I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 455 Six Little Ones

"The black market, the real damn black!"

Bailiyuan teleported back to the research institute, feeling a little bit upset.

However, the Rockets' black market is still very disciplined.

None of the things obtained from the black market have been "added goods", which means they are all safe and have not been tampered with by the Rockets. The remaining money in Cary has also been proposed by Caroline, and is being transferred to Angela through operations. on the account.

In order to erase the traces of the transfer of money, otherwise other people will track it down. Caroline's operation is very troublesome, and it will take a day at the fastest.

However, almost one billion yuan is enough to support the research institute and dojo for a long time.

As for other gains.

Bailiyuan is counting.

Put the evolution stone aside first, and don't rush to use it.

Even if it is not used in the future, it is a good choice to keep a set of evolution stones at home.

Then came the venom, the bought venom was handed over to Big Needle Bee by Bailiyuan, after Big Needle Bee tasted the venom, Big Needle Bee rubbed Bailiyuan's cheek with her long needle in a good mood, But it gave Baili Yuan goose bumps all over his body.

It wasn't surprising that the big needle bee was so satisfied with Baili Yuan, after all, it was poison worth tens of millions.

However, what Bailiyuan didn't know was that there was another reason why Big Needle Bee was so satisfied. Among all the Pokmon, she and Pikachu had gifts, and Pikachu was male and couldn't lay eggs.

Afterwards, Bailiyuan connected to Angela again, and told Angela about the Dragon Scale. At this time, Angela had finished playing four gymnasiums.

Looking at Angela on the opposite side of the screen who deliberately lowered her neckline, Bailiyuan rubbed her nose resolutely at her whiteness.

Big sister who likes the taste of Angela, how about it?

However, business still cannot be forgotten.

After explaining the dragon scales, Angela decided to send the starfish back to exchange with the sea thorn, thus completing the evolution of the sea thorn.

Soon, Bailiyuan received Haixingxing's elf ball.

In a short time, Angela will not exchange the evolved Thorn Dragon King back. She still needs to familiarize herself with the evolved power with the Thorn Dragon King.

Looking at the screen that Angela mercilessly turned off after receiving the sea thorn, Bai Liyuan sighed for a woman's ruthlessness.

Then came the electric ball, and Bailiyuan called out his own Pikachu.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Bailiyuan always feels that his Pikachu has a faint smell of being out of the world.

This has not yet begun to cultivate immortals!

Although Pikachu has already fused the Lightning Root, it turns out that it is not difficult for him to fuse the Electric Ball, and because the fusion of the Lightning Root has improved his own quality, Pikachu's fusion of the Electric Ball has become very simple, without any trouble or waves The ground fused with the electric ball, and Pikachu burped contentedly.

The electric ball is a special prop for Pikachu. After fusion, it can improve Pikachu's attack and special attack.

The increase is generally around 5%.

Moreover, as a special prop for Pikachu, as Pikachu improves, the effect of the electric ball in his body will gradually increase.

For example, the improvement effect of the poisonous needle in the big needle bee has been improving, but recently it has reached perfection, and the big needle bee also needs new means to improve its strength.

In the end, there were only six newcomers left.

Before releasing the six little ones, Bailiyuan also deliberately inquired and consolidated the information of the six little ones, mainly in terms of temperament.

After all, this is a purchased Pokémon, so you need to pay attention in advance. Bailiyuan still remembers the situation of the sold Pokmon that he snatched with Angela before.

"Like most grass-type Pokémon, Chrysanthemum Leaf has a very docile personality. He tends to use the calming aroma of the leaves on his head to avoid battles. He spends most of his time basking in the sun, but It is not clear whether it is because of the need for photosynthesis, or because the chrysanthemum leaf is an ectotherm and must maintain its body temperature. It seems to be quite sensitive to changes in the environment, and can use the large leaves on its head to purify the air nearby and find A warm place. Chrysanthemum leaves are also quite emotionally sensitive and can get quite upset when misunderstood."

"Turtle is usually a kind of docile Pokémon. He will bite the trainer's head to express his love. If the turtle is thirsty, the leaves on his head will wither, so he must live in an area near a river .The tortoise is sometimes introverted and lazy, and sometimes extroverted and protective.”

"Pogaman has such a high self-esteem that he doesn't even accept being fed by others."

"Vine snake is a very smart, calm Pokémon. Even in the face of stronger opponents, he will remain calm. He likes to bask in the sun and perform photosynthesis. If he loses energy, his tail will wither."

"Nuannuan pig uses his special fire-breathing ability to roast his food. Nuannuan pig spits out smoke instead of flames when he is sick. When he is happy, he will wag his tail."

Bailiyuan nodded.

"Oh~ So that's the case."

With some confidence in his mind, Bailiyuan began to release the Pokémon.

Bailiyuan released one first, which was chrysanthemum leaves.


Chrysanthemum leaves looked very energetic, looking at Bailiyuan with big red eyes, and rubbed the leaves affectionately on Bailiyuan's calf.

Bailiyuan was taken aback, this is different from what he imagined.

So Bailiyuan began to communicate with Jucaoye.

After some communication, Bailiyuan understood the situation.

This chrysanthemum leaf was originally wild, and then it was taken in by someone. Afterwards, he was transferred to someone else, but he was taken care of very well. Someone told him that his real master would come to take him away in the future, but When he saw Bailiyuan, he knew that Bailiyuan was his new master.

"So that's the case." Baili Yuan nodded.

Therefore, as expected of the elves in the high-level area, not only are they very rare, Team Rocket takes good care of these elves, and also provides special psychological counseling, no wonder one of them costs fifty million.

But if you think about it, those who go to the high-end area to buy elves at a high price must be for the purpose of cultivating them well. If the elves they buy have psychological problems, isn’t it because the Rockets smashed their own signs?

After figuring this out, Bailiyuan released the other five Pokémon with confidence.

A grass seedling turtle, a Bogaman, a rattan snake, and two Nuannuan pigs.

Like Jucaoye, the five Pokémon are in good spirits.

After the five small figures were confused for a while, their eyes fell on Baili Yuan.

The grass seedling turtle came over and rubbed Baili Yuan's calf like Ju Caoye.

Two Nuannuan pigs are chasing each other around Bailiyuan, looking very energetic.

Bogaman looked at Bailiyuan, looking very happy, but he didn't get close to Bailiyuan easily, looking a bit reserved.

As for the last rattan snake, seeing Baili Yuan half-closed his eyes, he felt a sense of scrutiny.

What kind of look is this?

I always feel that this rattan snake is a bit terrible!

Facts have proved that Bailiyuan's feeling is correct.

A week later, Bailiyuan looked at the rattan snake who was walking like a big sister with the tortoise, the chrysanthemum leaf and the only little fireball mouse left in the research institute, and was speechless.

The most speechless thing about Bailiyuan was that the rattan snake seemed to set him as the next target to subdue.

Bogaman did not give in to the rattan snake, but competed with the rattan snake with an attitude of not admitting defeat. Now he is training hard with the mosquito-repellent frog, hoping to defeat the rattan snake one day, and then... snatch her little brother come over!

By the way, Vine Snake and Bogaman are the only girls.

As for the two Nuannuan pigs, they were sent to the dojo by Bailiyuan. They studied since they were young, and usually live in a gorgeous and comfortable shrine.

Doesn't the God of Fate like pig heads? This time, I arranged for him two pigs to be the door gods.

As a believer, you must be clear about your God's arrangements.

Huh? There seems to be something wrong with this statement.

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