Chapter 643: The Champion Runs Away

In fact, Bailiyuan forgot two things.

One thing is that the conference champion needs to enter the Hall of Fame rank, not only a symbol of glory, but registration in the Hall of Fame is also a proof of eligibility to participate in the Champions League.

As for another thing... that is, the champion of the conference still has a challenge match against the king of heaven!

Damalanqi turned to the phone, looked back at the three figures standing behind him, and smiled wryly in embarrassment.


In the early stage of the Silver Conference, the Chengdu Alliance and the Kanto Alliance made a new division and confirmation of the kings and champions of the two regions.

The four heavenly kings of the Kanto area are Kona, Juzi, Shiba, and Adu. The champion is temporarily vacant, but there are already candidates.

The four heavenly kings of the Chengdu area are Kazuki, Shiba, Lihua, and Aju. The champion is still vacant, but there are also candidates.

Although the champion is not yet in place, the seven kings are enough to stabilize the stability of the two regions.

The Kanto area and the Johto area have been connected since ancient times. Although there has been a trend of divergence in recent years, many things are still related.

For example, Xiba is also the Four Heavenly Kings of two regions, and the reason why Xiba can concurrently serve as the Four Heavenly Kings of two regions is because of the particularity of Xiba's identity-Xiba is a recognized fighting master!

Shiba represents all the dojo forces in the Kanto area and the Johto area.

The dojo is a special existence handed down from ancient times, and in the Johto and Kanto areas, there has been a very prosperous dojo system since ancient times, and in modern times, the dojos are grouped together, also known as the dojo alliance.

The only one who can convince the various dojos in the two regions is Xiba alone. Moreover, the other three heavenly kings in the Kanto area are all new heavenly kings, and they need to have the status of veteran heavenly kings to stabilize various forces. Therefore, Xiba Able to be king of two regions at the same time.

Although Xiba is not the strongest among the four heavenly kings, nor is he the strongest behind him, but he is the one who sits the most securely in the position of heavenly king!

Only Chrysanthemum can compare with him.

Few forces and people are willing to provoke Juzi, because Juzi is about to retire, everyone is worried about what the little old lady will do at the end of her term, and the spirit of playing ghosts is a bit abnormal, no one wants to touch her Mildew.

What's more, after Juzi retired, the new king had to pass Juzi's test, and Juzi also had a lot of influence on the trainer who succeeded her as the king.

So Chrysanthemum is the most dangerous king.

As for the King of Kona, although he is a veteran and still very young, he is the one with the most unstable position.

This has something to do with Kona's origin.

Kona comes from the fourth island of the Seven Islands, Frozen Island, and although it belongs to the Kanto area, it is not connected to the mainland of the Kanto area.

The forces supporting Kona mainly come from the Seven Islands, which makes Kona not have too many forces supporting her in Kanto, let alone in the city area. On the contrary, Kona is very popular in the Orange Islands in the south of the Seven Islands. famous.

It is also thanks to Kona's reputation in the Orange Islands and the Seven Islands that Kona has secured her position as the king of heaven. However, she does not have much energy in Kanto, but no one dares to underestimate her.

As for Du, he belongs to the new powerhouse launched by the alliance. He is very famous, has great momentum, and has great energy, which is completely opposite to Kona's situation.

Du even has the potential to hit the championship.

You know, it is quite difficult to hit the championship in the Kanto League, and Du has this potential, but Kona said-no, you are not, you don't, don't talk nonsense.

Therefore, Du is only a heavenly king in the Kanto area.

However, on the contrary, Du has the possibility of hitting the championship in the Chengdu area, and Du is indeed one of the candidates for the championship in the Chengdu area.

However, whether he can become the champion or not depends on whether the one on Baiyin Mountain will give way. Even if the one on Baiyin Mountain is the King of Freed Du, Du must still show a sufficient result, otherwise it will be difficult to convince the crowd.

Therefore, Du has already embarked on the road to Fengyuan area at this time, and there is no achievement more important than preventing the devastating conflict between two super ancient Pokémon.

As for the candidate for the championship in the Kanto area, he is currently serving as the temporary host in Tokiwa City.

As for the four heavenly kings in the Chengdu area, except for Xiba, the remaining three are all new heavenly kings.

Except for Aju, the former owner of the Light Red Gym, the masses don't know much about Lihua and Kazuki.

Therefore, the "Heavenly King Challenge" of this Silver Conference is to let the three of them show up in front of ordinary people, officially push the three of them to the stage, and further raise the reputation of the three of them. The Heavenly Kings don't even know their names. Although everyone is not required to know them, at least half of them know them, otherwise it would be a bit embarrassing.

The Uranus Challenge for the champion of the Silver Conference is a very good way to build a reputation. At the same time, it can also establish the status of the Uranus in the hearts of ordinary people, cultivate trust, and let the masses understand the strength of trusting the Uranus.

However, the problem now is—the three heavenly kings took time out of their busy schedules, but the champion of the Silver Conference ran away!

So, the situation is quite embarrassing!


"What's the matter?" Pear Blossom asked.

"He said he would finish his work over there as soon as possible and return." Damaranch said with a smile, "Young people nowadays are really energetic."

Damalanchi tries to muddle through.

After all, Damalan knew that the three in front of him were not so easy to talk to.

Lihua, the king of evil, has a bad personality. It is said that she was a street gangster before becoming a trainer.

Kazuki, a person with superpowers, is not in good spirits, and his weird clothes are enough to show that his character and temper are abnormal.

Ah Ju, the successor of the ninja, needless to say what kind of person a traditional ninja is. Anyway, it is impossible to be a passionate idiot who shouts dreams.

Sure enough, Damalanchi noticed that after he said the answer given by Baili Yuan, all three of them frowned.


Lihua slapped the table with her palm, as if she was about to whistle and shout.

Ah Ju didn't speak.

And Kazuki's eyes flashed a special light, this is Kazuki using superpowers.

However, the light in Kazuki's eyes soon dissipated, and instead he frowned and smiled.

"Since he can't come back, let's fight him in the past. The battle against the background of the Snow Mountain should be very attractive to the audience."

Damalan looked at Kazuki in surprise.

Ah Ju frowned, and said in a deep voice, "This is against the rules."

Ah Ju didn't have any other meanings, it's just that she was a rigid person.

Pear Blossom narrowed her eyes.

"What is your purpose? Did you just use super powers? Could it be that you used to predict the future?"

"How is it possible? I'm not an elf." Kazuki denied with a smile.

Rika looked at Kazuki suspiciously.

"I heard that powerful superpowers can use skills with superpower attributes."

"I've said it all, I'm not an elf!" Kazuki's tone was a bit serious.

"Okay, stop arguing, what do you guys think of Kazuki's proposal?" Damarachi tried to smooth things over.

Aju and Lihua groaned for a while, but Lihua spoke first.

"Okay, I have no doubts."

Ewha is quite familiar with Kazuki, and Kazuki's attitude today is quite abnormal, so Ewha is going to follow him to see, maybe there will be something interesting.

Aju saw that Lihua had said so, so she nodded.

Although it is a bit degrading, the advantage of the ninja is that it has a strong tolerance. As long as it is decided, things that are degrading can be done.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements." Damaranch smiled.

"By the way, we are going out on business during this time, right?" Lihua asked suddenly.

"That's right." Damalanchi nodded and admitted.

"Can the expenses be reimbursed?" Lihua asked immediately.

"..." Damaranqi.

Kazuki squinted his eyes, watching Lihua and Damalan Qi talking about terms.

Ordinary people have always had a misunderstanding about superpowers, that is, they think that superpowers can use skills with superpower attributes.

However, in fact, there is a difference between human superpowers and Pokmon's superpowers. The main difference is that although the abilities used by superpowers are similar to Pokmon's skills, they are actually another system. superpowers.

For example, two smart phones can do the same thing, but they are not of the same brand.

It is naturally impossible for Kazuki to use the ability to predict the future, but he can do similar things - use superpowers to predict the future to a certain extent, although it will not be very detailed, but it is still possible to predict good and bad.

Yishu just used his super power to perceive that if he followed Bailiyuan, he might gain a lot.

PS: The alliances in the Johto area and the Kanto area are not the same. The Quartz Alliance is the Pokémon Alliance in the Kanto area. The Quartz Alliance includes eight Kanto Gym Masters, four Four Heavenly Kings, and a champion. The Quartz Alliance also Known as the Kanto Alliance. In Generation II and HeartGold/SoulSilver, the seat of the Johto Alliance's alliance is also here. The Johto Alliance is the Pokémon League in the Johto area. The Johto Alliance includes eight Johto Gym Masters, four Four Heavenly Kings, and a champion. Since the Kanto area is connected to the Johto area, the Pokémon League facilities in the Johto area can be shared with the Kanto area, and the Four Heavenly Kings and Champions are also shared.

PS: The author of some settings did not follow the game. The headquarters of the two alliances are the same, both in the Quartz Plateau, but the champions, kings and gym masters in the alliance have different systems. They are connected but independent of each other. , and the locations of the alliance conferences in the two regions are also different. The Kanto region is on the Quartz Plateau, while the Johto region is on the Silver Mountain.

Note: The attributes of the Gym Master of the Joto Alliance and the attributes of the Gym Master of the Kanto Alliance just constituted the 16 attributes at that time except for the evil attribute. The goblin did not appear at the time.

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