Chapter 663 Today's Iron Dream

On that day, Bailiyuan met a friend (big) friend (leg) whom he hadn't seen for a long time...

"Who are you?" Baili Yuan asked looking at the figure in front of him.

The figure floating in front of Baili Yuan looked at Baili Yuan quietly, without any fluctuation in emotion.

"Stop making such uninteresting jokes."

Bailiyuan's feelings were fully exposed under the perception of the other party.

It was a feeling of joy, not confusion, so the other party knew that Baili Yuan recognized him, but he was just making a meaningless joke.

That's right, the one who appeared in front of Bailiyuan was Steel Mewtwo.

And facing Baili Yuan's words, Steel Chaomeng's heart at this time not only did not fluctuate, but even wanted to laugh.

"Under my perception, your feelings are fully exposed." Steel Chaomeng said.

"What?" Baili Yuan pouted.

"It feels like you've grown up and become stronger, but in some respects it hasn't changed." Iron Chaomeng said, his tone was very relaxed, and he could feel that Iron Chaomeng was in a good mood.

Bailiyuan also looked at Steel Chaomeng.

"You have changed a lot."

At this time, there is a gray cloak around Iron Mewtwo's neck, which is a bit worn out. It can be seen that Iron Mewtwo should be full of dust and dust during this time, but there is no mess on Iron Mewtwo's body.

However, in addition to the cloak, there is actually a short knife on the back of Iron Mewtwo!

Now Chaomeng has started to play melee?

Coupled with the steel armor of Iron Mewtwo, the dagger seems less obtrusive.

However, compared to the appearance, the breath of Iron Mewtwo has changed even more!

Now Steel Chaomeng no longer looks confused, his eyes are clear, and Bailiyuan's aura feels deep, bottomless, which shows how far Steel Chaomeng's strength has grown during this period of time!

However, Steel Chaomeng shook his head at Bailiyuan's words.

"Xiao Yuan, you see things too superficially. When you can see through the appearance and get to the essence, you will reach the same height as me."

Bailiyuan: "???"

Steel Chaomeng landed in front of Bailiyuan.

"Why, why don't you take me in and introduce new friends?" Steel Chaomeng asked with a smile, and looked at Nicole who was following Bailiyuan without leaving a trace—

After the beast, and not just a simple offspring!

Only then did Bailiyuan react, calling Iron Chaomeng to come in.

Although, Bailiyuan prepared some food, and then began to communicate with Steel Chaomeng.

For Bailiyuan, Steel Chaomeng has thicker thighs than Andy, so...

lick him!

Iron Chaomeng listened to Bailiyuan tell about his growth experience, but Iron Chaomeng realized it very calmly, but he affirmed Bailiyuan's super power cultivation base, and also praised Xanadu and Chao Neng Miaomiao. The improvement of superpowers was affirmed, and he said that he would guide Bailiyuan, Xanadu, Superpower Miaomiao and Jiuwei in the cultivation of superpowers.

Kyuubi is not an elf with super power attributes, and the abilities of super power attributes have only appeared in recent years, so it started a bit late, but with the guidance of Steel Mewtwo, there will be no big problems in future improvement and growth.

Then Steel Chaomeng also talked about his experience during this time.

In order to find himself, Steel Chaomeng traveled on the mainland. Because of Bailiyuan, Steel Chaomeng got in touch with human forces, which also helped Steel Chaomeng in the process of traveling.

In the process of traveling, Steel Chao dreamed of various things, and finally met an existence called the Great Sage in the extreme south, and the Great Sage successfully enlightened Steel Chaomeng.

Although Steel Chaomeng still doesn't know what he wants to do, he is no longer confused, nor is he entangled in his origin.

Finally, Steel Chaomeng talked about the reason for coming back this time.

"On the one hand, I came to see you, and on the other hand, I came to participate in the race meeting." Steel Chaomeng said.

As a top beast, Iron Mewtwo is naturally qualified to participate in the race meeting.

"What is a race meeting?" Baili Yuan asked curiously.

"I'm not very clear about the specifics. It's also the first time I've received an invitation, but I heard that it's the highest conference on the mainland that invites various ethnic forces and powerful people on the mainland. Every time it is held, there must be something that will affect the entire world. "Steel Chaomeng's eyes are a little serious.

Baili Yuan's expression also became serious.

"Affecting the entire continent..."

Bailiyuan understands that holding such a meeting is definitely not a small matter, and what often happens is a disaster!

Steel Chaomeng didn't sell it either.

"I heard it was about monsters..."

Baili Yuan fell into deep thought.


The race meeting was held...

The race meeting is over...

No one knew what happened in this meeting, and even the media did not broadcast about this meeting, but there is no doubt that after this race meeting, the relationship between the various races became closer, and all Special arrangements are being made in the dark.

Bailiyuan also shared with Andy the information about the ice bird monster analyzed by Caroline.

From a genetic point of view, the genetic level of the ice bird monster is not high.

The gene level is a simple division of genes by Caroline, not a conventional method of gene division.

Low-level genes are ordinary life.

The higher level is the gene of life with extraordinary power. The gene level of the ice bird monster is at this level. In other words, the life level of the ice bird monster is not higher than that of ordinary monsters, but it is bigger.

The next higher genetic level is the life of the universe, the life that can shuttle in the universe, one of the characteristics is the ability to change the body shape.

Don't underestimate the ability to change body shape. In addition to some special means, serious body enlargement is a very advanced application of life force. An existence of forty or fifty meters high can become a body shape less than two meters high. Strength also changes with body size, but there are no other side effects. How can it be a simple matter? This is an ability based on the improvement of the life level and the evolution of the gene level.

No matter how high the genetic level is... Caroline is temporarily positioned at the level of beasts or gods.

The God of Fate and Iron Mewtwo are both included in this level by Caroline, but because of the lack of targets for research, Caroline doesn't know much about the situation at this level of life.

Although the gene level and life level of the ice bird monster is only the second level, it is not that simple.

The genetic level of the ice bird monster is not high, but it is quite ancient. If you want to say, the ice bird monster is a genetic mutation, and the specific direction of mutation is... to return to the ancestors!

(PS: Atavism belongs to gene mutation, and gene mutation is not necessarily atavism)

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