Chapter 640 News about Charmander

The Silver Conference was successfully concluded, but the subsequent impact did not disappear so easily.

But no matter what the impact is, no one can stop Bailiyuan from accepting the alliance's reward!

Because, special rewards have reward elves!

The normal reward Bailiyuan has already arrived.

Trophies, medals, some money, and two props.

A proof of a king, a sharp beak.

As the champion of the Silver Conference, Bailiyuan naturally received a special reward.

Not to mention anything else, Bailiyuan did get the chance to choose an elf!

In a room, Damarange sat opposite Bailiyuan.

Damalan is an old man with a short stature and a white beard. He is always smiling and easy to get along with, but he holds a high position.

"Contestant Xiaoyuan, in this booklet are elves that you can choose to cultivate."

Bailiyuan took the booklet with some excitement, and then opened it. Sure enough, the first page was the familiar garlic toad, bah, no, it was the seed of the frog.

Bailiyuan flipped through the brochure, and the brochure included the Yusanjia in the Chengdu area and the Kanto area, yes, including Charmander!

Baili Yuan was a little excited, but still looked behind patiently.

The number of elves in the booklet is very comprehensive, and it includes most of the elves that can be found in the Kanto area and the Johto area, and some elves from other areas, but there are not many types.

The elves in the booklet are available in the initial form, and there are no elves after evolution.

However, some very rare and rare elves are not available, such as the degenerated lucky egg of the lucky egg, Kaixi, hypnotizing tapir, Chenglong and so on.

But the booklet includes Tiny Dragons and Yukira!

It can be seen that the league gives preferential treatment to the conference champion.

Baili Yuan thought for a while, then turned to the page of Charmander, pointed at Charmander, and stretched out a finger with the other hand.

"You know what I mean."


Damalan was taken aback for a moment, then smiled.

"Is it Charmander? I thought you would choose a water-type Pokémon like Squirrel."

Damalan knows that Bailiyuan is a fisherman, and theoretically speaking, water-type Pokmon is the mainstream direction of Bailiyuan's cultivation.

"But Charmander doesn't matter, that's fine." Damalanchi nodded with a smile.

Bailiyuan squeezed his fist, steady!

" may have to wait for a while." Damalanchi said with a sudden frown.

Bailiyuan: "???"

Before Bailiyuan could ask a question, Damarange spoke.

"The new Charmanders are still hatching, and they will be given to you when the new trainers set off next year." Damarangi said.

"Wait, hatch? Aren't there so many in the Charizard Valley?"

"It seems that you have investigated." Damalan looked at Bailiyuan.

"Um, passing by, passing by." Baili Yuan scratched his head.

Damalanqi didn't have any ideas, after all, the Charizard Valley was written in the tourist brochure, so he knew there was nothing wrong with it.

But regarding Baili Yuan's words, Damaraji shook his head.

"You don't know, the little charmanders in the Charmander Valley are not suitable for trainers, and that is the home of the fire-breathing dragons. Even the alliance has no way to bring the little charmanders out from there. At most, there can only be a few training Every family has the opportunity to let their fire-breathing dragons go there for training," Damalanchi said.

In fact, the matter in the Charmander Valley is not that simple, and it cannot be explained clearly in a few words, but Bailiyuan heard what Damalanchi meant-don't expect extravagant little dragons in the Charizard Valley, and we didn't either. Method.

"Then you can also give me the little charmander's egg directly." Baili Yuan said.

Damalanchi shook his head again, and then explained again.

"You don't understand. First of all, the gathering place and hatching place of the Yusanjia provided for newcomer trainers is kept secret, and it is impossible to bring the Yusanjia out in advance..."

But those non-Yusan families are different. In many cases, they are directly handed over to Joey in the Pokémon Center for incubation or entrusted to some breeding houses.

"Moreover, the hatching of Charmander is quite special. The hatching of fire-type Pokémon requires a specific temperature. Once the hatching process is interrupted, it is likely to affect the health of the hatched Pokémon."

"The hatching of Pokémon must be done carefully, so I hope you can wait patiently for a while. There are still three months until the day when the initial Pokémon will be distributed to newcomer trainers. At that time, the alliance will hand over a healthy Charmander to you." It's in your hands." Damaranch persuaded, with a very skilled look.

Well, in fact, Bailiyuan is not the only one who wants to win the championship of the Yusanjia, but the Yusanjia, which is strictly controlled by the alliance, can't be handed over so easily, so these trainers often distribute the initial magical powers to newcomer trainers in the alliance. Only when he was a baby could he get the Yusanjia. Of course, Damalanchi's consolation and persuasion were indispensable.

So...Dama Lanqi's business is actually very skilled.

"You can also take a look at other Pokémon, such as Mini Dragon and Yukira, the elves with the highest potential in their booklets, and their strengths when they grow up are all top-notch, definitely better than Yusanjia."

Bailiyuan glanced at Damaranqi.

The old man is very bad, do you really think I don't know the cost of raising a quasi-god?

I'm afraid to scare you by saying it, but I have two of them!

Bailiyuan flipped through the manual, thinking whether he should wait for three months.

To be honest, when Bailiyuan heard that it would take three months to get Charmander, his mind exploded.

This is like a long-distance love race for ten years, and finally hit the base on the wedding night, only to tell myself that relatives have come, and I need to wait a week!

Of course, there are other solutions, like... using your mouth?

Right now, Bailiyuan was thinking about how to make Damalan use his mouth... Bah!

Is there any other way to get Charmander.

Damalanchi might have seen Baili Yuan's thoughts, but there was no surprise.

Having said that, Damalan is very skilled in business, and there are many things like Bailiyuan that he wanted at the time, so at this time, he needs to have other alternatives.

Damalanchi was also prepared, and then he showed a kind smile.

"Actually, if you want Charmander, there is nothing you can do."

Bailiyuan looked at Damalanqi in surprise.

"tell me the story."

"You can catch wild Charmanders...Of course, this method has a lot of randomness, the probability of success is not high, and it will take a lot of time." Damarangi said with a smile.

Bailiyuan withdrew her raised fist.

"I know a place where Charmanders exist."


"There is a Snow Appreciation Mountain near Baiyin Mountain. There are traces of Charmander's activities on the Snow Appreciation Mountain. If you want Charmander, you can go there and have a look, and there are many other Pokmon there. Speaking of which, before the conference A Hula ran over there and caused a lot of trouble, I heard that it was finally subdued by a contestant."

"Appreciate the Snow Mountain..." Baili Yuan was silent for a while, then looked at Damalanqi again.

"Then can I still choose another elf?"

Damaranch: "..."

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