I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 543 Handsome Children Will Always Encounter Enemies

On the beach, the beauty pageant was in full swing, and soon the ten-year-old section also started, but most of the audience were students of the same age, and the purpose was generally to cheer on their classmates.

Activities in other open areas of the college are also getting more and more intense.

However, students are still active in the unopened area.

Sealed area.

The seal area is divided into multiple areas, but the main area is the core area and the outer area, where monsters that are sealed for various reasons are sealed. The outer area seals are all powerful monsters and monsters, and the core area is the seal. The real seal of the area is where the most powerful monsters are said to be sealed.

It's a pity that neither the students nor the instructors know exactly what kind of monsters there are in the core area, and how many there are, and they haven't even really entered the core area.

The peripheral area is a semi-open area, and there is no one guarding it.

However, the seals in the sealed area have their own protection, and the seals cannot be broken by ordinary people, and few people are willing to come to the sealed area.

Some outstanding students can also be allowed to enter the outer area to choose a sealed monster, make a contract or kill it to obtain materials.

Because the guards in the outer area are loose, accidents in the outer area are not uncommon. The most recent one was a year ago when someone invaded the sealed area and released a Utyrannosaurus with the strength of a high-level heraldry envoy.

That time, Utyrannosaurus was completely killed, but the student who killed Utyrannosaurus was not announced, and the reason is unknown, but that incident caused an extra "Dragon of Destiny" in the academy .

Two figures appeared on the outskirts of the sealed area, they were two young girls.

One holds a black knife and has silver hair, while the other has a sniper rifle on his back and short red hair.

If there are students around, they will definitely be able to recognize them. One of them is the first Black Blade·May Geng Yue, and the other is the second Misfortune Girl·Future.

The two didn't communicate too much, and walked directly into the sealed area.

After the two entered, a girl with black hair, wearing white stockings and holding a staff appeared. She was the eighth enlightener, Luoer. At this time, Luoer's expression was a little complicated.

Luo Er tightened the staff in his hand, and also walked into the sealed area.

The black breath spreads in the sealed area, this is the evil breath.


The underwater scenery is unforgettable.

However, the maximum limit diving depth in the field of recreational diving is 40 meters, the limit depth for junior open water divers OW is 18 meters, and the theoretical maximum depth for advanced open water divers AOW is 30 meters.

Some physically strong heraldrymen were able to break records at this depth, adapting to the water pressure at greater depths with ease.

However, Bailiyuan and Shitian belong to the principle of diving partners, that is, the principle of two people traveling together. Everything is at the mercy of Shitian. Condition.

Bailiyuan's physical fitness is better than Shitian imagined, and he can adapt to deeper water pressure without any pressure.

The sea water is very clear, and Bailiyuan can easily see the depth.

"Huh? There seems to be a shadow at the bottom of the water?" Baili Yuan was a little surprised, and then looked at the place where the shadow was.

A shining platinum egg appeared behind the black mist.

Bailiyuan was silent for a while.

"Fuck him!"

Bailiyuan hurriedly notified Shitian to come up.

Tokita stared at the shadow below and frowned.

Seeing this, Bailiyuan notified Shitian with superpowers.

"Senior Tokita, there is danger underwater, go up quickly."

Bailiyuan's voice emerged in Shitian's mind, Shitian was stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted, nodded, and then began to float up, but it was a step too late.

On the bottom of the sea, dozens of thick tentacles rolled towards Shitian and Bailiyuan.

Shi Tian hurriedly took Baili Yuan to dodge, but was still pulled by a tentacle on his back, Shi Tian spat out the breathing plug, and there was a mouthful of blood.

When Shitian folded his palms together, the oxygen in the water was drawn out, condensed together, and soon formed an air shield to enclose Bailiyuan and Shitian.

"Senior Shitian." Baili Yuan noticed that Shitian's expression was a little sluggish.

The bubbles rise quickly, but the tentacles keep chasing after them.

"It's too late. I'm going to leave. Xiao Yuan, you go first." Shi Tian said quickly, the attack he received just now made him understand the strength of the enemy, and it was impossible to retreat completely, so he could only sacrifice his life for righteousness.

"Wait for me……"

Shi Tian interrupted Baili Yuan's words, and looked at Baili Yuan sincerely.

"Promise me, join the diving department! The diving department needs newcomers!"

After finishing speaking, Tokita rushed out of the bubble and stopped in front of the attacking tentacles, while the bubble quickly floated up with Baili Yuan.

Bailiyuan opened his mouth.

"No, I want to say that I can leave with teleportation..."

Bailiyuan looked at Shitian who was pulling people with his life, and was a little speechless.

At this time, the tentacle was already close to Tokida.

"I'm so fucking..."

Baili Yuan's body glowed with light.


Luna Form - Adult form.

Light came from behind Tokita, illuminating a large area of ​​the seabed.

Tokita felt the light behind him, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

"Is the gate of heaven opened? I don't know if there is a sea in heaven..."

A huge hand held Tokita, and then the owner of the hand rushed out of the sea with a white light.

There was an explosion sound on the sea surface, and then a huge blue figure flew out and flew towards the beach.

The crowd on the beach was stunned by the sudden change. Seeing the giant flying, they subconsciously retreated quickly, and some even drew their weapons.

People in the beauty pageant under the age of ten are also watching the flying giant.

Annie felt something, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and then ignored the game, took a step, and walked towards the direction of the giant.

"Wait for me, Anne." Daisy hurriedly chased after Anne.

Diana participated in the beauty pageant, how could Diana give up the beauty contest in order to dominate the academy? However, she can only participate in beauty pageants under the age of ten.

Diana looked at the giant in the distance suspiciously, frowned, thinking about what kind of creature the giant was.

The expressions of the crowd on the beach were different, and the security team also hurriedly stood on guard, facing the flying blue giant.

Bailiyuan just landed on the shore, then squatted down, and put Shitian in his hand on the beach.

Shi Tian landed on the beach and hadn't reacted yet.

"What's happening here?"

But seeing the crowd in the distance and the familiar environment, Tokita knew he was still dead.

"Wait, where's Xiao Yuan?"

Bailiyuan turned around quickly after putting down Shitian, and dozens of huge tentacles rushed out of the water, causing the crowd on the beach to exclaim.

"Why are all tentacle monsters coming out of the water?"

Bailiyuan got up and flew into the sea again.

There are also diving students in the sea!

Bailiyuan's superpower perception was activated, and he found that the tentacle monster ignored the others, because... the tentacle monster was targeting him!

What hatred? What's the blame?

Sure enough, handsome kids will always meet enemies.

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