I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 464 Living in darkness, longing for light

Although the garbage dump in Yuncheng is managed by someone, no one patrols it at night, because it's too smelly after all.

Bailiyuan was also wearing a gas mask before he dared to enter the garbage dump.

After successfully entering the garbage dump, Bailiyuan started a plan to dismantle it.

Although there is a lot of rubbish in the dump, there are actually very few items of relatively high value. If Bailiyuan didn't expect, most of the rubbish can only be decomposed into a small spar. If you want to collect tens of thousands of A small spar needs to decompose at least tens of thousands of pieces of garbage.

"Let's get started." Baili Yuan rolled up his sleeves, put on his gloves, and began to rummage through the trash.

Ordinary domestic waste is difficult to decompose successfully, and Bailiyuan's target is those scrapped machines and manufactured products.

Although there are not many small crystals obtained after dismantling these items, the disintegration speed is very fast, and one piece can be disintegrated in an average of two minutes.

Bailiyuan sat on one side and screened the items that could be used for decomposition, while on the other side, the system light sphere was busy throwing garbage into the decomposition machine.

After working for an hour, breaking down 30 pieces of garbage, Bailiyuan harvested more than ten small crystals and various materials.

Then Bailiyuan began to count.

One hour is calculated based on ten small crystals, one day is two hundred and forty small crystals, and one month is seven thousand and two white crystals.

Even if there is a surplus, it will not exceed 9,000 at most.

This number is a little small.

Looking at it this way, the garbage dump cannot be a treasure for him to obtain small crystals.

Is it really necessary to break down diamond-level items?

Bailiyuan looked at his warehouse, he didn't have many diamond-level items, and only the bitterness tree seeds were left unused.

However, this time the seeds of the tree of bitterness were decomposed, what about next time?

Do you want to start with colorful items next time?

However, the success rate of decomposition is also a big problem.

The best way is to disassemble gold-level and platinum-level items with a high success rate.

However, there are only four gold-level easter eggs in Bailiyuan's warehouse now, and none platinum-level eggs. Even with the recruitment system, it is impossible to quickly collect gold-level and platinum-level eggs.

But in the world of heraldry envoys, it is impossible for Bailiyuan to disassemble the things he sees casually, and it is even more impossible to rob. You must know that adults in this world have power, even if most people are not good at fighting. , but the number of capable users is too dense.

What's more, if Bailiyuan didn't want to be boiled into soup by Andy, he absolutely couldn't do anything here in Yuncheng.

Bailiyuan was a little heartbroken.

In short, this world cannot quickly provide him with small crystals.

So, how about... cross over?

However, Bai Liyuan hesitated when he thought of the shot he got in the knee during the shuttle last time.

"It's impossible for me to be so unlucky, right?" Baili Yuan hesitated, but soon he shook his head.

"I can use that time-travel toilet to travel, so that I only need to travel back once, reducing the possibility of being shot, yes, just do it, perfect!"

But Bailiyuan hesitated again.

"Using the toilet to travel is random, so it must be treated with caution. What if you are transported to a dangerous world? Let's wait until Caroline upgrades the armor in half a month, so that the level of safety will also increase. Wait honestly for half a month, no, it should be said to continue the strength for half a month, that's right, that's it!"

Caroline has been upgrading her battle armor for half a month, and there is still half a month left, and the store will last for another month, which means that there is still half a month left for Bailiyuan Can be used to collect items.

After making up his mind, Baili Yuan packed up his things and prepared to go home.

He no longer needs this dump.


This time, Bailiyuan did not bring anyone else with him when he came out of the garbage dump. Except for the system and Caroline, Bailiyuan came out by himself, and the elves also stayed at home.

Hey, this sneaking feeling is a bit exciting.

Therefore, Bailiyuan didn't go home directly, but started to wander around the city.

Bailiyuan solved the unlucky problem, I believe this time there should be no flaming bus hitting him.

Bailiyuan was walking on the street while eating the cones she just bought.

Because he had turned into a child before, now Bailiyuan has completely recovered his child's appearance, with the baby fat on his face that hasn't faded yet, and his height is only more than one meter tall.

The nightlife in Yuncheng is also very rich. The colorful lights on the streets also decorate the streets beautifully, and cleaning robots can be seen everywhere to clean up the streets.

"It's really a beautiful day." Baili Yuan sighed.


"It's really a beautiful day." In the dark, a small figure with dark eyes sighed in the same way.

"Sister, what's the matter?" A girl appeared behind the small figure and asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing, sister, I have something to go out for a while."

"Then you pay attention to safety, don't cause trouble, and remember to come back early." The girl urged.

The small figure nodded and left.

The girl looked at the small figure leaving and shrugged her shoulders. She knew she couldn't stop her younger sister. However, her younger sister has become a lot more honest recently, and although she is only seven years old, she is actually very precocious and won't make trouble The girl is very relieved to let her go out by herself.

"Forget it, let's go to the next shopping mall. It's really boring recently. By the way, I heard that Master Mary will have a competition this month. Do you want to go and see it then?"


what is the meaning of life?

This question is something Shazi has been thinking about since she was three years old, and she has been thinking about it until now.

She is seven years old this year.

Ever since Sazi had a clear memory, she knew she was different from others.

Ordinary people have both light and dark sides. The difference between a good person and a bad person is the ratio of light to darkness. However, she cannot see the light in herself, she belongs to the darkness!

Her life was also dark.

Therefore, she longs for light.

However, whether it was the leader of the organization, her sister, or the great sage of Akamoy, the light on them was not the light she wanted, nor the light she longed for.

She longs for light, but she doesn't know what light she longs for.

Until, when she was five years old, she met the same age who was born in light.

Like she was born in darkness, she could feel that child was born in light!

It was also that day that Shazi saw the real light!

And Shazi's inner desire was thoroughly stimulated.

"I want, I really want, I want that person's light! I want everything about him!"

And just now, she felt the breath of light that she had been longing for all along!


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