Chapter 461 God Side Occupation

"I didn't expect you to have a flat chest when you were a child." Baili Yuan sighed.


Bailiyuan was slapped by Luoli Andy to the door of the dean's room.

"Why are you slapping me again?" Baili Yuan sat up crying, covering his face.

Andy ignored Bailiyuan, but looked at his palm.

"The body has become what it was when I was a child, and my strength is still there, but it seems to be limited by my physical fitness, so I can't fully display it, but..."

Andy checked his physical condition.

"The spirit is very active, have you returned to your childhood? It seems that you have controlled your physiology to your childhood, but your essence and strength have not changed."

After checking his situation, Andy looked at Baili Yuan who was sitting at the door.

It's really an amazing power to awaken, but...

"Change back for me." Andy said angrily.

"That..." Baili Yuan scratched his face, and then told Andy the information of his two coat of arms and the ability to operate life.

Then Andy slapped Bailiyuan again, making Bailiyuan's two faces symmetrical.

A burst of light flashed on Andy's body, and the oversized suit on Andy's body disappeared, while Andy's body was completely wearing a fitted pink princess dress.

Bailiyuan: "..."

"Get over here and sit down." Andy pointed to the sofa in front of him.

Bailiyuan sat obediently on the sofa.

"I have already understood your ability. What changes is the physical condition, and does not affect the strength, but this is only relative. Even if the strength is the same, but the physical fitness has changed, for example, a middle-aged man becomes an old man. , will have a huge impact on the display of strength, which can be regarded as affecting the combat effectiveness in a disguised form."

Hearing Andy's analysis, Bailiyuan nodded and remembered it in his heart.

"The power of this ability lies in ignoring the target's situation. Ability with this effect is very rare, and it is also very powerful, let alone a god-side job."

The god-side occupation is a special branch of the heraldry occupation.

God-side occupations are professions that can only be awakened by believers of gods. If a child believes in God since childhood, he will often awaken the god-side occupations. Moreover, affected by the belief, even if the awakened god-side occupations are the same, the gods they believe in are different. Aspects are also different.

For example, the summoner profession, the summoner in the god-side profession is called "God Summoner". If you believe in a water-type god, your professional skills and contracts will be biased towards water-type gods. If you believe in a fire-type god, your professional skills and contracts will be Favored to the fire system.

At the same time, the god-side profession involves theology, which is generally stronger than normal professions, and often has special powers, such as good luck, strong recovery, strong attack, and so on.

However, it doesn't mean that the god-side professions are absolutely powerful. The god-side professions only have advantages in certain aspects. Most of the god-side professions are more difficult to develop in an all-round way, and they also have special characteristics.

For example, Bailiyuan's god-side profession.

After Andy finished talking about the advantages she found, she began to further analyze Bailiyuan's new career.

"Your occupation is very interesting, but two problems can be seen from the introduction."

"what is the problem?"

"The first problem is that you can't control the time of the change at will, and the state can only last for 24 hours."

Bailiyuan nodded.

"As for the second question, I just guessed it. According to the introduction of your class, it can be seen that your class itself does not have too strong offensive capabilities. In other words, it is a support class!"

Bailiyuan froze for a moment.

Andy said again: "However, fortunately, you don't have only one profession, which makes up for this shortcoming, but it is an indisputable fact that your new profession is an auxiliary profession."

At this time, Bailiyuan has a total of four professions, two summoner professions, both of which belong to team battle professions, and the giant of light profession is Bailiyuan's racial profession. Although it belongs to the transformation profession, it can also be counted as a profession. It is a strong attack class, and the newly acquired God's spokesperson class belongs to the transformation class, but the main ability is in support.

"Besides, you don't have a reference for your new profession, and you need to work hard to learn skills in the future. After all, the one that suits you is the best. However, I suggest that you try to understand the power of the God of Destiny. If the profession on the God side succeeds It’s still very strong when you practice.”

Finally Andy gave advice.

Bailiyuan also thought according to Andy's suggestion, and then looked at the ring on his finger. The left hand wearing the ring still looks noble today.

"Okay, go back and think about it, I still have something to do." Andy said.

Baili Yuan nodded, and then left the dean's room.

After Bailiyuan left, Andy in a loli state came to the mirror, looked at himself, and turned around twice.

"It's really the same as when I was a child. The clothes I wore when I was a child are just right."

Then Andy fell into thought.

In fact, Bailiyuan's new job is not as simple as I said just now. Although it looks like an auxiliary job, it has good potential in infiltration and interference, and it also affects the functions of the human body. There is also a big gap in the ability of different age groups!

For example, in terms of learning ability, children's imitation and mechanical memory ability are stronger. For normal people, the older they are, the learning ability and energy are much worse than those of young people. These will lead to a decline in acceptance. There is no way Things, like a woman's breasts sagging, are natural laws.

But Bailiyuan's ability can reverse this natural law, and let the old man regain the vitality of the young. Although it is only for one day, it can last for a long time!

In addition to these, Andy also has another consideration, that is, whether the ability of Bailiyuan's new profession will affect life expectancy and disease. If it can affect it, then the value of this profession must be re-evaluated!

"If I let him reverse it for me every day in the future, will I be able to stay young forever in the future?" Andy thought, and this idea moved her very much.

If you don't seek longevity, you can try not to grow old.


Bailiyuan left the dean's room, returned home quickly, and patted himself in front of the elves and others.

After a while of stretching, Bailiyuan's appearance had disappeared, and instead turned into the appearance of a young man in his twenties. Caroline also knitted adult clothes for Bailiyuan immediately.

The elves looked at this scene in a state of being unable to react.

Bailiyuan took out a mirror and took a picture.

"I'm still pretty handsome in the future~"

"How did brother Xiaoyuan do it?" Daisy asked curiously.

"This is the ability of my new profession." Baili Yuan said with a smile, and then explained briefly.

"I want to try too, I want to become an adult too!" Daisy cheered and raised her hands.

"Okay." Bailiyuan smiled, and at the same time looked at Annie on the other side.

Annie raised her two tibbers, facing Bailiyuan——

Tibbers alert!

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