Academy City called "Staying Loops" using nano-scale robots through the air. The core of the intelligence network.

However, the lingering return line in the past two days has not been so peaceful.

Aleister discovered in the first two days that someone was actually trying to invade the intelligence network of the air loop. If it weren't for the particularity of the air loop that is not easy to detect and some necessary back-ups, and the main target of the other party is not the air loop , the stagnant loop may really be about to fall.

And the other party felt to Aleister as if... passing by? That's right, just passing by!

It's a case of sweeping through the air loop while trying to hack other systems.

This made Aleister pay attention to this matter.

Then, during these three days, according to some intelligence, mysterious hackers were invading the databases of the entire Academy City, especially the databases of various research facilities.

Although some people tried to intercept it, the effect was not ideal.

This is like when someone wants to break into your house, you put countless locks on the door, but the other party opens the wall hanging, directly enters the house through the wall, and then the other party takes the things and then leaves through the wall, what you want to chase At that time, the other party turned around and reinforced the door of your house, locking you in the room, but when you finally went out, you found that the same distressed screams came from the next door to your house...

It's as if there is something alive living in the network, moving freely in the network!

These days, this matter has also attracted the attention of some Internet masters in Academy City, and it has quickly become a hot topic, known as "Internet Ghost", and is about to be promoted to "Academy City's Urban Legend". ", but, similarly, there are also many Internet masters who have broken their fingers and wailed in the past few days. In the end, these masters either went to the hospital or went to the rooftop.

And in the process, that mysterious existence passed through the intelligence network of the air loop many times.

But the other party seemed to be looking for something, and didn't pay too much attention to the lingering loop, otherwise, Aleister really couldn't guarantee that he could still control the lingering loop, maybe the other party would follow the lingering loop to find the door, Then I really found it along the network cable.

Although Aleister was still watching the affairs of Academy City using the air loop at this time, he knew that the air loop might only last for one day, but one day less.

However, it was naturally impossible for Aleister to ignore this matter.

In the end, Aleister put his suspicion on Baili Yuan, the "outsider" who came to this world with Jiang Chen.

Aleister paid attention to Bailiyuan.

After all, Bailiyuan is a man who can resist "Dragon King's Sigh".

Aleister naturally paid attention to the three "outsiders" Bailiyuan, Jiang Chen and Ah Fu, especially Bailiyuan and Jiang Chen who showed great strength.

And the sigh of the Dragon King is the move that killed Baili Yuan once when he came to the Forbidden World, and finally rushed to the universe, shot down the Vega satellite of Academy City, and scrapped the designer of the tree diagram carried on the satellite .

Aleister was about to vomit blood.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen's arrival gave Aleister a new choice.

And the mass-produced ability users that are part of the plan of the absolute ability user—the Misaka sisters became the bargaining chips for Aleister and Jiang Chen. Although the younger sisters are actually the main body of another plan of Aleister, but For the current Aleister, the Misaka sisters are not that important anymore.

But how far Jiang Chen can go depends on Jiang Chen himself.

Aleister thought about seems that he hasn't lost that much.

And after Aleister's observation of Bailiyuan, he also discovered Bailiyuan's goal——

"The target is Miss Misaka, but it seems that the two of them are not on the same front, is it a battle?"

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