I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 568 Information about the Silver Contest and the Selection of Participating Elves

It took five days to finish the gymnasium competition, because this time Bailiyuan came to the Pokémon world using the innate skill of the coat of arms, so Bailiyuan still has two days left to stay.

The Silver Conference will be held next month, so Bailiyuan still has a lot of time to prepare.

If he used conventional means, Bailiyuan didn't think he could push the Silver Conference directly. First of all, Angela was definitely not that easy to deal with. Secondly, Bailiyuan's main elves were all around level 60. The highest one has just reached level 70, and there are definitely veteran trainers who have traveled for many years among the participants in the Silver Conference. If they use their best and strongest lineup to compete, Bailiyuan doesn't think so. You will have too much of an advantage.

Of course, if the firepower is fully fired, just turning Longlongyan and the Heavy Armored Tyrannosaurus into monsters is enough to make Bailiyuan look down on many people, but the key point is that Bailiyuan can't turn them into monsters during the competition.

And Bailiyuan also had to use his elves carefully, if there were too many elves that were different from normal elves, there would definitely be some troubles.

Fortunately, the "Pokémon Unprinted Edition" obtained by Bailiyuan through the recruitment mode, also gave Bailiyuan a certain understanding of the contestants in the Silver Conference this time. Although it may not be accurate, Xiaozhi will also participate in this competition. In the next silver conference, the anime also has some references.

At the same time, Caroline also collected a lot of information about the Silver Conference for Bailiyuan.

The Silver Tournament is held every year in Baiyin Town at the foot of Baiyin Mountain in the Chengdu area. The number of contestants participating in the tournament is generally around 200 each year. The tournament is mainly divided into three stages.

They are the selection meeting, the preliminaries league and the final final tournament.

The selection test will be conducted before the start of the conference, and the number of players will be eliminated to 48. Each player will have three chances to fight against each other in a one-on-one format. In the end, a comprehensive reference to the results of the players' competition and the performance of the gymnasium battle will be used to determine whether to advance.

Only after successfully qualifying can you participate in the opening ceremony of the conference.

After the opening ceremony is the preliminaries league.

The preliminaries league adopts a three-person round-robin match and a three-on-three elimination system. The winner gets three points, the loser gets zero points, and the tie gets one point each. A one-on-one decision match.

The preliminaries league is held in four stadiums for four consecutive days, with 12 games a day, a total of 48 games. Before the start of each game, the first player is selected by roulette.

At this stage, players can use the computer to check the Pokmon registered by the opponent when they compete, and then formulate tactics in advance. All contestants have a computer in the room of the contestant village where they can check the elves registered by the contestants.

And the three-person grouping is not a simple random grouping. Although it is also random, there is a division of the elf types of the random players.

According to Caroline's statistics, under normal circumstances, the good elves or main elves of the three trainers in a group are not of the same attribute.

The most common combination is the grouping of Fire Trainers, Water Trainers, and Grass Trainers.

After all, the initial Pokémon that a registered trainer can get in the research institute or in the Pokémon Center is any one of these three attributes, and many trainers often like to choose and initial Pokémon when choosing a Pokmon to cultivate. A Pokémon with the same attributes as the Pokémon.

Pokémon of the same attribute have similarities and are easier to breed. Moreover, it is easier to accumulate experience for cultivating Pokémon of the same attribute.

After the preliminary league comes the final tiebreaker tournament.

The decisive tournament adopts the form of all-hands battles, that is, six-on-six battles.

The battle field is divided into four types: grass, rock, water, and ice. Before the battle begins, the field is randomly selected, and the player who goes first is drawn by roulette.

When the three Pokémon of the first team lose their fighting ability, there will be a five-minute intermission.

When the final champion is decided, the league meeting officially ends.

And once you become the champion of the regional league, you can challenge the four heavenly kings and champions of the region. If the challenge is successful...then a new heavenly king or champion will be born!

Of course, although it is simple to say, there is only one chance to challenge, and there are almost no successful challenges.

After all, the champion of the regional competition may not be able to reach the level of the king, and the strength of the king is not that simple.

This challenge is more similar to a mentoring match. The significance of arranging this battle is to inspire the younger generation, and it is also a kind of publicity for the strength of the alliance king. Moreover, in the history of the alliance, the first alliance champion in each region was in the Pokémon Contest Born, which also makes this long battle more symbolic than actual.

However, even if the challenge fails, it does not mean that there is no chance to continue to challenge the king of heaven.

The champion of the regional league is the ticket to participate in the Champions League. In the Champions League, you can fight with the champions of previous league conferences, and you can also enjoy more abundant resources. Can once again challenge the regional king.

It can be said that the trainers who participated in the regional competition of the alliance and won the championship are the reserves of the regional kings. Once the regional kings appear to retire, they can be selected from these people to supplement.

But it doesn’t mean to be decisive. There are some trainers who are amazingly talented and can directly pick off the reigning king, and it doesn’t mean that all trainers want to be the king, and the chosen successor must let The other reserve players are convinced that the interests and strength requirements involved are not as simple as imagined. Otherwise, the kings of Kanto and Chengdu would not be so difficult to give birth. There are still vacancies, and they even have to switch sides. Use a king.

The close relationship between the Kanto area and the Johto area, and the large family and business, also made many things more complicated.


In order to participate in the Silver Conference, Bailiyuan also had to do a good job of selecting the participating elves, after all, they had to register.

First of all, you have to choose from ordinary elves, at least not too different from normal individuals in appearance.

As the registered giant tongue shell, you must choose it, and then there is the frog flower. The difference between the normal frog flower and the ordinary individual is not big, but the leaves are a little different, and you can't notice it if you don't look carefully.

Then there is Pikachu, although Pikachu has become a fairy, but from the outside, he is just an ordinary Pikachu.

There are also fast-swimming frogs, which can be used as the main force, and then Chenglong.

Giant Pincer Mantis, Bi Diao, Big Needle Bee, and Ibrahimovic can all be used.

Mini dragons, round land sharks, and stinky flowers can be used as replacement members.

Finally, after some choices, Baili Yuan decided to leave the team.

The main force: Big Needle Bee, Pikachu, Fast Swimming Frog, Miao Frog Flower, Chenglong, Bi Diao, Giant Pincer Mantis, Big Tongue Shell, Eevee.

Alternatives: Mini Dragon, Round Land Shark, Smelly Flower, Hot Meow.

In addition, Bailiyuan also chose Longlongyan, Flame Chicken, and Menus. After all, there are situations in the anime where both sides suffered losses in the previous game, making it impossible to continue the next game. Bailiyuan must at least match the Two complete teams of twelve main elves.

As for the alternate elves, they are prepared to preserve their strength when necessary.

After selecting the participating elves, the next step is special training!

It was the first time to participate in the alliance meeting, and Bailiyuan was still a little excited.

And Bailiyuan also has a special support——

[Protection of special training]: It is easier to master the training content during special training.

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