Chapter 459 Graduation

After leaving Andy's office, Bailiyuan contacted Shirley, who had already finished her graduation task and came back.

When visiting Xueli, Bailiyuan also specially called Menus. After all, Menus had practiced with Xueli for two months, and the relationship between the two is still good.

In Shirley's residence, Bailiyuan cooks himself, preparing to cook a sumptuous meal.

There were not many people in Shirley's residence, only an old housekeeper and two maids assigned by the academy.

The two maids helped Baili Yuan.

As for the main dish, of course it is fresh and plump snapdragon!

Bailiyuan deliberately selected a huge and well-cultivated snapdragon, which was as big as a car.

Holding a pair of knives in his hands, Baili Yuan gestured at the snapdragon lying on the table.

"Cheats Bailiyuan kills fish!"

This is a name that is similar to Paodingjieniu.

Under Bailiyuan's fierce operation, the giant snapdragon was successfully dismembered, and the huge fish head was also thrown into the cauldron by Bailiyuan to make soup.

Shirley sat quietly on one side of the table, and the old housekeeper stood behind her, waiting for the meal to be served.

Looking at the busy Baili Yuan and the two maids, the corners of Xue Li's mouth curled up slightly.

"Miss looks very happy." The old housekeeper said with a smile.

Shirley neither denied nor affirmed.

"Xiao Yuan is a good boy, but it's a pity that Xiao Yuan is too young now." The old housekeeper sighed, "However, if you count according to age, when Xiao Yuan grows up and reaches the most energetic time, Miss should also be at the most effective age." Charm is also at the same age as a wolf and a tiger, just right, just right..."

"Sit over there and eat!" Shirley pointed to the place farthest from her expressionlessly.

"Miss, although my words are rough, the truth is still the same. If you can wait for two years, I believe you will not suffer. The life of the coat of arms is very long. You have to believe that the little earthworm will one day Those who become giant dragons will dive into the abyss when the time comes, and the tide will rise..."

The old butler felt a chill down his spine before he finished speaking, and then sat down obediently in the position Shirley pointed out to him, sat quietly, and stopped talking.

Xueli continued to look at the busy Bailiyuan, wondering what she was thinking.

Menus slid to Xueli's side and rubbed her cheek against Xueli's face, and Xueli also stroked Menus' smooth skin.

Everyone enjoyed the meal very happily.

After the meal, Bailiyuan and Xueli sat drinking tea together.

"Sister Shirley, what are you going to do after graduation?" Baili Yuan asked curiously.

Shirley looked down.

"I haven't thought about it yet, but if there are no accidents, I should go back and inherit the family business."

"Inherit the family business?" Baili Yuan was curious.

Shirley nodded.

Seeing that Xueli didn't explain much, Bailiyuan didn't ask any more questions.

"Remember to come back when you have time."

"Well, you can come to me when you are on vacation, and I can ask the housekeeper to pick you up." Xue Li said.

"Will do."

Bailiyuan smiled.

"By the way, I heard that Miss Mary seems to have encountered something recently..." Shirley said suddenly.

Hearing that something happened to Mary, Baili Yuan also pricked up his ears.

The old housekeeper looked at the two of them from a distance and grabbed his chin.

"So miss likes this kind? Cultivation system..."


two days later.

Under Yue Xuan's guidance, Bailiyuan signed the last agreement, and the two shook hands symbolically.

"Xiao Yuan, it will be a holiday after the holiday. After the holiday, you will be enrolled in Yuncheng College. The dean hopes that you will prepare early."

"Okay, I'll be ready." Baili Yuan nodded.

Afterwards, Bailiyuan handed the green caterpillar and the big milk pot to Yue Xuan, and Yue Xuan would go back to arrange these Pokmon.

Baili Yuan looked at Yue Xuan who left, and sighed a little, he also wanted such a capable subordinate.

Although Yuexuan is a grandfather, he still looks very young, acts decisively, and looks like a social elite.

On the other hand, Shedu, the son of Yuexuan, looks like a slovenly uncle, who can't see the vigor of young people at all, and hasn't seen him recently. I heard from Mary that it was because his wife was pregnant, and he went back to take care of him. wife.

It is completely inconceivable that Shedu is someone who can find a wife.

Mary, on the other hand, has been busy developing new dishes with Nutrition Express recently. I heard from Shirley that someone is going to challenge Mary as a nanny recently, and Mary is also preparing for the challenge, such as improving her cooking skills.

Muji got rid of Andy and found a part-time job teaching students in Yuncheng College, and occasionally went to try dishes for Mary and Nutrition Express.

Mary's challenge will be half a month later, when it is a holiday.

The days passed day by day, and finally, it was time for graduation!

On the graduation day, Yuncheng College also organized a graduation ceremony, and Bailiyuan also attended the graduation ceremony wearing a handsome little suit.

As the dean, Andy spoke on stage, affirming and encouraging the graduates.

Bailiyuan found that Andy was worthy of being the dean, and he was really imposing on the stage, and Andy was also very eloquent.

Afterwards, Andy presented awards to the outstanding graduates, and the statistics gave the top ten permanent title authorizations.

Not surprisingly, the first one was that Brilliant Gold, a blond haired three-no girl.

Shirley could only be ranked second. Shirley also tried many times during this half semester, but she found that the gap between her and the first Brilliant Gold was irreparable.

The third Bailiyuan didn't know him, but he had heard that it was the "Sky Knight" who was ranked fourth.

The titles of the top ten have also undergone major changes in this half-term. As Shirley said, those capable people emerge in endlessly, and the competition is quite fierce.

Emilyka, whom Bailiyuan knew, got the permanent title of "Brilliant Girl" in the fifth place.

Ikki was in sixth place, earning the permanent title of "One Sword Shura".

Ying Lili was in the ninth place and won the permanent title of "Elf Princess".

The black knight got stuck in the tenth place again, and got the permanent title of "Dragon of the End".

Originally, the title of the Weakest Dragon of the Black Knight was changed due to various reasons, otherwise the Weakest Dragon would be too ironic, and it would not be nice for the Black Knight to say it outside in the future.

However, looking at the black knight surrounded by more girls because he contracted some dragon species, Baili Yuan felt a little emotional.

"It's really a winner in life."

Then there was the speech of the student representative "Bright Gold", which was still so dry.

This was followed by a speech from the President of the Student Council...

It was the first time that Bailiyuan knew that there was a student union in the college, and it seemed that the status was still very high.

After the ceremony, the students started free activities. They were about to part. They left a place where they had been for ten years, and bid farewell to their partners who had been together for ten years. There are also some students who choose to go outside and have a good time, burning the last madness.

After graduation, they will no longer be young.

Bailiyuan found Shirley.

Shirley was always alone. Although Shirley was very prestigious in the academy, few people would take the initiative to contact her because she was too cold and she couldn't express her feelings.

"When are we leaving?" Baili Yuan asked.

"Tonight," Shirley said.

"Don't you guys have a party tonight? Don't you want to attend?" Baili Yuan was a little curious.

"No, I'm not used to it." Shirley shook her head.

"By the way, this is for you." Baili Yuan handed a box to Xue Li.

Shirley took the box suspiciously, and after opening it, there was a poke ball and a manual inside.

"This is..." Shirley was a little puzzled.

"This is a Pokémon, and my contracted beast is a kind of creature. There is a big milk tank inside. That big milk tank is still a child. If it is properly cultivated, it is a good fighting power, and the big milk tank produces Milk can also have healing effects, and drinking it regularly is also good for the body, and the manual is about cultivation methods and feeding methods." Baili Yuan explained.

"This is my graduation present for you."

Bailiyuan smiled.

Xue Li looked at Bailiyuan, then at the box in her hand, with a rare smile on her face.

"Thank you, I like it very much."

Xueli suddenly put the box on the table, and hugged Bailiyuan.

Baili Yuan was taken aback for a moment, and then hugged Xue Li as well.

Hug means nothing else, just a simple parting hug between friends.

In this way, Shirley is no longer alone today.

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