Chapter 4416 The power of belief!

Si'er is still very strong. One person's strength is enough to fight Jihu and others.

Because he is not fighting alone now, but is connected to the power of a large audience.

The audience integrated the "power" they had into Si-El's body, turning Si-El into the strongest BOSS in the final game!

To put it simply, the audience is ranking Si Aier, and Si Aier can gain stronger power from the support of the audience.

Correspondingly, Seir wants to cleanse all the Kamen Riders, destroy the world, and present the most shocking show to all audiences.

"Jihu, the Kamen Rider system you transformed into came from me. What qualifications do you have to be my enemy?" Si'er asked, with ease in the battle.

"Humph, my strength comes from my mother's gift, and everyone's strength also comes from the friendship of Ms. You are allowed to destroy this world! Because this is our world!" Jihu said firmly.

"That's right!"

Everyone was greatly encouraged.

Mitsume also felt Jihu's decision, and then she discovered that there was a brand-new power in Jihu's body that was vigorously awakening.

"Is this?" Mizmei was stunned for a moment, then looked surprised, "Ace, are you also about to awaken your own power? Does your power come from the trust of your partners? This power is really warm. ”

That's right, because of the trust of others, Jihu gained the power of faith, and then gradually awakened to new power.

Although there are not many people who believe in Jihu, they are all high-quality candidates, and there is no problem even if they are also gods.

The buckles given to them by Ms. god.

Just like this moment.

Jihu felt more powerful power pouring out of his body. He didn't know the principle, but he knew that with this power, as long as he continued to become stronger, he could defeat Si'er and save the world!

"Let's go!"

"Come together!!"

"For the world!"

"Believe everyone!"

"This is light!"

"Bring hope to the world!"

Si'er frowned slightly, but still said, "The products of the show dare to disobey the creators, you must be killed!"

[Okay, okay, another old man, right? 】

【Out of print~】

[After the out-of-print monster, the final monster appeared! 】

[The Kamen Riders have already started, come on, Siel is under siege! 】

[Siel: They shouted hope, light, belief, for the world, and then they came for me! 】

"This scene is really good." Caroline looked down at the battle below and smiled.

She still has Bailiyuan's appearance.

It is always possible to be the one among others, but there will also be a day when one is the one among others.


"It doesn't matter, their power will be recorded in the world, and as long as he reaches the peak and we burn the world on the cassette, we can gain the power of this world." Caroline didn't panic at all, she took out A brand new cassette.

That was specially developed by her to record the world - the world cassette!

"Keep fighting. Only the final winner is qualified to be recorded by me." Caroline looked down, feeling a little superior.

Who asked the people below to use the equipment developed by her when fighting, except Jihu, but Jihu couldn't escape her grasp.

Watching Ji Hu and others fight was like watching a child perform. Fortunately, Caroline did not have any ill intentions.

[Are there any experts? 】

[So, what is their situation? 】

[Isn’t this also like an imperial weapon, with a pursuer? 】

[I always feel that they are in the same group! 】

[This special photoshoot is so weird, the protagonist doesn’t look like the protagonist, and the BOSS doesn’t look like the BOSS! 】

[I always feel that Toei is creating a new setting, is it also going to create a multiverse? 】

[Don’t the worldview of Kamen Rider originally have a multiverse setting? 】

At this time, a group of figures approached from behind and found Ms.

Caroline didn't look back and just said softly, "Get rid of them and don't let them bother me."

"As you command, my God!" Ms. X bowed slightly.

Ms. X turned around.

What appeared behind them was the hound unit led by Kit.

Kit: Won the resurrection match!


Thanks to the special passage opened by Si'el, Kit returned and once again gained greater power.

He transformed into a brand new Kamen Rider form - Kamen Rider Gaze!

To be precise, it is the basic version of Kamen Rider Gazing Omega that Seel transformed into.

Similar to Omega, Gongyan can also gain more powerful power by absorbing the power of the audience's wishes. The upgrade buckle can also be inserted into the expansion slot on the left waist and activated to summon the corresponding Expand your arsenal.

And under Siel's means, Ningkan directly connected to Omega and copied power from Omega. Now his combat power is far superior to that of Jumu and Di Ni.

So, Git stood up again.

Git took out the Magnum buckle, inserted it into his waist, took the Magnum gun as a weapon, and then aimed it at Ms. X.

Other members of the Hound Corps were also armed with small buckles and prepared for battle.

These members of the Hound Corps were originally special Kamen Rider Corps trained by DGP. The members in them were all employees of DGP, and among them there were inevitably people like Qingjia Wenyin.

In order to avoid problems, Git directly used the power of Ningkan to control the knights of these Hound Corps, and made their cooperation more tacit.

Ms. X blocked Caroline behind her, and looking at Git and the Hound Corps approaching, she took out a cassette.

"I'll use this cassette to deal with you."

[Kamen Rider——]

[Korean Fox! 】

Fox, Mark III, Ms. X version, debut!

Ms. X raised her hand, and a Magnum gun appeared in her hand. At the same time, Ms. X explained, "The Kamen Rider cassette records the power of all the transformed forms of Kamen Rider, so I can use all the power Fox has used before."

"Unfortunately, this cassette did not record the Nine-Tails form that Fox has transformed into at this time."

"But it's just right to use it against you~"

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