Chapter 661 Three generations of grandparents...

A crisp "Dad" broke the morning order.

The small figure threw herself into Baili Yuan's arms.

But apart from the small figure, no one else realized what was going on.

It wasn't until Bailiyuan felt two sharp gazes coming from behind that he realized it.

Baili Yuan turned his head, and at this moment, Andy was looking at him.

Bailiyuan understood.

Then he led the little figure to Andy.

"Girl, call me grandma."

Andy: "..."

Caroline said that Bailiyuan gradually drifted away on the road to death, and drifted by the way.


Bailiyuan slippered in pain and explained to Andy what had happened.

"So this child was created by Frost Backbone combined with your light power?" Andy asked.

"Yes, it can be said that she is my child."

"So I'm from grandma's generation?" Andy said, pointing to himself.

Baili Yuan wanted to nod subconsciously, but stopped, and just showed an elegant and polite smile.

Andy looked at the little figure standing beside Bailiyuan.

Andy also knows about the reproduction of Frost Backbone. After all, there is a small ice rock pillar beside Bailiyuan, but the appearance of this special individual produced by Bailiyuan's light is obviously a normal girl.

He is only five years old, only about seventy centimeters tall, wearing a cool blue skirt, a white beret on his head, and a small yellow bag slung across his shoulders. , small appearance.

Where is this kindergarten kid who escaped from?

But I can still feel the difference between this child and normal humans.

First of all, in terms of appearance, the child's hair, eyebrows and even eyelashes are blue, the hair color is darker, and the eyelashes are lighter in color.

The pupils of the eyes are sky blue, and there seems to be a little light inside, which looks like the light inside the ice rock pillar.

The second is breath.

Although the girl's appearance can be said to be human, her breath does not have the feeling of a human being, but rather cold, but with an imperceptible warmth.

Even the girl's body temperature and the air around her are cool.

Although Andy didn't know what was going on, she could still feel the same power in the girl as Bailiyuan.

Although the girl is not the appearance of the ice rock pillar, but the facts are in front of him, and Andy has to believe it.

Maybe... She is really going to be a grandma.

While Andy was looking at the girl, Bailiyuan was also chatting with the girl, no, it should be said that he was chatting with his daughter.

The problem Frost Backbone mentioned at the beginning should be the child's appearance, but this is not a problem for Bailiyuan, as long as the child is healthy.

However, Bailiyuan found that this girl knew more about human society than she imagined.

"Don't be surprised, those powerful beings can instill knowledge for future generations, similar to inheritance, this is the difference between those higher-level life and human beings, and the backbone of frost is an existence close to human beings, and there are also a few ice rock pillars in the Human society has been active, and it is not surprising to understand human society, and she is not alone, and even many powerful beings understand human history and society better than most humans.”

Andy narrated.

"Humans will also reserve a place for these special existences in human society. This child should have no problems living in human society. Presumably, Frost Backbone should have arranged everything."

Bailiyuan blinked and looked at the girl.

"is that so?"

The girl nodded.

"Yeah, grandma is so smart."

Andy: "..."

Bailiyuan: "..."

Bailiyuan was hung up.


"Grandma, I was curious just now, why did you beat Dad and hang him up?" the girl asked curiously.

Andy froze for a moment, then smiled.

"Because this is my deep love for your father." Andy said.

The girl showed a "learned" expression.

"But I think you'd better call me sister."

"No, grandma is grandma!"

Andy: # "Does this child have a name?" Andy asked Baili Yuan who was hanging up.

"Name..." Baili Yuan looked at the little girl, but he didn't know it either.

The girl shook her head.

"I don't have a name yet, and my mother said that I want my father to name it."

Andy understood.

"Then I'll give you a name..."

"No, the name must be given by Dad!"


"Because Mom said it!"

"I'm still your grandma!"

"No, you must listen to your mother!"

The girl's attitude is quite firm.

However, if these remarks fall on ordinary families, it is likely to cause some family disputes, especially affecting the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

But Andy didn't bother with it.

"Okay, hurry up and give the child a name." Andy patted the face of Bailiyuan who was hung up.

"Choose a name..." Baili Yuan was suddenly troubled.

According to the concept of human society, especially the concept of Bailiyuan's first generation of Chinese people, girls must have the same surname as Baili, but the Ott family does not have this concept, and there are often no rules for naming children. They all thought of a good name, and then gave the child this name, and there is no fixed surname.

Therefore, in the concept of the Ott family, "Bailiyuan" is a complete name, not the surname "Baili" and the name "Yuan".

The problem Bailiyuan encountered now was which way to name her child.

After thinking for a while, Baili Yuan said slowly, "Then, name it... Nicole, let's call it Nicole."

Bailiyuan looked at the girl and said seriously.

In the end, Bailiyuan still chose the naming method of the Otto clan.

Nicole is named "Victorious Man", this is Bailiyuan's expectation for Nicole, the battle must be won!

The Ott family must win, because any failure may bring unbearable consequences.

Bailiyuan hoped that in the future, Ni might have a resolute and independent temperament in her beautiful and slender appearance.

All in sounds like the truth.

"Come on, good girl, learn from me... Nicole Nicone..."


Bailiyuan was kicked by Andy and flew out.

This is a day worth remembering. Bailiyuan's father and daughter met each other, and Andy was promoted to be a grandma.

The incense of Bailiyuan's family also continued.


However, while Bailiyuan's family was enjoying themselves happily, Akamoy and the leaders of its four satellite cities including Yuncheng were not so happy.

"Any news from Andy?"

"I haven't replied yet, but it should be soon. Let's discuss how to face the monsters that gradually appear."

"I suggest holding a racial meeting, because this is not just a problem for us humans. As far as I know, monster attacks have also occurred in other races."

"In addition to monsters, there are also the ones Andy mentioned..."

"The evil of this world!"

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