I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 646 Charmander Clan!

In fact, when locals talk about enjoying the snow mountain, they will mention one more place, and that is a relic on the snow mountain—the relic of truth!

The Relic of Truth is not big, but it is also not small. Some scholars have visited it before, and the truth of the Relic of Truth is that there is nothing!

The final conclusion is that the Relic of Truth is just a relic abandoned by ancient humans. It is of no value. At most, we can only learn about the living conditions and customs of the residents at that time. Some scholars even suspect that the residents of the Relic of Truth are Mint. Ancestors of the town's inhabitants.

After all, judging from the location of Mint Town and the Ruins of Truth, it is very suitable for human reproduction and migration habits.

But this does not mean that the residents of Bohol Town like the relics of the truth, and even the residents of Bohol Town will remind tourists who do not know the truth to "cherish life and stay away from the relics."

Because, inside the Ruins of Truth, there are a group of ghost-attribute Pokémon and a group of unkind supersonic bats!

And near the Ruins of Truth, there are groups of gas bombs and lightning balls living. If you rush in without knowing anything, you will definitely die in a rhythmic manner.

However, the most indispensable thing in this world is people who are full of curiosity and like to die.

Therefore, every year, there will be a few standing up the mountain and lying down.

Fortunately, the elves in the Ruins of Truth area are very measured and will not kill people, and the fallen people can always be encountered by passers-by and brought down the mountain.

And Bailiyuan's advice to the residents of Bohe Town is naturally good.

Bailiyuan drew a circle on Shangxue Mountain that represented the relics of truth.

"Don't go here, search other areas carefully."

Naturally, it was impossible for Bailiyuan to wander around looking for it. You must know that Bailiyuan was an Ultraman of the new era.

Bailiyuan held a dice-like cube in his hand, the cube was only the size of a fingernail.

Bailiyuan pressed the button on the cube, then threw it to the side of the open space.

Immediately afterwards, the cube began to grow larger and expand like magic.

Afterwards, the cube was opened, the internal structure was constantly changing, and new things appeared constantly. Finally, a room with a very technological sense appeared in the open space.

This is a new product developed by Caroline combining space technology and data space technology, and it is called a convenient room.

It can shrink a room within a certain space that has been placed into the size of a dice, greatly reducing volume and quality, and can be carried around.

However, there are some limitations.

It cannot store living things, but it can store vegetables, meat and water, but it has no ability to keep fresh. It can only set up fresh-keeping equipment by itself, such as putting food in the refrigerator, and then putting the refrigerator in it.

Items with magical attributes cannot be stored, only normal folded technological items, and the items on the airliner itself cannot have too high energy. It is possible to store computers and various equipment, but it is impossible to store H-bombs.

The final problem is that the cost is not low, and... there is a home space, this kind of thing is a bit tasteless.

So far, Caroline has only made three dice, and after realizing that this kind of thing is useless, Caroline hastily stopped.

But sometimes the home space cannot be shown to others or there are some special needs, this kind of dice can be used.

Like now.

This time, Bailiyuan brought out a portable camp, and its function was very simple, that is, to search.

Bailiyuan walked into the camp room, surrounded by many large and small screens.

Bailiyuan turned on the switch, and the screens lit up one after another, but they were all black, with the pattern of Bailiyuan's transformation device spinning in the center.

Caroline made the pattern of two wings on Bailiyuan's transformer into Bailiyuan's exclusive logo (logo).

"Welcome back, Commander." A mechanical voice sounded in the camp.

The computers in the camp also have simple intelligence, and Caroline can also access the computer system for control and data processing at any time.

Then Bailiyuan input the information of Charmander and the area to be searched into the computer.

After Bailiyuan decided to start the search, the walls around the camp opened outwards, and a total of 360 small flying probes were launched, starting to explore around the camp center.

The images detected by the detectors began to flash continuously on the screens in the camp.

The system also began to quickly analyze the messages sent back by the detectors, then process them, and finally give feedback to Bailiyuan.

While sorting out the sprites detected by the detector on a screen, Bailiyuan looked carefully.

"Walking Grass, Long-tailed Monster Hand, Brother Earth Dragon... Sure enough, the types of elves are similar to what the residents of Mint Town said."

"Huh? There are still a few Eevees, and the leader is actually a fire elf. There is also a Heracross group here..."

"Gophers, ladybugs... There are many kinds of elves."

Baili Yuan sighed a little, although he hasn't found any trace of Charmander yet, but if he waits patiently, he will find something.

After all, what the child met back then was a group of little charmanders, and Dama Lanqi also said that there were little charmanders on the snow mountain, which meant that there really were little charmanders on the snow mountain. In a few days, the little charmanders all evolved into charizards and flew away, right?

"Found it, it's... a fire-breathing dragon!"

Baili Yuan's eyes lit up.

On the screen, a fire-breathing dragon spit flames on the ground, then flapped its wings... Stumbling away, it flew out of the range of the Snow Mountain.

Bailiyuan: "..."

"Check around carefully, maybe you will find traces of the small charmander group." Bailiyuan said.

"The habitats of Charmander and Charmander are different." Caroline reminded.

"Little Charmanders mostly live in mountains and caves, and it's not uncommon in the Kanto area..." Caroline paused, and then skipped the continuation. After all, Charmanders are not uncommon, but Bailiyuan is one Did not see.

In fact, Caroline also considered that if Bailiyuan traveled step by step in the Kanto area, she might discover something, but unfortunately, Bailiyuan didn't have that time.

"The habitats of the fire-breathing dinosaurs and charmanders that Charmander evolved from are different from those of Charmander. Charmanders live in more steep mountains or active volcanoes. Although they are both mountains, they are different. Charmanders live in The mountains are safer, so if you look for the place where the fire-breathing dragon lived, you may get something, but you may not find anything. The most important thing is that according to my judgment, the fire-breathing dragon should be It hasn't been long since I evolved, so I may be moving when I leave Snow Mountain this time."

"Just evolved?" Baili Yuan was taken aback.

"That's right, judging from the way the fire-breathing dragon flies, it looks like it just learned to fly. The action of spitting flames before leaving should be similar to the human's 'spit and then go'. I guess the fire-breathing dragon left this time. It should be looking for a new home, maybe the fire-breathing dragons on the Snow Mountain have a fixed place to go."

Bailiyuan thought about it.

"That is to say, is there really a little fire dragon on Shangxue Mountain?"

"Well... You can understand it that way. There will indeed be Charmanders, but they shouldn't be near the place where Charmanders lived."

The detector carefully searched the place where the fire-breathing dragon lived, and indeed found no traces of other small charmanders, and there were even few other elves.

"The fire-breathing dragons and fire-breathing dragons after the evolution of Charmander were not very good-tempered. It is not surprising that this happens." Caroline explained.

Baili Yuan stayed in the camp, and finally, at dusk, clusters of flames attracted Baili Yuan's attention.

"This is..." Baili Yuan stood up and stared at the screen.

The picture zoomed in, and in the picture on the screen, followed by the dim light, Baili Yuan could see clearly.

At this time, a group of small charmanders are gathering together to enjoy the fire, and the clusters of flames are the flames on the tails of the small charmanders.

"Finally found it." Baili Yuan smiled.

"But this location is... the edge of the mountain top???"

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