Chapter 4423 Defeat Siel!

The ground trembled and the earth dented.

In the center of the huge pit is Si'air's body, and he is being penetrated by the thorn dragon spear and stuck on the ground.

The upgraded armor on Si'air's body has been penetrated and broken by the Thorn Dragon Spear. Anyone can see that Si'el at this moment has been completely defeated.

Bailiyuan stood next to Si Aier's body.

Si'er held the Thorn Dragon Spear with both hands and looked at Bailiyuan, but could not see his expression clearly.

Upon closer inspection, I discovered that the Thorn Dragon Spear not only penetrated Si'air's body, but also penetrated Si'el's drive.

The transformation on Si'air's body was automatically released, and Si'el was revealed, but still did not show his true face, but was still wearing a red robe and a white mask.

Si'er felt that his failure was unexpected, but he was not frustrated.

Si'air's body was broken, just like other people from the future, but there was still a shadow left in Si'air. He broke away from the penetration of the Thorn Dragon Spear and stared at Baili Yuan.

Unfortunately, this is not Si'er's soul, just a projection.

"Meow Orange, you..."

Seir wanted to say something.

Bailiyuan interrupted him directly.

"Let's talk about those words later. Just live in the future for the time being. Sooner or later, I will find you and deal with you completely!"

"Haha, then I'm looking forward to that day." Si'er smiled softly.

"Next time we meet, you will have nowhere to escape." Bailiyuan said at last.

Si'er laughed again, disappeared, and left.

Everyone was excited to defeat Siel.

Especially Jihu and others.

However, when the game realm was lifted, everyone discovered that the outside world was still shrouded in darkness, and the situation was getting worse. Natural disasters even occurred in many areas of the world, and tornadoes also appeared in cities.

Humanity is gripped by fear.

"What on earth is going on with this? Hasn't Si'er already been defeated?" Taili exclaimed.

"Because the source of the end of the world is not Si'er, but the new goddess of creation who has the power to create the world!" Bailiyuan explained.

"The new goddess of creation?" Namao was startled and immediately reacted, exclaiming, "It's Zimli!"

Everyone became anxious.

Jihu could still remain calm. He took a step forward and asked Bailiyuan seriously, "Meow Orange, what do you know? How can we save this world? Please help us, please!"

After saying that, Jihu bowed ninety degrees to Bailiyuan.

The other people behind Jihu also hurriedly bowed with Jihu and expressed their thoughts.

"Please help us!"

"I will do anything to save the world!"

Bailiyuan smiled, "Really?"

"Get up, the one who can save the world is not me, but you, Hidetoshi Ukiyo!"

Everyone stood up in surprise, and Jihu also gradually came to his senses after a brief daze, "You mean, the power of creation?"

What he has that others don't have is the power of creation.

"That's right." Baili Yuan nodded, "Only with the power of creation can we resist the power of creation!"

"What should I do?" Jihu asked.

"Have you really made your decision?" Bailiyuan asked, "You have just taken control of the power of creation. If you want to reverse the destruction of the entire world, you may have to sacrifice everything. But if you use the power of creation, With your power, you can take many people to other worlds and start a new life."

Upon hearing that Ukiyo Hidetoshi was asked to sacrifice himself, several people behind Jihu suddenly became a little restless and looked at Jihu, but no one spoke to persuade him, because the decision-making power rested with Jihu himself.

Jihu was silent for a moment and then spoke quickly. He asked with a smile, "Only some people, not all people?"

"Well, that's right~"

"Then the answer is obvious. I choose to save the world! After all, in the final analysis, I am one of the sources of everything that happens now." Jihu has already made his choice.

The people behind him, some were sad and some couldn't bear it, but they did not stop Jihu because they all knew that this was something Jihu had already decided and they had no power to stop it.

Bailiyuan threw the Jumu cassette and Digui cassette to Jihu, "These two cassettes can take you into the Temple of Creation and help you prevent the destruction of the world!"

After Jihu caught the cassette, he nodded vigorously. He wanted to look back at the others, but in the end he stopped and did not look back.

"The highlight moment with only one back looks more handsome." Jihu said with a smile.

In fact, he didn't want to be influenced by his emotions. He decisively pressed the buttons of the two buttons and teleported himself away to the Temple of Creation.

[Jihu finally feels like the protagonist! 】

[The BOSS was not defeated by Jihu, but Jihu saved the world, so that’s okay! 】

[Classic sacrifice yourself to save the world! 】

【It smells like an oten~】

[It feels like Teliga trying to block the core of eternity! 】

Trigga also tried to block the Eternal Core? How come I don't know?

Oh, I'm a time traveler, so that's okay.

Baili Yuan nodded slightly. Without him, Jianwu's future seemed to be in trouble, let alone getting back together with his ex-woman.

"I am indeed a good person, always doing good things." Bailiyuan commented on himself.

At this time, Tai Li canceled his transformation, and Sakurai Jinghe lowered his head and sighed at his powerlessness.

The same was true for others.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi sacrificed himself, and they could do nothing.

Only Sakurai Sara was thoughtful, because she had seen the true side of Baili Yuan, so she always felt that something was wrong, so she stepped forward and asked, "Hey, Miaoju, is it really necessary to let Ukiyo Hidetoshi sacrifice himself to save the world?"

"Oh, that's fake." Baili Yuan said casually.


Everyone was shocked.

Baili Yuan then explained, "In fact, if Ukiyo Hidetoshi wants to save the world, he only needs to turn off the power of creation of the goddess of creation, and then use his own power of creation. It will consume a little more at most, and it will not threaten his life."

Then, Baili Yuan laughed evilly.

"It is impossible for Ukiyo Hidetoshi to take you away from this world and create a new life in other worlds. After all, as I said, he is really a wimp now. Do you really think that the world is so easy to travel through?"

"You guy! It's really too bad!" Sakurai Sara was so angry that he jumped up and kicked Sakurai Jinghe's butt directly, then pointed at Baili Yuan and shouted, "Jinghe, go and slap him twice!"

Sakurai Jinghe pointed at himself blankly, "Ah? Me?"

Bai Liyuan looked at Sakurai Sara, "Do you want to fight with me?"

"Sorry, I was wrong!" Sakurai Sara apologized decisively with a correct attitude.

I don't know what Sakurai Sara experienced in the virtual heaven, why did he become such a funny guy.

The barrage was also full of question marks.

[? ? ? ]

[This is probably the test of the predecessor! ]

[Appraisal completed, pure fun! ]

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