I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 571 Pokémon rangers and the coming king!

Rabbi, the god of the forest, had an accident, so naturally these people would not be the only ones affected.

There are many people who pay attention to these special existences in Pokémon, and the Alliance is naturally among them.

The rabbi showed up yesterday, so there was plenty of time for the coalition to react.

In any case, it must be admitted that Pokémon are the protagonists of this world, especially those special beings. Dongge is the power to destroy the world, and they are the real top bosses of this world.

However, these big guys either see the end of the dragon but don't see the head, or they have their own missions, so they rarely appear and will not affect the lives of humans and ordinary Pokmon.

However, this does not mean that humans have no connection with these big guys.

As the representative of human beings, the alliance is to connect these existing forces.

There is not much connection between the League and the rabbi, because the rabbi rarely appears in front of humans.

Therefore, in order to ensure that there will be no accidents in the rabbi in the forest, and the world will not be destroyed suddenly, the alliance has been monitoring the situation in the forests everywhere, and at the same time, it also ensures the harmony and stability of the forest, and because the rabbi has never had an accident , It doesn't even appear, on the contrary, various big and small things always happen in the forest. When the alliance solves these things, the original purpose has also been divided and changed.

Although the main purpose of "monitoring the forest situation" has not changed, the task has gradually become "protecting the forest and the Pokémon in the forest, and ensuring the harmonious development of humans and the forest". The personnel of the ocean, the personnel protecting the land, these personnel were finally integrated together, gradually evolved, and became a special group of people, these people are called - elf rangers!

The elf rangers also have a special status between the alliance and the trainers.

Ordinary rangers will be dispatched as regional rangers to ranger alliances in Fire, Almia, or Oblibia after studying at a special ranger school. Compared with other regions, these three places are less urbanized and retain the original appearance of nature to a greater extent.

Rangers accumulate experience by completing various tasks, and may be promoted to Chief Ranger. They use hunting cursors to appease frightened spirits, release possessed spirits, and they are able to communicate with spirits to draw on their powers. The tasks include resolving various conflicts and even confronting evil organizations. The actual scope of work covers most of the content from the convenience squad to the police in reality. After upgrading to Chief Ranger, you will enjoy additional privileges, but the difficulty of the task will also become very difficult.

The general ranger will only have one elf to follow, and these elves are called partner elves. The rangers do not directly let their partners play against other elves, but hunt with the help of their partners during the hunt. With the help of Pokémon, you can also use the power of wild elves to hunt.

But this time, after the incident happened in rabbi, the city alliance immediately responded and arranged, and the main people sent by the city alliance were Pokémon rangers!

Moreover, because of the participation of the Rockets, the City Alliance also sent international police.

Even, because of the rabbi involved, the Chengdu Alliance sent a king-level trainer!

Outside the forest, several ranger squads spread out and began to appease and evacuate the Pokémon in the forest.

Although the center of the incident is deep in the forest, it is Rabbi, but these wild Pokémon living in the forest cannot be ignored.

If these wild Pokémon feel frightened or threatened, the first reaction is definitely to escape from the forest. One or two is nothing, but if they flee in groups, it is likely to form a so-called "beast tide". The biggest problem is that there are also many aggressive Pokémon in it.

Once it is not handled well, it will be a huge disaster for humans living near the deep forest at that time, and both Pokémon and humans will suffer heavy losses.

Therefore, rangers are needed to appease, but it is extremely dangerous to go to the forest to appease the frightened Pokémon at this time, but this is the job of Pokémon rangers.

In addition to these patrol squads, there was another group of people who quickly went deep into the forest.

"The international police haven't arrived yet, so it's up to us to trouble you three." A beautiful woman in patrol clothes said to the three figures beside her.

The beautiful woman knows that although she is about to become the chief patrol officer soon, the matter involving the rabbi may not be something she can solve. However, if this matter is resolved, it is considered as nothing. The beautiful woman estimated that she would be able to be promoted to the chief ranger.

But now that they have gone deep into the forest, it is a foolish dream not to be involved. The beautiful woman only hopes that she will not die too badly.

Familiar with the forest, she already felt that the forest around her was more dangerous than before.

The reason why the international police has not arrived is because the international police has no members nearby, and the international police are very busy and generally have their own tasks. It is not easy to find time, because the international police has always been understaffed.

The beautiful woman felt that if the international police arrived quickly, they might be able to catch up with her body while it was still hot...

Therefore, the only ones I can rely on now are the three around me.

The leader is an old woman with a cane, but it gives people a gloomy feeling. This is the incumbent ghost master in the Kanto area, King Chrysanthemum.

And the two currently most promising candidates for the King of Heaven in the Chengdu area——

Kazuki, a psychic trainer.

The evil trainer, Ewha.

Although Chrysanthemum Heavenly King is the Heavenly King of the Kanto region, at this time, the Kings of the Chengdu region and the Kanto region are shared. Moreover, it was an existence like Shirabi who had the accident, and someone with sufficient weight must come forward.

On the one hand, because King Chrysanthemum is currently the most experienced king in the Johto and Kanto areas, he can overwhelm Kazuki and Rika. After all, Kazuki and Rika are also going to be kings. They must be convinced.

On the other hand, it is because according to observations, srabbi is a super power type and a grass type elf, and the ghost type elves can target it to a certain extent.

In the same way, evil attributes are also aimed at superpowers, and Kazuki, as a trainer of superpowers, can also act against superpowers.

And if Kazuki and Rika can solve this incident perfectly, they will also become the new kings of the city!

That's the whole reason for choosing the trio.

However, because they rushed all night, they rushed over as fast as possible, and the three of them also had tired looks on their faces.

But as the king of heaven and the quasi-king of heaven, their strength and quality are beyond doubt.


At this time, Bailiyuan was on the way to ride a dog.

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