Chapter 451: Zhishui's New Title

After drifting at sea for more than a week, Bailiyuan finally landed at the old coastal port.

After half a month's wandering, Bailiyuan hated the life at sea, and after going around in the tropics, Bailiyuan's skin was also stained with a light bronze color, which made him look very healthy.

Although Bailiyuan's body is not afraid of the sun, but now it is a human body, it is normal to get tanned.

However, after this trip, the harvest is quite rich.

Caught a lot of good water Pokémon.

The glory egg Bailiyuan also found a chance to crack it open.

Because the bug-like Gwent card was released from the glory egg last time, Bailiyuan is very much looking forward to what will be released this time.

"Thunder Special Effect: Special item, a special effect. Equipped on the body, it will have the effect of Thor's coming into the world, but it has no attack power or blessing. It is divided into two states: normal and 'Thor's coming into the world', which can enhance the charm. Note: I have nothing but good looks."

This is what the glory egg opened this time.

A special effect.

However, this kind of thing that is nothing but handsome is not what Baili Yuan wants!

Bailiyuan was very disappointed with what was released this time, and chose to wear it.

Bailiyuan tried it out. Indeed, as the introduction said, this special effect does not have any buffs or attack power, but... so damn handsome!

Under normal conditions, thunder and lightning cannot be seen at all, but it can make other people feel the feeling of electric shock.

All in all, the charm of Bailiyuan has really improved.

When Bailiyuan transformed into Izreal, the bronze skin color on his body did not affect the skin effect, but the special effect still existed.

Bailiyuan didn't go back directly to the dojo, but went back to the research institute first.

Because there are many more water-type Pokémon, the research institute was remodeled and expanded by Caroline.

The ground is where the elves live, with lakes and lawns.

The underground is a simulated ocean environment.

Now as soon as you enter the underground of the research institute, you will find that this place is almost as good as an aquarium.

Bailiyuan walked around the research institute and found that the new Pokmon had all adapted to the life of the research institute and lived well.

Bailiyuan also saw the Fireball Mouse family.

In addition to these, Caroline is also expanding further, and she plans to open up the passage between the underground and the ocean.

Caroline also plans to open an aquarium.

The newly added Pokémon greatly increased the research institute's expenses, so more ways to make money were needed.

Fortunately, Angela has recently contacted Devon Manufacturing Co., Ltd. in Fengyuan area, and believes that the technology that Bailiyuan has mastered can be sold at a good price.

The reason why we chose Devon Manufacturing in Fengyuan area was actually the choice made by Bailiyuan after analyzing and discussing with Angela and Caroline.

The big companies in Kanto and Chengdu are not simple, not to indicate the superficial relationship, but to imply that they may have something to do with the Rockets in the dark.

Bailiyuan doesn't want to have anything to do with the Rockets yet.

Moreover, not only the research institute, but Bailiyuan still remembered that once he enrolled, the cost of cultivating Pokémon would not be free, and he had to find a way to raise it himself.

Although there are profits brought by snapdragon grass and income from future attribute badges, it is not enough.

Bailiyuan thought that he might be able to get back a batch of Pokémon from the Pokémon world, and then set up his own business.

For example, use the silk vomited by green caterpillars, the honey from the squirrel wasp, the wool from the bleating, the milk from the big milk jug, etc.

However, these still need to be considered in the long run, and it is not realistic to rely on Bailiyuan alone, Yuncheng College is a good partner.

And not just Pokémon, but technology from the Pokémon world.

After packing up everything, Bailiyuan placed his Pokmon in the research institute, and then went to the dojo.

I heard from Caroline that there are new changes in the dojo now, and new disciples have been recruited. I don't know what will happen.


Old Coast Port.

Baili Dojo.

Today the dojo is still open as usual.

However, in addition to Cheng Cheng and the excellent pride, there are more than a dozen apprentices in the dojo today.

After the superior pride "inherited" the dojo, the superior pride began to promote the dojo by relying on his own strength, and recommended the dojo on his social platform, which made the dojo more famous not only in the old coast, but also in the outside world. This is probably the Internet celebrity effect.

Moreover, thanks to this effect, relying on the ability of the superior pride, the dojo quickly recruited eighteen new apprentices, half of these people are fans of the superior pride on social platforms, and now there are twenty in the dojo Formal apprenticeship.

At the same time, because of the popularity of the top students, more people came to the ashram every day to study and visit.

Today's Baili Daoist Temple has changed from the half-dead look it had when Baili Yuan was there. It has a great momentum of development. I believe that it will become a well-known Daoist Temple in a short time.

Uchiha Shisui looked at the students standing in the yard practicing and sighed.

Being famous is a good thing. There are more apprentices and more income, but also, there are more people who come to challenge. When Bailiyuan is not around, the elites will take the initiative to deal with it, and when they are unable to defeat the enemy, they need Uchiha Shishui came into play.

But Shisui Uchiha is no Pokémon trainer.

Fortunately, the giant claw crab left by Bailiyuan is very strong and can hold up the scene, and Uchiha Shisui has a lot of combat experience.

Uchiha Shisui has to lift his spirits every time he fights, and, as the number of battles increases, although Uchiha Shisui is familiar with Pokmon battles and can easily deal with challengers, but... "The Giant Claw Crab What the hell is the title of "Stop Water"?

And this title was spread out as the dojo became famous.

So that every time Uchiha Shisui appeared on the stage, the challenger would say-"The comer is the giant claw crab Shisui"!

Or the challenger directly called the door - "Giant Claw Zhishui, dare to come out and fight!"

I stopped in an instant... Endure it!

This is my new way of ninja, Uchiha Shisui.

However, it still makes people feel tired, and only when they teach the cute Cheng Cheng can they find some comfort.


Uchiha Shisui patted Cheng Cheng's little butt, and said seriously.

At this time, Chengcheng was practicing the horse stance, and beside her, the mosquito coil tadpoles were also zading, each with persistence written on their faces.

Uchiha Shisui nodded, Cheng Cheng's talent and will were higher than he imagined.

When Bailiyuan returned to the ashram, he saw the brand new ashram. For some reason, he was a little excited.

"Everyone, do you miss me!" Baili Yuan waved his hands and walked into the dojo.

The new students in the dojo looked at Bailiyuan with doubts on their faces.

"Who is this guy? But he's so handsome!"

And the leader of the top prized son covered his mouth in disbelief.

"Ghost, ghost!!!!!!"

Bailiyuan: "..."

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