Chapter 657 Your sister-in-law is really good

Recently, Shedu's mood has rarely become complicated. In Shedu's hasty life of 20 or 30 years, this is the second time that he has such complicated feelings. The last time this happened was when he graduated as a virgin. Late... The price was that the woman who helped him graduate as a virgin lived in his home until now.

But this time, it seemed a little different from the complicated mood last time.

The woman was bringing a new member to his family.

Shedu silently smoked a cigarette.

He rarely smokes, but recently he has started smoking more often because it relieves his nervous tension.

However, he used to smoke high-end cigarettes, dozens of boxes, but now, he can only smoke cigarettes that cost less than ten yuan. As for the price difference, it has become a pile of childcare products.

"This is the price of growth..."

Shedu sighed, then pinched the cigarette in his hand, took out the freshener he bought specially and sprayed it on himself, the purpose was to remove the smell of smoke.

Shedu shook his head after confirming that he did not smell of cigarettes anymore.

"Smoke is really not a good thing."

Then Shedu turned and walked back to the hospital.

Because his wife was about to give birth, the Shedu family moved into the hospital under the name of Yuncheng College early.

This is a hospital located outside the college. It is open to all residents of Yuncheng. Not only is the medical level first-class, but also the faculty and staff of Yuncheng College and their family members can see the doctor for free, and there is a special channel for employees' family members. One of the benefits of teaching staff and their families.

Shedu's wife is about to give birth, and staying in this hospital is the best choice.

The name of this hospital is - Howard Hospital.

It is managed by the Howard family, one of the shareholders of Yuncheng College. The dean is an old senior of the Howard family.


It was Bailiyuan's first visit to Howard Hospital.

The location of Howard Hospital is a bit remote, but it is quiet enough. There is a hospital park with beautiful scenery and fresh air, which is very suitable for patients to recuperate.

When Bailiyuan and Cosmic Bat passed by the hospital park, there were many patients in hospital gowns walking in the park led by nurses.

Bailiyuan looked around.

Very good, there is no devilish muscular nurse in the hospital over the Daxue Mountain, all of them are young ladies, although they may not be very kind, but they are definitely pleasing to the eye.

But the same thing is that the professionalism of these nurses is absolutely passable, professionalism is more important than appearance.

Otherwise, why do we need so many good-looking nurses? Show やきんびょうとう?

According to the ward number obtained from Mary, Bailiyuan came to the ward where Shedu's wife was.

"Little brother, who are you looking for?" A sweet voice sounded beside Baili Yuan.

Bailiyuan turned her head and found that it was a young and beautiful girl with a very attractive appearance.

At this time, the girl was looking at Baili Yuan curiously.

This is the inpatient area for the college's family members. It is neither big nor small, so most of the people who live here know each other, but the girl has never seen Bailiyuan.

And Bailiyuan was still standing at the door of her sister's ward, followed by a maid who was holding something that looked like a gift.

That's why the girl asked, she suspected that Baili Yuan might have lost his way.

However, Bailiyuan didn't answer directly, but took the girl's hand.

"Beauty, are you interested in visiting my house? My bed is big and comfortable..."

The girl blinked her eyes.


The cosmic bat pouted.

The master... is here again...

What's so comfortable about the bed? It's better to sleep on your head, I really don't understand you creatures...

The girl probably didn't expect Bailiyuan to say that, she was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

The main thing is that the girl is thinking about how to face the molestation of an underage.

If I turn back to molesting now, will the maid behind the child call the police and arrest me?

Molesting underage Zhengtai will be labeled as a "hooligan" and will be convicted of hooliganism!

But... this child looks a little handsome, the name of the first child should be...

Wait, calm down!

Think of the cold bars and five years of prison meals!

"Xuanxuan, why are you here? Hey, Xiaoyuan, why are you here too?"

Shedu's voice came from behind the girl.

The girl turned her head, and Baili Yuan also looked behind the girl.

"Brother-in-law." The girl.

"Teacher." Baili Yuan said.

Shedu looked at the hand held by Baili Yuan and the girl, was taken aback for a moment, and then pressed the girl's shoulder with a serious face.

"Xuanxuan, as a brother-in-law, I have to say are breaking the law if you are under the age of fourteen regardless of whether the other party is voluntary or not."

Girl: "???"


In the end, Bailiyuan managed to enter Shedu's wife's ward.

In the ward, Shedu's wife was chatting with Mary who came to take care of her.

Shedu's wife welcomed Bailiyuan's arrival very much.

And Bailiyuan has also confirmed that Shedu's wife is indeed the charming woman who followed Shedu back then. Although she is pregnant now, she has a different... maternal charm?

In short, Shedu's wife seems to be surrounded by a special charm, which is a kind of charm blooming from the inside out.

Bailiyuan was even more curious about how such a woman fell in love with Shedu. You must know that such a woman is absolutely impossible to lack a man, enough to find a husband who is better than Shedu, although Shedu is not a simple character. up.

But Bailiyuan didn't do anything out of the ordinary, after all, Bailiyuan is still a decent person, and he came to visit his wife as a student today

Bailiyuan just patted Shedu's arm and said - your sister-in-law is really nice.

Shedu's sister-in-law is the girl she met at the door—the Fifth Xuanxuan.

Shedu's wife is called Fifth Yaya.

"Did you do this, Xiaoyuan?" Fifth Xuanxuan asked curiously.

At this time, Bailiyuan put the fetal nourishing soup on the dining table.

Fifth Xuanxuan immediately surrounded her. She was quite curious about Bailiyuan, the "brother-in-law's disciple" whom she met for the first time.

Facing Fifth Xuanxuan's question, Bailiyuan nodded.

"Allah~" Mary smiled and touched her chubby face. When it comes to food, she is always extra energetic.

Shedu and Wu Yaya also looked at Baili Yuan, they were also a little curious about what kind of food Baili Yuan brought to cook with their own hands.

"Is it really edible?" Fifth Xuanxuan asked curiously.

"Xuanxuan!" Fifth Yaya gave Fifth Xuanxuan a reproachful look.

Let alone whether it can be eaten or not, this is all Baili Yuan's wish, and Fifth Xuanxuan is very rude to ask.

Bailiyuan looked at Fifth Xuanxuan, and suddenly smiled.

"How do I know if I can eat it? I haven't eaten it."

Fifth Xuanxuan was taken aback, this theory seems to be correct...but there seems to be something wrong.

At this moment, Bailiyuan lifted the lid of the fetal nourishing soup.

The golden light soared into the sky, illuminating the entire ward in gold, and even shot out through the windows.

At the same time, the fragrance blooms like a detonated bomb!

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