I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 4427: Giantization! Monsterization!

There are so many original evil demons that they must be cleared out as soon as possible, otherwise they will become obstacles for Baili Yuan and Fushi Yingshou.

Fushi Yingshou transformed into a nine-tailed polar fox, and then directly transformed into a huge nine-tailed white fox, landing on all fours, and killing into the evil demon army.

Baili Yuan also directly tapped his belt to activate the abilities of the elves.

[Loading! ]

[Giant! ]

Baili Yuan's body suddenly expanded, proportionally enlarged to more than 50 meters, and then launched an attack on the original evil demons.

Under the joint efforts of Baili Yuan and Fushi Yingshou, the original evil demon tribe was slaughtered before it could last three minutes.

After the war, Baili Yuan and Fushi Yingshou both returned to normal, and they were discussing things about the original evil demons.

"It feels like these evil demons are just here to delay us." Baili Yuan said.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi nodded, "I saw that the evil demon Dazhi was absorbing the power of these mutant plants. It may need time now."

"By the way, I have a question." Baili Yuan suddenly raised his hand.

"Excuse me."

"Can't you take me to teleport and find the evil demon Dazhi?" Baili Yuan asked the doubts in his heart.

He used to teleport to travel.

This question made Ukiyo Hidetoshi embarrassed, and then he said embarrassedly, "Actually, I don't know the exact location of the evil demon Dazhi, I just know which route to take to find the evil demon Dazhi."

Bai Liyuan looked contemptuous, "You just made a wish, and you made a wish for such a thing? You might as well just say, send us directly to the front of the evil demon Dazhi!"

"Then... I'll try?" Ukiyo Hidetoshi said carefully.

"Try it quickly!"

"Ahem, I have always been an ordinary person, and suddenly became a god, I am still a little uncomfortable, I hope you understand."

[《Ordinary People! 》]

[《Suddenly Became a God! 》】

【Laughing to death, if it weren't for the reminder from Huangmao, I'm afraid I would have passed away! 】

Then, Ukiyo Hidetoshi began the experiment, and he wished to teleport them over.

A white light appeared!

The white light disappeared again...

Baili Yuan was very excited.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi opened his eyes and said with a serious expression, "The evil demon Dazhi did obtain the power of creation. He used the power of creation to protect himself, and we can't teleport directly over."

"Then think of a way to get us there quickly!" Baili Yuan said unhappily, "Otherwise, if he delays us a few more times, by the time we arrive, I'm afraid the cucumbers will be cold."

Although they had all flown before, the speed was still too slow.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi made another wish, that is, he felt like he was being used as a tool, and he suddenly understood Mitsume's feelings.

Then, when Baili Yuan saw what Ukiyo Hidetoshi had made after wishing, Baili Yuan almost wanted to give Ukiyo Hidetoshi two kicks in the heart.

"Armstrong Spin Acceleration Armstrong Cannon?"

"Well... just call it this name, just tell me if you want to use it or not~" Ukiyo Hidetoshi smiled evilly.

"You can use it, but I have to shoot you first!"

"No, I can only activate this, and I can only shoot you~"

"I finally got moved once, but you made me lose so thoroughly, Chao!"

[? ? ? ]

[Gintama! ]

[Screenwriter, stop watching Douyin! ]

[Brother Huangmao has a complicated composition! ]

[Brother Revenue may not have done it on purpose! ]

[What did I hear? Brother Revenue wants to cum in Brother Huangmao? ]

[If you say Brother Revenue didn't do it on purpose, Tai Li won't believe it! ]

[What do you think Tai Li is? ]

[Honest man! ]

[Chao! ]

In the end, Baili Yuan gave Ukiyo Hidetoshi more than 20 big fights, and Ukiyo Hidetoshi didn't give in.

In order to hurry, Baili Yuan still humiliatingly stuck his butt into the muzzle of the cannon.

"I'll wait for you to land, and you'll be in trouble!" Baili Yuan threatened at last.

"Hehe, get ready, I'm going to shoot!"

Then Fuyo Hidetoshi ignited it with the power of creation.


The cannon started, and directly launched Baili Yuan out at a very fast speed.

Fuyo Hidetoshi also jumped into the cannon, and was launched together, chasing Baili Yuan.

In this way, Baili Yuan and Fuyo Hidetoshi arrived near the evil demon Dazhi at the fastest speed, looking at the strange building made of mutant plants like a bird's nest.

However, it was Baili Yuan who landed first, and Fuyo Hidetoshi followed closely. Baili Yuan, who landed first, directly summoned a ground spike on the ground and aimed at Fuyo Hidetoshi's butt.

Fuyo Hidetoshi hurriedly used the power of creation, covered his butt, and sat flat on the ground spike.

"Are you an iron butt?" Baili Yuan complained.

"Humph~" Ukiyo Hidetoshi snorted coldly.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi shot Baili Yuan, and Baili Yuan also poked Ukiyo Hidetoshi's butt, so the two were even.

[Sure enough, Kamen Riders are all gay! ]

[I just want to know who is on top at night? ]

[It must be the yellow-haired brother on top, because the yellow-haired brother can poke! ]

[The revenue brother can also sit! ]

[Iron butt, right! ]

[Call him Iron Butt Brother from now on~]

Baili Yuan said that this barrage was not worth watching.

Moreover, they are going to start the BOSS.

In fact, when Baili Yuan and Ukiyo Hidetoshi fell from the sky, the evil demon Dazhi noticed it, and he was indeed nervous.

Because the evil demon Dazhi did not expect that Baili Yuan and Fushi Yingshou could come so quickly in this way, the other arrangements he made were useless.

However, the evil demon Dazhi had been prepared for a long time, he was just nervous, but not panicked at all.

Moreover, Fushi Yingshou was the one he deliberately lured here, but he did not expect that Baili Yuan would also chase him, which made him feel a little troublesome.

Fortunately, there was a backup plan after the plan.

His previous arrangements were indeed useless, but he could directly control all the mutant plants nearby and directly attack Baili Yuan and Fushi Yingshou.

The next second.

All the mutant plants seemed to come alive, began to crawl and entangle like pythons, and finally combined together.

As countless mutant plants moved, the ground shook and trembled, and Baili Yuan and Fushi Yingshou had to fly into the sky to get rid of the impact of the shaking ground.

Then they saw with their own eyes that a huge plant monster a hundred meters high rose from the ground!

"Jiujiu, Miaoju, since you dare to chase me, you will be buried here." The voice of the evil demon Dazhi came from the plant giant.

Fuyo Hidetoshi transformed into a nine-tailed Jijiu again, and then turned into a huge nine-tailed white fox, like a god descending from the sky to subdue the monster.

However, the nine-tailed white fox was only more than 50 meters long, which seemed a bit short in front of the plant monster. Fortunately, the power of the nine-tailed white fox was not inferior at all.

"Now I really have to become Ultraman to fight the little monster~" Baili Yuan laughed, and then activated the power of the elves again.

[Loading! ]

[Monsterization! ]

Baili Yuan seemed to have transformed into an alien knight, his body expanded to 100 meters, his appearance became ferocious, and then he killed the plant monster wildly.

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