Chapter 489

In the deep mountains and old forests, Bailiyuan took out the glory egg and rubbed his hands. Every time he opened the glory egg, it would give him a different surprise.

The hammer falls and the egg breaks.

After the exaggerated special effects, Bailiyuan looked at the location of the glory egg, looking forward to what the glory egg would bring him this time.

Another skill.

"Holding a sister in the arms to kill the three ways: the usage of the three branches, as long as the conditions are met, there will be different effects——

Pu Hugging Sister Killing in Arms: Attack moves, that is, the posture of embracing others with powerful force, which can choke the opponent tightly and make them lose their combat effectiveness. Note: A certain degree of fighting ability is required. (Standard has been met)

True. Hugging a sister in the arms to kill: Hug the soft girl in the arms and make her submit. Note: A certain level of charisma is required. (Standard has been met)

Death · Hugging a sister in the arms to kill: The power is huge, basically based on the disappearance of the head, this method cannot be fatal in one blow, so it is used to torture people. Note: Judging whether the use is successful or not depends on the strength of both parties. "

Bailiyuan learned this skill, and then called the cosmic bat.

"Come to your arms quickly."

The cosmic bat looked puzzled, but sat obediently in Baili Yuan's arms.

"True, killing a sister in my arms!"

Then, the cosmic bat found that Bailiyuan was extremely attractive today, and couldn't help blushing. He leaned his head against Bailiyuan's arms, and couldn't help rubbing his legs.

The big needle bee stuck its poisonous needle in a nearby tree, and then the big tree was corroded by the horrible venom, scaring the stinky flower and double bomb gas that were enjoying the shade under the tree to run away.

Bailiyuan didn't feel that there was anything wrong, but according to the situation of the cosmic bat, this skill was still effective. After all, under normal circumstances, it was impossible for the cosmic bat to be in heat with the Ultraman Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan patted the cosmic bat's buttocks to let the cosmic bat leave, and then the cosmic bat reluctantly left Bailiyuan's embrace, and walked away step by step.

The needle bee wiped out another big tree.

Then Bailiyuan came to a nearby big tree, thought for a while, and then stretched out his arms.

"Pu hugged his sister in his arms and killed him!"

Kacha, the thick tree was broken by Bailiyuan's blow.

"This power is a bit strong."

Although it may not be a one-shot kill for other people, this move is extremely powerful.

Then Bailiyuan changed a tree.

"Death, hold a sister in my arms and kill!"

The big tree shattered little by little in Bailiyuan's arms, and finally broke.

"The power of this move..."

Baili Yuan frowned, this move lacked instant explosive power, but its power was still there, but it was an extremely tormenting move, and it was the kind of torture to death.

"Use this trick with caution in the future."

Bailiyuan made a decision. Although the move was good, the effect was contrary to his original intention, and it made people feel uncomfortable to use.


"Everyone on earth, we demand compensation for the murdered compatriots, and cede 20% of the earth's continent to us..."

Bailiyuan looked at the screen that Caroline relayed to him, and continued to cook without stopping.

Today's deep mountains and old forests have been transformed into a small residence by Bailiyuan, with everything that should be available.

Looking at the frog-like alien on the screen, Baili Yuan shrugged.

"Another guy talking to himself."

"The other party is indeed talking to himself, even a little arrogant, but the compatriot who was killed by the other party has some stories."


"The story took place in the time when Jack Altman was there. About 30 years ago, a Metz star visited the earth for meteorological observation. However, the serious atmospheric pollution of this planet made the Metz star suffer from serious illness and severe physical fitness. Consumption, not even the power to start the hidden spaceship, unable to leave the earth, can only hide in the appearance of a human being on the earth, protected by a human child, and take care of it, but later the Metz star in order to protect that child , so that his identity was exposed, and he was shot and killed by the terrified earthlings."

Bailiyuan's hand paused.

Such a thing can be said to be a matter of planetary diplomacy in the universe. I didn't expect the other party to really call after thirty years.

"And just now Ryu Aihara, a member of GUYS, shot and wounded the Metz alien who came, which angered the opponent. The opponent is about to release the monster he brought."

"Monster? What monster?"

"Zoya Murucci!"

"Murucci?" Bailiyuan recalled some things about Muluqi.

Murucci is a relatively well-known monster in the universe, and there are not many of them. It is a species between fish and reptiles. It can emit heat rays and its teeth are highly poisonous. Unfortunately, it cannot be eaten.

"Is Zoya Muruqi an individual of Muruqi?" Bailiyuan asked.

"It should be to transform the individual."

Bailiyuan has no doubts. In the universe, the appearance of modified monsters is not surprising.

There are mainly two kinds of creatures in the universe, one is the cosmic beings, which are intelligent races, and the other is cosmic life, which is similar to the beasts on the earth, and most of them are cosmic monsters.

Often, the cosmonauts have to enhance their combat effectiveness for various reasons, but not all cosmic beings are good at fighting, so the cosmic beings must look for things that can bring great power.

For example, work hard to develop technology, or enslave powerful monsters in the universe!

However, those powerful monsters can't be enslaved just by enslaving them. Some terrifying monsters dare not even provoke some top forces in the universe.

Therefore, in order to pursue stronger power, it is a good choice to transform the monsters in the hands. Generally, transformation is carried out through two ways of genes and technology. Therefore, many new species are born or branch individuals of many species appear.

Through these methods, many races have lived a good life, but at the same time, the strength of the dark forces has also been greatly increased, making the righteous races fighting against them feel greater pressure, so they have to work hard to become stronger.

This is the case with the Otto family.

Bailiyuan doesn't know how the future Otto clan will improve their own strength, but according to Bailiyuan's ability to defeat the grandfather's Beria through the younger generation of Sai Luo and save the Kingdom of Light, it can be seen that the future The Ott family is indeed making progress, and the span of progress is not small.

For example, the development of fit skills.

Caroline on the other side also gave a comparison between Zoya Murucci and the original Murucci.

"Compared to the past Muluqi, the jaw is very developed, and the lower body is filled with things like blue crystals. The brain waves are abnormal, as if they are being manipulated by others through brain waves. Hey, Zoya Muruqi is about to wake up. It is," Caroline said.

Bailiyuan looked at the screen, and the spaceship with Zoya Murucci started to move!

However, Mebius did not appear immediately.

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