I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 475 At this time, an ordinary boy passed by

A new figure appeared in the passage in the sky.

A monster that swims in the air like a whale!


"Xiao Yuan, we need support." Caroline's voice appeared in Baili Yuan's mind.

Bailiyuan also discovered the situation in the air.

On the other side, the three who were brought to Bailiyuan by the flame chicken also looked up at the sky.

The appearance of the behemoth is too impactful.

"Understood, I will send someone to support, you first scan the other party's situation and look for weaknesses."

Bailiyuan said, and with a wave of his hand, the cosmic bat and the Potts star appeared beside him.

Natasha, Hawkeye and America were taken aback.

"Little murloc, go deal with that giant beast, and be careful not to destroy the city."

The little murloc nodded, and jumped off the building excitedly.

Today, my little murloc is going to go on a killing spree!

Before landing, the little murloc appeared in the city in a gigantic form, and the long whip in his hand rolled towards the giant beast that swam down.

"God, what the hell is that?"

Everyone who noticed the little murloc sighed.

"As for the cosmic bat, you are responsible for cleaning up the enemies around." Baili Yuan looked at the cosmic bat.

It is daytime now, and the cosmic bat cannot become huge, but the body of the cosmic bat is coated with a special glue layer, so there is no need to worry about being sunburned.

Although the cosmic bat has not become gigantic, it is not weak even in the form of an illusion.

Bailiyuan thought for a while, and stopped the cosmic bat that was about to leave.

"Open your mouth."

The cosmic bat opened its mouth obediently.

Bailiyuan stuffed the mouth ball into the mouth of the cosmic bat, and then fixed it.

"Remember, don't suck blood casually."

Cosmic Bat: "..."

Natasha and Yingyan looked at Bailiyuan strangely. The thing that was stuffed into the woman's mouth just now was a little...

Captain America didn't know what interesting things people invented during this period, he just thought it was a special prop.

The cosmic bat is gone.

I have prepared a lot for crossing the Bailiyuan this time, and almost all the combat power I can bring is on my body. Have the cosmic bats and the Potts people been in their homeland all the time?

Afterwards, Bailiyuan summoned Nutrition Express and Muji.

Briefly explain the situation.

Muji laughed and left. He was always very active in the battle, and before leaving, he happily patted Bailiyuan on the shoulder.

The nutrition express line looks indifferent, but it's been a while since I haven't exercised my body, so it's good to go out and do some exercise.

After that, Baili Yuan called out all his elves.

"Let's harvest experience, everyone! But don't leave too far away."

After all the elves had left, Bailiyuan looked at the three people who had been rescued by the flame chicken.

We are speechless.

"Just do what you have to do, don't worry about me."

Baili Yuan waved his hand and left.

The three were speechless for a while.

However, although they have a lot of doubts, it seems that this kid and his team are not enemies.

So the three also began to deal with this crisis, and they walked towards the machine that opened the passage.

Then, they discovered that Baili Yuan came from this side as well.

Loki and Thor, who were fighting on the platform just now, have disappeared. I think there is only one running machine and a fainted person left on the platform of Stark Tower.

Just as Bailiyuan picked up the sacred egg from the machine, he saw the three people coming.



Captain America and Hawkeye began to check the situation of the fainted person, while Natasha came to Baili Yuan's side.

"What is this?" Natasha asked.

"I don't know, but it's just the space-time channel opened like this." Baili Yuan shrugged.

Having said that, the machines that can create space-time channels should be very advanced, right? If the decomposition is successful, you might get rich overnight!

Baili Yuan still remembered the purpose of his time travel, which was to find valuable things to decompose.

"Who are you?" Natasha asked.

"An ordinary boy passing by!"


"Cosmic people."

Natasha became nervous, and Bailiyuan smiled.

"I come from the M78 nebula."

At this time, the fainted person on the other side was also woken up, and then America Versus and Hawkeye still asked about the situation.

Hearing the conversation, Bailiyuan realized that this machine was man-made.

And soon, Captain America and Hawkeye also asked for the needed news.

"If you want to shut down this machine, you need Loki's staff!"

"Then let's go find Loki now."

Then the three of them looked at Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan looked at the sky.

"There's another big guy coming down, but I'll keep the others on the lookout."

The three nodded and left.

Bailiyuan also contacted other people, whether it was elves, Muji and Nutrition Express, they all had communicators on their bodies.

"Attention everyone, go find a green guy, aim at the opponent's staff, and bring it back to the top of Stark Tower."

Afterwards, Bailiyuan called Uchiha Shisui.

"Zhishui, thank you for staying here, protecting this... doctor."

Uchiha Shisui nodded.

"Don't worry, I will."

Bailiyuan nodded, then stood on the edge of the platform of Stark Tower and looked around.

There was no smile on his face.

Today's New York is no longer prosperous, large areas have become ruins, and people's screams echoed in the city.

This is war!

Only by being there, can we deeply understand the tragedy.

All around, the enemies on the aircraft spotted Bailiyuan and surrounded him.

Bailiyuan's eyes lit up, and the gust of wind surrounded Bailiyuan, and then surrounded the entire building, mercilessly tearing apart the surrounding enemies.

At this moment, Bailiyuan just wanted to end the battle and prevent the tragedy from continuing.

"Presumably the seniors of the Otto family should be like this."

This time the battle is not for oneself, but for rescue and protection!

Bailiyuan took out his transformation device from his chest.


Bailiyuan still didn't come up with a nice name for herself.

Not only was it a transformation this time, Bailiyuan also used life manipulation to adjust himself to an adult appearance.

The light rose, and a huge red and blue figure more than 40 meters high floated on the top of Stark Tower, attracting everyone's attention.

The basic shape of Bailiyuan has also changed. Although it is still red and blue, there are golden lines in the middle of the red and blue patterns.

"I'm still handsome when I'm an adult." Bailiyuan glanced at the little murloc who was fighting with a giant beast, nodded to him, and then looked up at the space-time passageway above his head.

Stretching out his hand, he flew to the passage above.

A giant beast is swimming out of the space-time channel.

Bailiyuan made a flying kick and kicked the giant beast's head.

"Secret Technique Flying Kick!"


Go out later if you have something to do, try your best at midnight

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