I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 478 Sudden Riches

The Great War in New York was over, and Bailiyuan did not participate in the aftermath.

Bailiyuan is facing another matter, that is, he has somehow become Tony's son.

Everyone is very curious about Bailiyuan, the "son of Tony from the future".

After Tony's girlfriend Pozzi found out about Bailiyuan's existence, she felt very complicated and joyful, but she didn't know how to deal with it. However, Poziz still showed due "maternal love" to Bailiyuan.


Potts heard that Baili Yuan was an alien, and Potts couldn't laugh anymore, and then Tony couldn't laugh either, but the others laughed.

"My dear, listen to me, I'm not, I'm not, it's impossible! There must be some misunderstanding."

"The biggest misunderstanding I have about you is that I underestimated your lower body..."

Seeing Tony and Potts who were arguing, Bailiyuan was thinking about whether he should explain.

In fact, Bailiyuan and Caroline know that this lie can be easily deciphered if they dig deeper, and it's just a matter of how long it lasts.

"Caroline, you better explain."

"Do you really want it? If you use Tony's identity, you may have more gains, and it will be safe."

"It's better not to, the fake will never become true, it is more necessary to explain it than to be exposed and embarrassing for both parties."

"Okay then, I'll explain the situation to Tony and Potts."

Bailiyuan nodded.

Then Caroline controlled the armor and walked towards Tony and the two.

At this time, Bailiyuan and the others were in a villa in Tony.

The elves are all active in the yard.

The nutrition express line is preparing food, and the cosmic bat is wearing a maid outfit to help the nutrition express line.

Muji was sitting on the sofa watching TV, and the little murloc was soaking in the swimming pool.

Uchiha Shisui also performed well in the previous battles. At least at that time, he cleaned up many Kiritas who were circling around the Stark Tower, and now he is relaxing in the courtyard.

Besides Bailiyuan, there are many other people in Tony's villa.

Bruce Banner sat on the foot of the sofa with a timid look, watching TV with Muji, but his eyes looked warily at Muji who was only wearing a loincloth from time to time.

Since the New York War, Muji has been interested in Banner, and this interest is mainly for the Hulk after Banner's transformation.

Thor was there too, and he had already taken off his cloak, and was holding his hand and looking at Tony who was being questioned by Potts with a smile on his face. When he found that Caroline went over to explain, Thor showed a disappointed expression, and then He took a sip of wine for himself.

Except for Thor, Loki, who was tightly bound and gagged, was randomly placed in a corner of the villa, looking miserable, but no one would sympathize with him.

Captain America isn't there, he's out helping rebuild New York.

Hawkeye and Natasha also returned to the S.H.I.E.L.D. base. They have a lot of things to do.

However, as soon as he thought of Natasha, Jarvis suddenly notified Tony that Natasha was visiting.

"Let her in." Tony rubbed his brows tiredly. Things were full of twists and turns, and now he heard Caroline explain that Bailiyuan was not his own son... Pooh, is it his son? He breathed a sigh of relief, but felt an inexplicable sense of loss.

Then Tony looked at Bailiyuan unkindly, making Bailiyuan shrink back involuntarily.

And Natasha also stepped on the catwalk, twisting her waist and walking in.

"Natasha, are you done with your work? What can I do for you?" Tony asked Natasha.

Natasha shook her head.

"Not yet. Although the scope of the incident is not too large, it is New York, and there are many places that need to be dealt with. I am not here this time to find you." Natasha said.

"Who are you looking for?"

"Your son, him!" Natasha looked at Baili Yuan.

Tony's mouth twitched.

"No, don't spread rumors, don't talk nonsense, he is not my son."

"No?" Natasha was taken aback, wasn't she still showing off your son to us before? Why not now? Could it be...

Natasha looked at Pozi, and she thought of a word called "Xi Dang Dae".

Your circle is really chaotic.

Pozi also hurried up to explain, and Natasha understood what was going on.

"What do you want from me?" Baili Yuan looked at Natasha.

"We need to understand your situation. After all, this world can't stand the toss." Natasha said.

Bailiyuan realized that this is SHIELD looking for him to file.

"Actually, you don't have to worry, I'll be leaving in two days." Baili Yuan waved his hand.


Everyone looked at Bailiyuan.

"Are you leaving?" Tony asked.

"It's too troublesome to explain, so I won't explain, because I have already got what I want." Baili Yuan said.

When Bailiyuan said that, the others became even more puzzled.

On the other hand, Bailiyuan clicked on his own system store, looked at the balance displayed on it, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

Small spar: 40673 pieces.

The carcass of the giant beast that was thrown into the decomposition machine before turned out to be of diamond grade, and it was successfully decomposed, directly decomposing 50,000 small crystals, making Baili Yuan suddenly rich.

The corpse of the giant beast is judged to be an item on the technology side, and according to the differentiation of the technology side, the silver level is the anti-human level, the gold level is the anti-city level, the platinum level is inside the planet, and the diamond level corresponds to the extraterrestrial level.

Behemoths can parade in the universe, which naturally corresponds to the level of technology outside the planet.

If you look at it this way... the spaceship is quite valuable!

The two things decomposed from the corpse of the giant beast are also good, namely special parts*1 and Leviathan gene*1.

"Special parts: cosmic-grade metal parts, which can be used for processing. Volume: 100 cubic meters."

Although the special parts are large in size, the system space has been upgraded many times, which has been improved a lot, and the special parts can be completely accommodated.

"The Leviathan Gene: The Complete Gene of a Giant Fish Living in the Universe."

The Leviathan gene can be used to fuse with the elves, but Bailiyuan thought of the whale-like body of the giant beast, so he didn't choose to use it for the elves.

Perhaps in the future, Angela can use it for the roaring whale after he tames a Pokémon like the roaring whale in the Pokémon world.


After Bailiyuan harvested the smallest spar, he bought the substitute baby and poisonous fruit directly.

Bailiyuan bound the dead doll to her body, and then put it away.

As for the poisonous fruit, it is natural to assign it to the only poisonous boss in the team - the big needle bee.

However, we can't just let the bee eat the poisonous fruit directly. After all, the consequences of being abandoned by the sea are quite serious for the bee. Enemy of the powers associated with the sea.

Therefore, Bailiyuan threw the poisonous fruit into the decomposition machine, hoping to decompose it into something good.

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