Chapter 627: Two Lines of Tears from the Elf

"The fire-breathing dragon loses its ability to fight, the flame chicken wins, player Xiaozhi loses all six spirits, and player Ye Yue wins!"

The honored child looked at the news broadcast on the computer in her hand. She still paid more attention to the Silver Conference, but she didn't pay attention all the time. She just watched the news and video replays when she had nothing to do.

Through the competition of these players, she can also learn a lot.

"Xiaozhi, I remember..."

The Honorable One remembered the boy with Pikachu who defeated her in the academy.

It was also because of Xiaozhi that she embarked on a journey, and then met the dojo master...

The superior pride felt a little pity for Xiaozhi's final defeat. Ye Yue's flame chicken had obviously reached its limit, but it was a pity that the fire-breathing dragon had consumed a lot of power in the previous battle and could not persist until the end, but this time It also shows that Xiaozhi has good strength, but... a little bad luck.

"It's a pity." The top prize skipped to the next video.

"Is it Xiaoyuan, the battle of the dojo master's cousin?"

The superior pride narrowed his eyes and clicked on the video.


"Next is the third battle of the second round. The contestants are Xiaoyuan from the old coast and Baihua from the famous water city Odomare! The venue for the battle has been determined, it is a rocky field!"

Baihua is a sweet-looking female contestant.

Bailiyuan recalled the information of Baihua. Baihua had just been traveling for two years. The registration information showed that Baihua did not have a good record. It seemed that she had not participated in too many competitions, and she could not compete with Xuemei and Songbai. Comparing his resume, he didn't have any outstanding performances in the previous battles, but he has indeed reached this step and entered the quarterfinals.

Bailiyuan felt that Baihua's ability to make it this far was due to a lot of luck.

For example, Baihua only met him now.

But luck is also a part of strength. As the number one hitman of the God of Fate, Bailiyuan has a deep understanding.

But that's not to say that Hundred Blossoms didn't have any outstanding points. In the battle, Hundred Blossoms was not arrogant or impetuous, and played steadily. Although it was a bit difficult to win, they didn't make too many mistakes, and the team composition was not limited to one attribute.

It can be said that Baihua is a very regular trainer. If you continue to work hard, if there are no accidents, you will not be able to achieve too high a result and become a king or champion. No problem, and then with two years of qualifications, you can become a senior trainer, and if you are lucky, you can even become a top trainer.

Becoming an elite trainer means that you are already a public official of the alliance. Even if you don't have any ambitions, you can still get a good salary. It can be said that you have achieved the ultimate goal of most trainers.

The reason why Bailiyuan thinks so is not because there is anything special about Baihua, but because the steady players like Baihua almost follow this routine in life. Although it takes a lot of time, the victory is guaranteed.

Those fancy trainers, such as trainers who purely train in the first class, often have amazing performances, and even some top-talented players can achieve extremely high achievements, such as kings, champions, and lesser ones can also open roads. Gyms or dojos, but the point is that more of these trainers have fallen into the sand.

That's right, trainers who simply train a series of elves know more about a series of elves, and it is easier to reach a higher position. However, the crux of the problem is that this situation is easy to be targeted by others. Being targeted to death, why Du didn't become the champion in Kanto, but planned to become the champion in Chengdu, I have to ask Ke Na.

You Ji stood on Kuailong's back that year and shouted "NMD, why" to Kona below, and Kona's answer was Chenglong's shot of absolute zero!

All the trainers at the king level are like this, not to mention the gym masters and ordinary trainers below. If they are targeted, they will naturally have no results, no results, just play a bird!

Although attribute restraint is not absolute, it accounts for a large proportion in elf battles. No trainer can ignore the problem of attribute restraint. The first lesson for newcomer trainers is attribute and attribute restraint.

Moreover, most trainers do not have the strength and methods to ignore attribute restraint.

To sum up——

Fighting against thousands of things, the attribute is the first thing, fighting against the attribute, the elves cry in two lines.


"Contestant Xiaoyuan will attack first, and player Baihua will attack second!"

Bailiyuan opened his hand, and an elf ball was twirling in Bailiyuan's hand.

Bailiyuan grabbed the spinning poke ball violently.

"It's you, hot meow!"

This time, Bailiyuan chose the hot cat as a test.

The most restrictive of the four venues are the water venue and the ice venue. As for the rock venue and the grass venue, they are suitable for most elf battles.

"Oh, it's a Pokémon I've never seen before. Is it called Hot Meow? What kind of Pokémon is it? Let the scholars explain it to us." The host shouted loudly. Strange elves are also a selling point during the competition.

The picture was transferred to the scholar, and the scholar pushed his glasses.

"Hot Meow is a Pokémon from the Alola region, the evolution of the Fire Spotted Meow. Speaking of the Alola region, I was lucky enough to go there once. It has a warm climate, beautiful scenery, rich resources, its own culture, and large beaches everywhere. , there are strange Pokémon running on the beach and beauties in bold clothes... Ahem, in short, it is a very good place for vacation and tourism, but there is no Pokémon League there yet."

Although the "beauties in bold dresses" mentioned by scholars has attracted the attention of many people, but the last "no Pokémon League" has made a group of trainers lose interest.

The Alola region has always been connected to other regions, but has always been known as a vacation spot, like Hawaii.

As for the Pokémon Alliance, although the Alola region has connections with other regions, in fact there is no Pokémon Alliance in the Alola region, but the master of the island controls major events. Although in recent years, with the connection between the Alola region and other regions , There is also the voice of establishing an alliance in the Alola region, but there are many things involved, and it is not that simple to establish a Pokémon alliance.

Baihua also heard the scholar's introduction, but the scholar only briefly introduced the name and origin of the hot cat, without revealing too much.

However, based on Yan Nuan's name and body color, Baihua judged that Yan Nuan was a fire-type Pokémon, and it didn't seem to be the final evolution.

After all, according to cognition, the elves who finally evolve are more powerful.

"In that case... I'm counting on you, Gotha Duck!"

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