Chapter 611

As Bailiyuan and the elves trained on multi-stage attacks, Bailiyuan also gradually discovered the key to multi-stage attacks.

The multi-segment attack relies on two points, the force technique and the unique sense of rhythm trained.

Moreover, multi-stage attacks are more similar to continuous skills in Pokémon skills.

For example, even chopping.

And as the elves learn and practice multi-stage attacks, the elves also have a deeper control over these continuous attack skills.

In the past, the skills were activated first, and then the skills were used by oneself, but now, the skills are activated by relying on one's own strength.

And the effect of this is that the use of skills is more natural, and it is easier to use in combination with other skills, blooming more powerful power.

Now, this is what the Giant Pincer Mantis does, and the result is that the Giant Pincer Mantis uses continuous metal claws that combine the characteristics of continuous chopping!

Metal Claw: Cleave the opponent with steel claws to attack. Sometimes boosts own attack.

Slash: Slash the opponent with a sickle or claws to attack. Hit consecutively, the power will increase.

The Giant Pincer Mantis' set of attacks directly knocked the Turtle out. If it wasn't for the heavy weight of the Turtle, it would probably fly out of the battle field directly.

Although there is no rule that if you leave the battlefield, you will lose, but that would not look good.

However, even if the tortoise did not fly out of the field, the attack of the giant pincer mantis still caused great damage to the tortoise.

"Oh, look quickly, the power of the sudden attack of the giant pincer mantis is amazing. Wait, the giant pincer mantis moved again, moving at high speed, so fast! Doesn't it want to leave the opponent with a chance to breathe? "

Seeing the red figure rushing towards the tortoise, Xuemei hurriedly ordered.

"Taitai Turtle, use your energy!"

Xuemei could tell that it was very difficult for the earth platform turtle to get up in time to avoid it, or even unable to get up at all, so the earth platform turtle could only use the means available in this state.

Xuemei chose the power storage that Tutai Turtle is good at.

The Tutai Turtle also successfully used its stored energy, but the Giant Pincer Mantis also came to the Tutai Turtle.

Cross scissors!

Without any fancy combination, the giant pincer mantis directly used the cross scissors with all its strength, and the power is naturally needless to say.

Bailiyuan knew that in the case of the Turtle Turtle, the next move of cross-cutting would not lose its ability to fight. After all, the Turtle Turtle was the kind of elf with rough skin and thick flesh, but it was also crippled.

The cross scissors landed on the platform tortoise, and the platform tortoise howled.

Xuemei's face darkened.


Swallow: Swallow the accumulated power to recover your own power. The more you save, the bigger the recovery.

"Sure enough." Baili Yuan was not surprised.

Accumulation, ejection, and swallowing are a set of combination skills, which have boost, attack, and recovery. With such a set of skills, the earth turtle has high talent and potential, strong battery life, and will become more difficult. Entangled.

And these three skills, the Tutai turtle can only be acquired through inheritance.

The spirit of the turtle that was swallowed improved obviously, and he stood up again, and then used the stored power again.

"The tortoise shell is really hard, but... the giant pincer mantis, sneak attack!"

Assault on the key point: seize the momentary gap and cut the opponent. Easy to hit home.

Seeing the giant pincer mantis bullying him again, Xuemei hurriedly ordered the earth turtle to use it to swallow again.

The sneak attack did not cause too much damage to the Tutai turtle, and the spirit of the Tutai turtle seemed to be better.

Because the earth turtle was almost taken away by the giant pincer mantis, Xuemei became very cautious and asked the earth turtle to use its energy storage again.

"Air cut!"

Air Slash: Attack with a blade of air that can split even the sky. Sometimes makes opponents cringe.

The air slash is one of the few special attack skills mastered by the giant pincer mantis, and it is the disadvantage of the earth turtle in terms of special defense.

To be honest, if Tutai Turtle hadn't charged up and swallowed this set of skills, Bailiyuan would have won.

But it's not a big problem now.

"Keep a distance and continue the sword dance!"

The giant pincer mantis drew an air blade and retreated quickly, and then used sword dance.

"Interrupt him, use Earthquake!"

Xuemei also chose to attack immediately, and accelerated the rhythm of the attack.

"Jump up."

The giant pincer mantis leaped high, temporarily avoiding the disturbance of the earthquake.

"Good opportunity, use Flying Leaf Storm!"

Flying Leaf Storm is an advanced version of Flying Leaf Kuaisao's skill. It is powerful, but its disadvantage is that it consumes a lot of energy, and after using it, it will reduce its special attack.

However, the Turtle Turtle Special Pass is not high in the first place, and it doesn't matter if it is lowered. Moreover, the reason why this move was chosen is to seize this opportunity to cause maximum damage to the Giant Pincer Mantis.

The giant pincer mantis in the air is a living target for the earth turtle!

But things are obviously not that simple.

Although the wings of the giant pincer mantis cannot take him to fly, it cannot be denied that they are wings.

The wings behind the giant pincer mantis spread out and flapped quickly, then the giant pincer mantis changed its position according to this force, and unexpectedly escaped the storm of flying leaves, then quickly landed, and then rushed to the earth platform immediately turtle.

"A flash of lightning!"

Bailiyuan didn't intend to procrastinate any longer, but the special skills of the Giant Pincer Mantis were limited.

"Go up, mallet!" Xuemei said.

"It's now, Yan Fan!"

Facing the oncoming earth turtle, the giant pincer mantis turned around lightly to avoid the attack of the earth turtle, and then attacked the earth turtle's back.

The giant pincer mantis is close again, and this time it is the giant pincer mantis that has used the sword dance!

"Bite his pincers!"

The earth turtle turned its head and bit hard on the pincers that hit him.

Xuemei looked at Bailiyuan.

Get bitten by the pliers, let's see how you get out.

The power of the giant pincer mantis depends on the two giant pincers. When the giant pincers are restrained, the giant pincer mantis is a warrior without weapons, and the threat will be greatly reduced. Besides, it is not over yet.

"Use ultimate absorption!"

The earth turtle also began to absorb the power of the giant pincer mantis.

For a moment, the giant pincer mantis seemed to be at a disadvantage.

Bailiyuan didn't look anxious.

"Sometimes, all that's missing is an opportunity, and now, this opportunity has appeared."

The giant pincer mantis aimed his remaining pincer at the eyes of the earth turtle.

"Destroy the dead light!"

That's right, there are not many special attacks learned by the giant pincer mantis, but this doesn't mean that the giant pincer mantis doesn't have some powerful special attacks, let alone the skills necessary for killing and arson such as destroying the dead light.

The light condensed on the pincers of the giant pincer mantis.

The earth turtle that bit the pincers of the giant pincer mantis can't use it to hold.

"No, let go!" Xuemei exclaimed.

However, it was too late.


Bailiyuan rubbed his nose.

"I hope that the platform turtle won't be beaten into a disability."

It's hard to say what will happen if the destructive death light hits the eyes.

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