I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 582 Wearing a Bracelet

Heraldry makes the world.

In Bailiyuan's personal research institute, Caroline is analyzing the composition of the dark ball. At the same time, there are five more petri dishes in the research institute, and five Pokémon are placed in the five petri dishes.

Bangira, Niura, Giant Pincer Mantis, Nido King and Chuanshan King.

The dark ball is a product of the application of evil power, and the influence of evil power on some elves not only affects their temperament, making them more violent, but also affects their strength. The method forcibly stimulated the strength of the five elves.

Now the strength of these five elves is around seventy levels, but their bodies are seriously overdrawn. Although the injuries of the five elves have been repaired by the lake of life, the potential and vitality of the five elves have been affected, and further adjustments are needed.

The liquid in the petri dish is the nutrient solution prepared by Caroline. It is estimated that in another month, the five elves will return to normal. Although the improvement in strength will be relatively slow, the vitality will no longer be lost, and life will not be affected.

Moreover, the emotions of the five elves will also become stable.

This time the harvest was good, in addition to those blessings, there was also a colorful egg.

In addition, a coat of arms of Baili Yuan has also been changed.

Bailiyuan's first summoner crest!

The talent skills of Bailiyuan's Summoner's Emblem have changed!

"Time and space imprint: the ability born with the approval of Shirabi. The imprint can open the time and space channel connected to the Pokémon world. It can be used once a month and can stay in the Pokémon world for seven days each time. Because of the Pokémon The time and space imprint of the world, you have become a legal member of the Pokémon world, and will gradually be affected by the power of the Pokémon world."

The general ability to travel through time and space has not changed, the extra ability is affected by the power of the Pokémon world, and Bailiyuan can also feel the manifestation of this influence...

At this time, Bailiyuan was training in a small training ground opened up in the laboratory, but the training skills were somewhat special.





That's right, it's the spirit skills of the Pokémon world!

On the other side, a camera is recording the data of Bailiyuan's use of these skills.

When Bailiyuan used up these skills, Caroline spoke up.

"Two physical attack skills, two transformation skills, the skills can be used perfectly."

Bailiyuan nodded.

"Are you going to become an elf?"

Bailiyuan understood the meaning of being influenced by the power of the Pokémon world. Maybe because Bailiyuan was not a human being, he was classified as an elf, and then he could learn the skills that elves can only learn.

"Could it be that I will also be some kind of special elf in the Pokémon world in the future?"

Wait, if you become an elf, then your egg group...

Baili Yuan shook his head, it's hard to say whether he is an elf, at least he can't be taken in by the elf ball.

"Are there only these skills for the time being?" Caroline asked.

"That's right, but I think I can awaken more skills in the future."

"The awakening of skills not only requires waiting, but also through practice. The problem now is that you still don't know your attributes, and you can't judge what attributes you can learn."

"However, for now, you can try some basic skills of general types, such as fighting, flying, and even soil. You can try them all."

Bailiyuan nodded.

"Anyway, that's all for today. I'm going back to class too. By the way, when is my next qualifying match?"

"Two o'clock in the afternoon the day after tomorrow. Also, you are almost at the end of the term. Miss Andy asked me to inform you that you have to prepare in advance."

Bailiyuan was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly remembered that there was a final training at the end of the first and second grades.

"Half a month's end-of-term training." Baili Yuan raised his head and smiled.

"The end-of-term training should be easy to spend."

"Don't forget there are final exams," Caroline added.


Baili Yuan's expression froze.

It seems that the college life at Yuncheng College is not as good as I imagined.


Bailiyuan's life seemed to have returned to peace.

Cook for Annie and Daisy every day, cook for the elves every day, cook for Zhuang Sheng and others every day, and feed the group of friends every day...

Wait, why is my daily life cooking? ? ?

Bailiyuan, who was cutting vegetables with the Yongling Knife, was taken aback for a moment.

"Brother Xiaoyuan, how long is the development?" Zhuang Sheng shouted from the side.


All the rewards from the last event in the sealed area were handed over to Baili Yuan, but there was still one reward that hadn't arrived. It was said that it was a new contract beast, which was on its way to be transported.

Bailiyuan was looking forward to the new contracted beast that the academy rewarded him.


After the lunch break, Bailiyuan was called to the office by Andy.

"This is for you." Andy handed a black bracelet to Bailiyuan.

"What is this?" Baili Yuan picked up the bracelet and asked curiously.

There was dark power on the black bracelet, but it didn't displease Baili Yuan.

"This is the Darkness Bracelet. You have dark power in your body. This Darkness Bracelet is the same level of equipment as the Brilliance Bracelet. It can continuously provide you with dark power."

Andy smiled. To be honest, it is very rare for a person like Baili Yuan to have two opposing forces of darkness and light in his body.

"I'll help you put it on. This bracelet is quite special. It can't be taken off or put on without enough strength." Andy said.

Bailiyuan stretched out his right hand obediently. On Bailiyuan's left hand was a radiance bracelet, which could continuously provide Bailiyuan with light, so this dark bracelet could only be worn on his right hand.


Andy put the dark bracelet on Bailiyuan's hand, a strange light appeared on the dark bracelet, and then stuck to Bailiyuan's skin, Bailiyuan experimented, and he himself I really can't take this bracelet off.

"Then how do I take off this bracelet?"

"Then don't take it off, by the way, there is one more thing."

"What's up?"

"Wear a bracelet as a gift for Lolita~"


Andy clapped his hands.

The door of the dean's room was pushed open from the outside, and a small figure walked in.

It's Sazi.

Today's Shazi has returned to normal, not much different from before, but the difference is that there is a black ring around Shazi's neck.


Bailiyuan looked at the ring on Shazi's neck, and then at the bracelet on his right wrist. He suddenly felt that the styles of these two rings were somewhat similar.

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