I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 65 The Pilgrimage Begins

The Daxue Mountain Tour is an activity specially prepared for trainees under the age of fifteen and junior herald users, and it is a test for the new generation.

Participants need to carry their luggage alone, start from the starting point, follow the drawn route, and finally reach the end point.

Different people have different road maps, and the degree of distance is also different, and there will be appropriate tests along the way. The difficulty of the pilgrimage of the junior heraldry is higher than that of the apprentice heraldry.

In the end, the first three people to reach the finish line will be rewarded and the top three medals, and a total of six people will receive rewards and medals for each pilgrimage, apprenticeship and junior coat of arms.

However, the Daxueshan tour does not mean that you can participate if you want to.

On the first day, someone will randomly distribute a hundred copies of the map in the camp. The status is not limited, but generally it is distributed to people with a more conspicuous special status. Children who want to participate in the tour need to find this map by themselves. The way to get the map.

The map Bailiyuan used was given to her by Mary. It has to be said that it is really convenient to have the glory of a lifetime champion.

Participating in the Great Snow Mountain Tour was originally within Shedu's plan for Bailiyuan, and Bailiyuan, who was a little irritable in fighting all day long, readily accepted the map.

This map is the map leading to the starting point of the Daxueshan pilgrimage, which is the second test.

On the second day, children who need to hold the map find the starting point before noon. A map can be used by multiple people. Therefore, participants can set off in a team. Guardians are not allowed to follow and help. Once found, they will be expelled.

The starting point of the Daxueshan tour is different every year. Except for the organizer, it is impossible to know where the starting point of the tour is without a map.

Although the map of Akutsuaki and Hanabata Yoshiko was eaten by Hanabata Yoshiko, but fortunately Akutsuaki memorized more than half of the map last night. Although the map is gone, he still came out to try his luck. Unexpectedly, he actually met Bailiyuan, who was on the way, successfully reached the starting point.

Only one hundred maps leading to the starting point are issued every year, but it does not mean that one map is a quota, nor does it mean that all maps will be found and then successfully obtained by children who want to participate, let alone get a map can find the starting point,

You must know that in the snow-capped mountains, it is easy to get lost even with a map. For example, Bailiyuan, without the help of Ajiu Tsuming, it would be difficult for him to find the starting point by himself.

In short, for various reasons, the number of children who successfully participate in the pilgrimage does not exceed a hundred people every year.


After bidding farewell to Akutsuaki and Yoshiko Hanabata who was still sleeping soundly, Bailiyuan took her registration form and brought Super Miaomiao to the registration office.

"Bailiyuan, trainee summoner, five years old." The staff looked at Bailiyuan, then took out a bracelet and handed it to Bailiyuan.

Baili Yuan observed the bracelet, which had a red button, a green button, and a small screen.

"This is the pilgrimage bracelet that you need to participate in the pilgrimage. Take the bracelet and go to Coach No. 3. He will teach you how to use it. I wish you a good harvest."


All the coaches were outside, with numbers on their backs, and Bailiyuan found coach No. 3 easily.

After waiting for a few minutes, a few more children came, and the number of children reached ten.

"Ahem, since there are enough people, everyone pay attention to me." Coach No. 3 clapped his hands.

The children all gathered around the coach.

Coach No. 3 is in charge of trainee coat of arms envoys, who are only in charge of ten children.

Coach No. 3 began to explain the use of the tour bracelet to the children.

The tour bracelet has three functions, the red button is for help, the green button is to exit the tour, as for the small screen, it is used to scan the small flags on the route, which is the proof of the completion of the tour.

At the same time, the bracelet also has the functions of body scanning and positioning. If the child wearing the bracelet has an accident, someone will come to the rescue as soon as possible.

Although the route of the pilgrimage is not a dangerous route, it is a safe zone in theory, but it is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

After talking about the functions of the tour bracelet, the coach distributed the equipment to the children, and then began to tell the children the knowledge that needs to be paid attention to when traveling and surviving in the snow-capped mountains, and how to use these equipment.

Each pilgrimage will last at least 24 hours, and the departure time is at 2 o'clock in the afternoon today, which means that participants need to survive a night in the snow-capped mountains.

It's a challenge for kids.

The deadline will soon be reached, and those who have not reached the starting point will not be able to participate in this tour.

A total of seventy-three people, aged between five and fifteen, successfully participated in the pilgrimage this time.

There are 21 apprentice heraldic envoys and fifty-two junior herald envoys.

The time soon approached two o'clock in the afternoon, and the organizer gave a very encouraging speech to the children, and the children's emotions were immediately aroused.

The organizers then distributed the necessary equipment and maps to the children.

After that, the kids can go.

Bailiyuan was not in a hurry to set off, but opened the map first. There was a red line on the map. This was the route that Bailiyuan was going forward. There were nine points on the route, and the nine points represented the need for Bailiyuan. Nine flags scanned with the wristband.

After putting away the map and putting it into the system space, Bailiyuan tidied up his clothes and equipment, and then set off with Super Miaomiao.

"System, let's play some music to brighten the atmosphere."

"There is no such function."

"Can't you sing by yourself?"

The system was silent for two seconds.

"Invincible is so, so lonely..."

Baili Yuan nodded, this song is very suitable for me.


Bailiyuan walked forward silently, occasionally taking out the map to see if he was going astray.

Although the surrounding area is still a vast expanse of whiteness, as long as you go forward, you will definitely reach your destination.

That's right, Bailiyuan got lost again, looking at the map is just for psychological comfort.

"Damn it, there is no sign at all in this broken place, the surroundings are all the same, how do I get there?"

Bailiyuan rubbed his chubby face angrily. After walking for a long time, let alone a human, he had never encountered a wild monster. The surrounding environment was still the same, and the map was even more incomprehensible. The game cannot be played.

"System, does it have a navigation function?"

"There is no such function."

"Can't you read the map?"

"Sorry, I won't... ah... what are you doing... don't... um..."

Feeling refreshed, Bailiyuan no longer cares about the garbage system.

After thinking about it, Bailiyuan took out the egg detector.

After coming to Daxue Mountain for such a long time, Bailiyuan found that there are quite a few easter eggs in the camp, and there are many high-level ones. Bailiyuan also encountered golden eggs twice.

However, Bailiyuan can only look at the easter eggs of silver and above. These eggs are all on people's bodies, and there is no chance to do anything.

If they are easy to contact, Easter eggs will not be refreshed on them.

Therefore, during this period of time, Bailiyuan only collected a dozen black iron eggs and eight bronze eggs.

These two kinds of easter eggs couldn't open anything good, and Baili Yuan didn't rush to open them, but kept them.

"Huh?" Bailiyuan stared at the egg detector in shock.

There are also some easter eggs in the wild, although the number is not as dense as in the camp.

The reason why Bailiyuan was surprised was because he found a silver egg spawned not far from him, and it was still motionless. It was probably in a certain place, not on the creature.

Whether to move on or touch the egg, Bailiyuan had the answer in his heart in an instant, so he stepped out of his little fat leg.

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