I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 535 Attribute gems and successive evolutions

Heraldry Makes the World, Cloud City College, Research Center.

Bailiyuan has been back to this world for a week, and this week, Bailiyuan mainly stays in the research center.

In the research center, Bailiyuan applied for a private laboratory with complete equipment. This private laboratory is mainly used by Caroline. Caroline can also conduct her own research with the help of the college's computers and resources. The price is that Bailiyuan needs to submit a research report every year to prove that he is not occupying resources, and if Bailiyuan wants to sell his research results, the academy has the priority to buy them.

It is not uncommon for researchers and even students like Bailiyuan to apply for private laboratories, and the academy also tries to give preferential treatment as much as possible.

After all, the world of heraldry is a world where both the power of heraldry and science blossom.

At this time, in the laboratory, Galatron's huge body stood in the center of the laboratory, and Caroline was manipulating the equipment to process the huge magic crystal.

Logically speaking, this magic crystal should be processed by magic means. Unfortunately, Bailiyuan's technology is not in place. It would be a waste to hand the magic crystal to Bailiyuan for processing. Caroline had to use scientific means to process it. It is to be able to use this magic crystal, and to be able to process it many times in the future.

But Caroline didn't spend too much energy here, because there are multiple experiments going on in the laboratory at the same time.

Another important experiment is to use the data space technology of the Warframe to make an easy-to-carry backpack. This technology relies on the data space technology of the Red Toon Warframe and the space backpack technology of the Pokémon World. The Belt Warframe of Bailiyuan also has a similar technology, so the experiment went smoothly and didn't cost Caroline too much energy.

There are many other small experiments, and only a magical existence like Caroline can conduct multiple experiments at the same time.

And Caroline's main focus is on Demon King Beast technology, which is the technology left by the future Caroline. It is not difficult for Caroline to crack it, and even the operation is relatively smooth, but Caroline and Bai Li Yuan is very much looking forward to this technology.

"This is a technology that simulates attributes based on the power of monsters, including six attributes of darkness, light, wind, water, earth, and fire. This power can stimulate the user and allow the user to obtain powerful attribute power, but It is necessary to provide a magic carrier." Caroline analyzed, and the research has come to an end at this time.

"Magic power carrier?" Baili Yuan thought for a while, and took out two gem crystals from the warehouse, "Can you see gem crystals?"

"You can try it." Caroline opened a table, "Now put the gem crystal in the center of the table."

Bailiyuan placed the gem crystal in the center of the table, and two contact devices appeared on both sides of the gem crystal.

"Introduction of earth power."

The electric current appeared on the contact device, flickered at a special frequency, and the electric shock struck the gem crystal, and the gem crystal also revealed the power of the earth element at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Success!" A smile appeared on Baili Yuan's face.

Two minutes later, the gem crystal had turned into an earth-type gem.

Bailiyuan held the earth gem in his hand.

"By the way, how do I use this?" Baili Yuan was curious.

"You are trying to channel the power within the gem."

Bailiyuan tried to use his own power to guide the power in the gem.

A khaki-yellow light covered Baili Yuan's face.

"Oh, this power..." Baili Yuan raised his hand, and the power of the earth element was condensed in his hand. Baili Yuan felt a sense of heaviness, and his defense power was greatly improved.

A thick steel plate rose from the ground.

"Come and try your strength," Caroline said.

Bailiyuan nodded, and then activated the earth element power in his body. To Bailiyuan's surprise, these earth element forces combined a skill and shot it out of Bailiyuan's hand, directly piercing through it. Steel plates on the ground.

"what is this?"

"According to the data, it should be the Maga piercing skill that comes with the power of the earth system. It is a very powerful piercing skill. How do you feel about this power?"

"It's very good, but it makes people look yellow." Baili Yuan took out a mirror and took a picture of himself.

"By the way, how long will it take for this state to disappear?"

"According to the situation, if you don't use these powers, you can still maintain it for about ten minutes. If you use power, this time will be shortened."

Baili Yuan nodded, thought for a while, and then took out a handful of gem crystals.

"Every attribute is transformed, I let everyone try it and feel it."

Elves appear in the lab.

The flame chicken looked at the fire gem in his hand, sensed it, and then easily introduced the fire power into his body, and the fire power of the flame chicken burst out suddenly.

"Just!" (It's cool!)

The elves tried to absorb the power gems of various departments, but they could only absorb one gem, but the effect was good.

The Pokmon of this department can greatly enhance the power of this department by absorbing the gems of this department, and absorbing the gems of other departments can also temporarily use the power of other departments. These gems also have a skill.

However, the maintenance time is not very long. If it is a battle, it can only last for about five minutes.

However, during the experiment, an accident happened.

The first accident happened to the mosquito-repellent frog.

After the mosquito-repellent frog picked up the water-type gem, the body of the mosquito-repellent frog burst into light.

"what's the situation?"

Bailiyuan and the elves looked around.

When the light dissipated, the mosquito-repellent frog, no, a figure similar to the mosquito-repellent frog appeared.

"Evolved?" Baili Yuan was stunned.

"This is... a fast-swimming frog! (Mosquito coil swimmer)"

Fast Swimming Frog is a blue biped Pokémon with dual attributes of Water and Fighting.

The body is wider than before evolution, with strong arms, three fingers on the hands, which seem to be wearing white gloves, no toes on the feet, two eyes protruding from the head, half-closed, looking very focused. The white belly has a black mosquito-repellent coil-like pattern, but it has changed from clockwise to counterclockwise, which is his exposed transparent internal organs.

"Swimming!" The fast-swimming frog waved its arms, looking very excited.

Bailiyuan didn't expect that the water-type gems would replace the water stones, allowing the mosquito-repellent frog to evolve into a fast-swimming frog.

Immediately afterwards, another white light appeared.

The hot meow of this change.

"Won't it evolve again?"

But soon, the light disappeared, and Yan Nuan's figure reappeared, but Yan Nuan was a little panting, and the fire power on his body was also exhausted.

"Failed to evolve? No, Hot Meow refused to evolve."

Bailiyuan was a little speechless.

But thinking that Yan Nuan Miao was a girl, he seemed to understand something. Baili Yuan hurried over to hug Yan Nuan Miao, and treated Yan Nuan Miao with blessings. Yan Nuan Miao lay lazily in Baili Yuan's arms, called out.

Bailiyuan suddenly thought of Ibrahimovic, she also needs an evolution stone to evolve, Bailiyuan hurriedly looked in Ibrahimovic's direction, Ibrahimovic was pressing an earth gem, and she had no intention of evolving.

Just when Bailiyuan was about to remind Ibrahimovic, light appeared again, and a wind blew in the laboratory...

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