I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 484 The Powerful Impreza and Taylor Come to the Rescue

Chapter 479

The current situation is that Mebius is obviously unable to beat Impleza.

Seeing that Mebius knocked off half of Impreza's shoulder with light, Bailiyuan shook his head.

"This kind of people who come up and open up will definitely have accidents."

Sure enough, Impreza's shoulder quickly repaired itself, and then pressed Mebius to the ground and beat him up.

"What a powerful force." Baili Yuan frowned, and then took out his transformation device.

Impreza's power is too strong, Bailiyuan can feel it, and Mebius' strongest is only diamond-level power. Now the indicator light on Mebius's chest is flashing, but it's not full of anger , but Mebius' life is in danger.

Mebius will die if left alone!

It's impossible for Baili Yuan to let him go. Although he doesn't know if he can beat Impreza after transforming, at least he can save Mebius.

In terms of seniority, Mebius is from his uncle's generation, and Sero is only Mebius' nephew.

However, when Bailiyuan was about to transform, a red sphere suddenly fell from the sky and landed in front of Mebius.

The light spread out, and a bald head appeared... Bah, an Ultra warrior with a head and two horns appeared on the field.

"Ultraman Taro!"

Baili Yuan naturally knew the second generation who was ranked second in the Kingdom of Light.

(The first is Ultra Princess Julian Altman)

Bailiyuan also remembered what happened to the red ball just now.

Saiwen once told Bailiyuan about the red ball just now, this is a way for the older generation to hurry.

A teleportation navigation method called "Super Galactic Voyage".

The universe is so big, even if the Otto family can fly at the speed of light, they cannot easily fly to all parts of the universe. For example, if they want to fly from the land of light to the earth, it takes more than 300 years to fly at the speed of light.

Therefore, a fast means of flight is necessary.

Then, there was Ultra Galactic Voyage.

The principle of supergalactic voyage is to first rotate the body at high speed to create a special space called subspace, which is the red light ball seen from the outside. Using this kind of space, Altman can jump and fly and teleport when flying in the interstellar space.

But this method of navigation also needs to be supported by strong strength, otherwise it will be a teleportation to relocate the grave and deliver a courier to the enemy.

Bailiyuan belonged to the group who couldn't learn.

However, Sai Wen gave Bailiyuan the training method of this navigation method, and Bailiyuan can learn it when he has enough strength in the future.


Baili Yuan watched the battle on the field.

Taro drinks Mebius away and faces Impreza alone.

Tai Luo is worthy of being the prince of the Kingdom of Light, the instructor of the training ground, and his fighting strength is also very strong, and his fighting ability is not weak.

Taylor is very good at both fighting and light. Although Leo's fighting strength is stronger, he can't be an instructor by fighting alone.

It is undeniable that Leo is the King of Fighters in the Kingdom of Light. If Leo is ranked second, then Bailiyuan dares to be number one. Of course, Bailiyuan has to be given tens of thousands of years to grow. Yuan can beat the elderly.

Taylor is the kind of Ultra fighter with relatively balanced abilities, but he is not weak in every aspect. It is said that his comprehensive strength is the strongest among the Ultra brothers.

After a brief trial, Taylor also found out the true strength of Impreza, knowing that he could not fight a protracted war.

Even he can't hold back Impreza. Mechanical life is not afraid of pain. Impreza is not only rough-skinned, but also powerful.

In the face of such an enemy, you can only kill it once, otherwise you can only wait for death.

"Strim light!" Taylor directly used his strongest light.

The results are also huge.

With an explosion, Impreza's upper body disappeared.

However, Bailiyuan still frowned, because the colorful eggs on Impreza were still there!

"Sure enough, Impleza is not so easy to take with a dog."

However, without half of his body, Impleza did not stay any longer, but chose to evacuate temporarily.

Bailiyuan also left after Impreza left.

Judging from today's situation, Impreza is very strong, even Tai Luo can't directly defeat Inpreza, so next time Inpreza appears again, Bailiyuan must make a move.

Not to mention whether Bailiyuan can beat Impleza, at least Bailiyuan can play as a support, and helping is better than watching a show.


Baili Yuan returned to his station in the forest again.

However, there are only little murlocs and cosmic bats in the woods at this time, and Muji and Nutrition Express are not there.

After Bailiyuan asked, he found out that the two of them felt bored and wandered around the world, and they would return on time when the equipment was fully charged in a month.

Besides them, Baili Yuan also found that there seemed to be another figure missing.

"Where's my frog son?"

"It left after taking some food and supplies from me." Cosmic Bat said with a guilty conscience, "I didn't find out when it disappeared."


Is it really the so-called travel?

"By the way, when will it come back?"

"I don't know."


Bailiyuan was a little worried. After all, this world is not safe. If he encounters a passing monster, his frog son will turn into a toad cake.

However, Bailiyuan couldn't determine the location of the frog's son, so he could only pray that the frog would have its own appearance.

Putting the matter of Frog Son aside for the time being, Bailiyuan led the elves to start special training.

Although it can't improve the combat ability much, the habit of special training before the battle has been developed in Leo World.

By the way, Bailiyuan sorted out the equipment.

"Hey, this is..."

Holding a skill book, Bailiyuan remembered that he still had a skill that he hadn't learned yet.

"Magic imprint: Superimpose magical imprints on contracted beasts, up to three layers can be stacked, and each layer of magical imprints can increase the contracted beast's attack power by 10%."

Bailiyuan had been preparing to learn this skill after he had purified the energy in his body with the tempering slate, but because of the long training time, he gradually forgot about this skill, and only found out today.

Bailiyuan opened the skill book and briefly read it.

"This skill...seems a bit simple." Baili Yuan found that he could easily understand the principle of this skill, and practiced it in his mind.

"Is this the benefit of increased intelligence?"

Bailiyuan scratched his head, and then began to learn the skills in the skill book.

Just over half an hour later, Bailiyuan started using the magic imprint, and after another half an hour, Bailiyuan successfully used the magic imprint.

Bailiyuan looked at a magic imprint that looked like a token in his hand, and then casually hit the flame chicken who was training. The flame chicken suddenly felt that his strength had been greatly improved, and then the flame chicken looked at Baili with some doubts. edge.

"It seems that the cultivation is successful." Bailiyuan thought for a while, and stamped a magic mark on himself, but found that it didn't have any effect. He also tried it on the cosmic bat and the little murloc, and found that it had no effect either.

"It seems that it can only be used for contracted beasts."

Bailiyuan began to connect with the use of the magic imprint, and the use of the magic imprint is not without restrictions.

An elf can only superimpose three layers of magic marks, that is to say, increase the power by 30%.

And Bailiyuan can only superimpose the magic imprint on five contracted beasts at most. If the superposition continues, the initial magic imprint will dissipate.

The magic imprint consumes more power, but fortunately, Bailiyuan has enough power to support the consumption of the magic imprint.

At the same time, each magic imprint can only exist for ten minutes.

Moreover, the elves also need training. They need to learn to adapt to the state of suddenly increasing their power by 10% to 30%. Otherwise, they will not be able to maintain coordination when they suddenly increase their power during battle. There is an opportunity to take advantage of.

It may be because of the improvement of intelligence. When Bailiyuan was experimenting with the magic imprint with the elves, Bailiyuan's understanding of the magic imprint gradually deepened, and he had more ideas about the magic imprint.

Finally, at the end, Bailiyuan managed to condense a magical imprint that only increased its power by 1%.

Although the improvement is small, this is a good start, proving that Bailiyuan has been able to transform this skill.

This sense of superiority as a top student also made Baili Yuan indulge in learning and reforming, until an explosion occurred in the valley next door.

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