Chapter 602 Ability of clone

Although the seven potential clones have different emotions, they still listen to Baili Yuan's words.

Bailiyuan raised his eyebrows when he saw a row of seven people who looked the same but were dressed differently.

No matter what, these seven clones are Baili Yuan's own abilities, and they are different from Baili Yuan's body.

For the seven clones, Bailiyuan and Caroline also made a special study, and these seven clones also knew their own abilities.

These seven clones not only have different personalities, but also have different abilities and strengths.

The three strongest clones are the clone of love, the clone of evil, and the clone of desire.

The abilities of these three clones are stronger than Baili Yuan, and they are also different.

The avatar of love has the same energy power as Baili Yuan, and its ability level is even higher than Baili Yuan's. Almost every ability has reached the level of a high-level heraldry.

The power possessed by the clone of love includes the power of wind, power of sand, chakra, spiritual power, magic power, and Bailiyuan's most fundamental power of light.

The powerful aspect of the clone of evil lies in the physical aspect, the level is the same as that of the clone of love, and it also has the same dark power as Baili Yuan and the crystallization derived from the dark power.

The Clone of Desire is powerful in terms of spiritual power, that is to say, the Clone of Desire has super powers stronger than Baili Yuan, and at the same time possesses the power derived from many superpowers, the Clone of Desire also has more power than Baili Yuan. Strong Altec idea.

The strength of the remaining four clones is slightly worse than these three clones, but the strength level of these four clones is the same, the same as Bailiyuan, and they all have their own specialties, but in These avatars are better than Bailiyuan in terms of areas of expertise.

Xizhi's avatar is good at swordsmanship.

The clone of anger is good at fighting.

Fear Clone is good at auxiliary abilities, that is, those non-combat abilities that Baili Yuan is good at, such as healing and cooking.

As for the clone of sorrow, the level of the clone of sorrow is the same as that of the other three clones, but it doesn't show any good ability.

Because the avatar of Sorrow is completely in the late stage of depression, Bailiyuan and other avatars even dare not talk to him easily, and even if they do strike up a conversation, they may not get a reply. Therefore, Bailiyuan didn't ask. The ability of the clone of sorrow.

However, Baili Yuan found that when asked about the ability, the emotion of the Avatar clone seemed to become even sadder.

Baili Yuan felt that perhaps it was because of the appearance of giving up on life that the clone of sorrow could not show the power of the clone of sorrow.

Baili Yuan doesn't think that the clone of sorrow is a worthless and powerless clone, and it is impossible to divide all the abilities, so there is nothing left in the clone of sorrow.

Well, the abilities of the other six clones happened to include all the abilities of Baili Yuan except the heraldry profession, and even these six clones had protection on their bodies.

However, the Avatar of Sorrow also has another ability, that is, transformation. It should be said that the seven avatars all have this ability, and they can all transform into Baili Yuan's normal form.

Moreover, the clone of love, clone of evil and clone of desire can also transform into the form of the holy light, the form of the dark god and the form of the moon god respectively, but the other four clones do not have the ability to change forms other than the adult form .

However, the limitation is that the consumption of all avatar transformations is provided by Bailiyuan, that is to say, Bailiyuan needs to provide more light, and Bailiyuan's ability to store light has also been enhanced. Fortunately, the dark god form does not It is necessary for Bailiyuan to reserve dark power specially.

In the past, Bailiyuan could reserve eleven shares of light at most, but now, Bailiyuan can reserve twenty-eight shares of light!

It takes a long time to store so much light.

With the Brilliance Bracelet, Bailiyuan can store up one light in three days on average, and it will take eighty-four days to store twenty-eight lights!

Rounding up is three months, that is to say, it will take at least three months for Bailiyuan to show his strongest posture, and he can only wave four times a year.

The premise is that Bailiyuan does not change shape on the way.

The only special thing is that the evil avatar can transform into the dark god form even if there is no light, the price is that Baili Yuan cannot transform into the dark god form at the same time.

On the contrary, if the avatar of desire cannot transform, it cannot transform its power into the power of the moon god, nor can it transform into the form of the moon god.

These avatars will not die, and their injuries will not be fed back to Baili Yuan, but they will take time to recover. Depending on the injury, the time it takes will vary. It will take a month for them to be summoned again after being killed.

The growth of the avatar will grow according to the growth of Bailiyuan.

In addition to these, Bailiyuan cannot share memories with the clones, nor can he communicate with the clones without splitting the clones. However, when the clones do not appear, they can unilaterally receive Bailiyuan's memories and news.


After communicating with the clones, Baili Yuan had a certain understanding of their abilities, and then withdrew the clones.

Although the abilities of the clones are good, they are not without flaws. The flaw is that the emotions of the clones are too targeted.

For example, the avatar of sorrow, because it was too sad, directly became a patient with severe depression. While lamenting that "life is not worth it", he gave up treatment, and the avatar of fear, whose personality is extremely timid, is not suitable for On the battlefield, fortunately, the Fear Clone is good at supporting abilities. In addition, there are the Evil Clone and the Wrath Clone. Baili Yuan is afraid that if one does not pay attention, these two guys will destroy the world.

The only thing that can make Bailiyuan feel more at ease is the avatar of love and the avatar of joy, but there is no guarantee that there will be no accidents between these two guys in the battle.

All in all, this is a problematic capacity.

But Bailiyuan was more assured that these avatars could obey her and his orders.

The day passed by so slowly.


Bailiyuan soon discovered the benefits of these avatars.

For example, Bailiyuan can completely let his avatar help him share some things.

For example, the avatar of Fear took on the task of cooking, as well as the task of feeding the group of friends.

In addition, there are aspects of cultivation.

At this time, the two Bailiyuan were practicing sword skills against each other in the open space.

It was Bailiyuan who was training with Xizhi's clone.

Xizhi's clone's sword skills are higher than Baili Yuan's. Practicing with Xizhi's clone, Baili Yuan's sword skills have improved very well, and with Baili Yuan's improvement, Xizhi's clone's sword skills are also improving.

However, if Bailiyuan doesn't comprehend more, Xizhi clone's sword skills will only improve on the basis of Bailiyuan, and it is impossible to learn new things. This method can only be used as a means of training.

That night.

Shazie was not here again today, and Auston went to the instructors to learn about tomorrow's training plan.

In order to better cooperate with the instructors, teaching assistants need to do their homework in advance.

Bailiyuan was a little unaccustomed to Shazi's absence, and at the same time was a little confused.

"Caroline, do you know where Sazi is?" Baili Yuan asked.

"I know." Caroline said, there is a small reconnaissance plane controlled by her in the forest corridor.

"Oh? Then where did she go?"

"Can't tell," Caroline said.


"Anyway, go to sleep."

A certain spring in the corridor of the forest.

It turned out to be a hot spring here, and there was still water vapor floating above and around the hot spring.

It was originally quiet here at night, but at this time, Yingying Yanyan's voice came out.

A group of female students who were supposed to be sleeping in the room were soaking in the clear and clean hot spring, washing their bodies and playing with each other.

"It's so comfortable, the fatigue of the day has disappeared, but is it a bit bad that we don't tell boys that they can take a shower here?" a girl said.

"What do those stinky boys do? Maybe they will do some perverted things after they find out."


"However, the chief instructor is really kind. He even told us about this place, and secretly took us out to soak in the hot spring."

"Yes, yes, although she was a little stricter during training, she is unexpectedly a good person."

Because except for Shazi, there is no co-sleeping situation, so when the boys are sleeping soundly in the dormitory, they don't even notice that the girls are gone.

And among this group of girls, there were several figures that Bailiyuan was familiar with.

Anne, Daisy, Sazi...

And in one of the springs, Chief Instructor Kai'Sa was soaking in the hot spring, squinting her eyes, looking happy.


Finally, a week passed by so quickly...

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