Chapter 4420 What are you doing? Is this still Kamen Rider?

Zaipelliao rays!

Cat Bear used a standard Tiga sure kill, hitting Si'er, causing the barrage to get excited.

[I can actually watch Ultraman in Kamen Rider! 】

[Diga, take off your holster! 】

[Holster Actor: Did I wear the wrong leather jacket today? No matter, let’s put skills first! 】

The light hit Si-El accurately, because the spirit of the cat panda had locked Si-El, and with the help of other companions, Si-El didn't even have a chance to dodge.

Boom! ! !

The light exploded, engulfing Si'er.

"Did it succeed?" Namao asked expectantly, looking at the center of the explosion like everyone else.

Fenrir made a serious voice, "No, I heard those live broadcast voices are still there!"

Sure enough, when the light of the explosion dissipated, an intact Siel was revealed.

Failed to break through the defense?

"How could it be possible?!" Panda said in shock, the indicator light on his chest flashing crazily.

Jihu finally spoke, and he saw through the truth, "He abandoned part of the audience and used the lens of that part of the audience to block your sure kill!"

If you look closely, you will find that Si'er is not unscathed, but the camera on his body is missing a lot.

"Jihu, as expected of you, but what can you do? You know, I have countless viewers, and there are also viewers from other time and space who are constantly coming to my show and becoming my strength. !" Si'er said with a smile.

Sure enough, the next second, the light and shadow in the sky were distorted, and then countless eyeball-shaped cameras appeared, and a large number of them fell on Si Aier's body, filling the vacancy on Si Aier's body again.

In order to "sit" in the special seats, many viewers spent a lot of money on Si'air, which further enhanced Si'air's power.

The voices of the audience are constantly heard in the camera.

"Finally it's my turn!"

"Haha, the money was not wasted. This angle is really good. It gives you an immersive feeling!"

"Hurry up, I can't wait to fight the Kamen Riders and destroy the world together!"

"Si'er, just go ahead and help me protect you from harm!"

"It was so great just now, I want to do it again!"

At this moment, it's like pushing a BOSS in a game. Players in the guild are used to fill it. No one is afraid of sacrifice, just to experience the process of defeating the BOSS and gain the greatest happiness.

Of course, there are also benefits after defeating the BOSS, which also makes the audience happy.

Si'er was able to attract so many viewers not only with a gimmick of destroying the world, but also with real promises of benefits, such as giving rewards to viewers with the highest rankings, who would be eligible to take turns participating in the game in the future.

This is a huge temptation for people in the boring future. Being a DGP employee is a sought-after job, let alone participating in the game in person.

"Damn it!" Cat Bear clenched his fists and wanted to fight, but in the light, he transformed back into Sumida Kanato. Then he knelt on the ground tiredly and hammered the ground with his fists, feeling extremely angry.

The pain of being unable to defeat the monster to protect his family, friends and the earth emerged in his heart again. But this time, will a new light appear to help him?

"Let me seal him!" Buster said angrily.

Just when Buster was about to take action, Si'er suddenly appeared in front of Buster and kicked Buster away.

Without the powerful combat power of the Cat Bear, there was a loophole in the cooperation of the remaining people, so Siel could easily counterattack.

Fortunately, there is no limit on the transformation time of others, so they will not be easily defeated by Si'er.

Namao helped Buster up and stood with the others, watching the approaching Siel warily.

Jihu and Taili stood at the front, ready.

"I said before, you are not qualified to be my enemy at all! It is impossible to defeat me!" Si'er said slowly, with a faint smile in his tone.

"Really? How about you let me try?" A childish voice sounded from behind Jihu and the others.

Si'er stopped and Jihu and the others looked back, and saw Baili Yuan walking swaying with his Zanpakutō on his shoulders.

"Meow Orange?"

Everyone spoke out one after another, but the tone was different.

Si'er also became unusually vigilant.

Because Si'er also noticed that Bailiyuan, like Ms. X, was beyond his control.

However, he will not be afraid, because now he controls the new goddess of creation and has the support of countless audiences. Even if the audience's viewing experience needs to be considered, he is still invincible in this era.

Baili Yuan stepped forward step by step, passing by Sumida Kanato who was kneeling on the ground. He suddenly stopped and praised with a smile, "Well done, young man. If those seniors know that you have used their power to save the world, They will be proud of you too.”

Sumida Soudou stared blankly at Baili Yuan, then suddenly realized and said in disbelief, "Could it be that those are all..."

However, Bailiyuan did not talk to him, but took steps again.

[No, the panda really used the power of Ultraman? 】

[Is it Toei’s impulse or did Tsuburaya make a mistake? 】

[Three major special shots are going to be linked together? Yay! 】

Walking past Buster and Na Cat.

Buster looked at Bailiyuan excitedly, because she was already sure that Bailiyuan had used her body before!

The problem is that in her impression, Meow Ju is a man!

That is to say, a man played with her body, not once or twice, and even Tsumuri said that they had taken a bath together.

You guys, you disappeared after playing with me, take responsibility for me!

But Buster didn't say this after all, because she wanted to save face!

Na Mao was in a complicated mood, thinking that the dead guide was suddenly resurrected, she was naturally happy, but still a little complicated.

Because she didn't want to be beaten up again!

Baili Yuan passed by Fenrir again.

Fenrir passed by decisively. She had a lot of questions to ask Baili Yuan. Baili Yuan patted Fenrir on the shoulder and interrupted Fenrir.

When Fenrir reacted, Baili Yuan had already walked to Jihu and Taili.

Taili: "Kouji!"

Jihu: "Meow Ju!"

Jihu was alert, Taili was excited.

Baili Yuan squeezed in beside them, then bumped his butt left and right twice, knocking Jihu and Taili to the sides.

Then, Baili Yuan took a step forward and stood in the middle and front.

"The C position is mine!" Baili Yuan said with satisfaction.

Jihu: "..."

Taili: "???"

Si'er looked at Miaoju, "Although I don't know how you did it, but I'll let you finish it here!"

"Really? I don't believe it!" Baili Yuan tilted his head and took out a cassette, "I'll use this cassette to deal with you."

The cassette started and then inserted into the second right card slot.

[Click! ]

[Rumble Rock, the indestructible beast! ]

[Rumble Rock! ]

A two-meter-high metal Rumble Rock flew out of the screen and landed in front of Baili Yuan, staring blankly at Si'er on the opposite side, as if he hadn't figured out the situation yet.

The barrage had completely exploded.

[No, Pokémon? ]

[It's really a Pokémon battle! 】

【Rhydon: What are you doing? Is this still the Pokémon world? 】

【What are you doing? Is this still Kamen Rider? 】

【Sewing, I can sew! 】

【Is your Pokémon legal? 】

Bai Liyuan turned to the barrage and said, "How can it be illegal? It was given to me by a friend!"

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