I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 448 Exchange training

Bailiyuan looked at the elf ball in his hand, but still couldn't react.

"Caroline, I always feel like something is wrong."

"I don't know if it's right or not, but I know that the tyrannosaurus is not suitable for long-distance travel at sea." Caroline said.

That's right, Baili Yuan was sitting on the Gyarados at this time, and Cheng Long was not on Baili Yuan's body.

In Bailiyuan's hand, there was an extra white sea lion's elf ball.

All of this stems from a deal between him and Kona.


Time goes back to after the battle.

Kona didn't show off anymore, but directly revealed his identity, and Bailiyuan also showed a surprised look in cooperation.

"It turned out to be Master Kona, the King of Ice!"

Then Baili Yuan's face became calm again.

"So, when will the money be paid?"


Kona's eyelids twitched, and then he swallowed it.

After all, he is the king of heaven, so he still has the skill of nourishing qi.

"I will compensate you for the loss caused by the white sea lion. However, I have another suggestion here. Would you like to listen to it?" Kona asked.

Bailiyuan looked at Kona curiously.

"What suggestion, let's hear it."

"I think you are also a trainer of Chenglong. You have seen my Chenglong. Would you like me to help you train Chenglong for a while?" Kona asked with a smile.

To be honest, Baili Yuan was moved.

"Then what's the price?" Baili Yuan didn't nod his head in agreement, but asked something wrong. It was impossible for Ke Na to help him cultivate Chenglong easily.

"Don't worry, there is no price, it's just that your battle has been approved by me." Kona said with a smile, with a full-bodied look.

People have strength, so they naturally have confidence.

"I see that you like my white sea lion very much. I can leave my white sea lion for you to cultivate, so that you can also get acquainted with the Pokémon of the white sea lion. If you subdue the small sea lion family in the future, cultivate it There will also be a reference. As for the breeding resources of white sea lions, I will also give them to you, and the exchange time is two months. After two months, I will find you to exchange for my white sea lions, and then send your The dragon will return it to you."

Bailiyuan thought for a while and agreed to Kona's proposal.

There are not many opportunities for Tianwang to help cultivate Pokémon, and the opportunity is not to be missed. Even if Chenglong only learns one and a half moves, he can eat for a long time, not to mention the resources for cultivating white sea lions are also provided by Kona. No matter how you look at it, you can make a solid profit Not bad.

What's more, Kona has no reason to be greedy for his own Chenglong.

Then, Bailiyuan exchanged Pokémon balls with Kona.


"Forget it, I don't want to." Baili Yuan shook his head, put away the White Sea Lion's elf ball, and then put away the Gyarados at the same time.

"Caroline, take me to the nearest inhabited island."


As Caroline said, Gyarados are not suitable for long-distance rides. On the one hand, Gyarados are not suitable for long-distance travel. On the other hand, riding Gyarados is really uncomfortable. Compared with the stability of riding a dragon, Gyarados has an extra sense of bumps.

On the other side, Kona has returned to the cruise ship with the policewoman.

In the sea, Chenglong of Kona is communicating and playing with Chenglong of Bailiyuan.

Kona was wearing sunglasses, and sat on a chair on the deck, with a small round table beside him, on which juice and fruits were placed.

"Master Kona." The policewoman looked over.

"Don't you understand why I exchanged Pokémon training with that boy?" Kona took off his sunglasses.

The policewoman nodded.

Kona sat up.

"The talent of that boy is good. The Pokmon he cultivated are very good. They are the seeds of the alliance. As the king of heaven, of course I have to take care of them, and that boy should be a water system trainer. Maybe there will be an additional water system in the alliance in the future." Where is the master?"

The policewoman was a little surprised, she didn't expect Kona to think so highly of that boy.

"Not to mention." Kona put on his sunglasses again and leaned back in his seat.

"The ice system and the water system have a lot in common. Flowing water can also turn into hard ice, and hard ice can also turn into flowing water."

The policewoman nodded, then bowed to say goodbye, and walked to the distance, looking at the two Chenglongs playing in the sea, she suddenly thought of something.

If there is no Chenglong, it will be very difficult for that boy to move forward in the water. Even riding a Gyarados, the feeling is definitely not as comfortable as riding a dragon, and the distance from here to the next inhabited island is not close.

With that young man's strength, although there will be no accidents, it will definitely not be too comfortable!

It stands to reason that Master Kona would not have thought of this. If she really thought of this and still replaced Chenglong, then Master Kona's purpose...

The policewoman shivered.

The king of heaven is also a woman, so don't mess with women, women are really scary.

Rbq, rbq...


Bailiyuan continued to head north, but this time he took a boat built by Caroline with nanomaterials.

Bailiyuan was still fishing, but there was an extra white sea lion on the road.

After Bailiyuan released the white sea lion and explained everything to the white sea lion, the white sea lion didn't show much, but looked very happy. Bailiyuan felt that the white sea lion probably felt that the two-month exchange training was out for vacation.

Regarding the white sea lion, to be honest, Bailiyuan didn't have any good ideas either.

After a short contact, Bailiyuan discovered that this white sea lion is extremely lively and always likes to run out of the Pokémon ball by itself.

Fortunately, the white sea lion was able to come back by himself, so Bailiyuan let him go.

However, the white sea lion has always had plans for Bailiyuan's high-grade bait. In order to fish safely, Bailiyuan also had to give the white sea lion some high-grade food every day.

Now that Kona's training resources have not been delivered, Bailiyuan can only pay for it himself, but don't worry, the money will be written on the bill in the future and asked Kona to reimburse him.

Although the food that Baili Yuan provided for his Pokémon was not necessarily the highest grade, it must taste good. The white sea lion was quickly attracted by Baili Yuan's food and could guarantee to listen to Baili Yuan's words.

Finally, Bailiyuan returned to Asia Island in the northern part of the Orange Islands.

Going north from Asia Island is Dugan Island, then Convex Orange Island, and then you can get to the Orange Islands.

After a few days, Asia Island has returned to normal, and Baili Yuan also keenly noticed that the number of guards on Asia Island seems to have increased.

This is also normal, after all, something that affects the whole world has just happened on Asia Island.

Moreover, Bailiyuan also discovered that there are quite a few trainers on Asia Island, which is also normal. After all, the trainers are there to subdue Pokmon, and the legendary Pokmon are what all trainers yearn for. A battle of legends just happened on Asia Island, which naturally attracted the attention of many Pokémon trainers. Even if they can't be subdued, it's great to have a look at the heroic figure of the legends.

One last thing, there is an industry selling statues of the three gods on the island of Asia, but there is no trace of Rogia.

Bailiyuan also bought a good set of stone sculptures of the three gods and birds, which can be decorated in the shrine after returning to the dojo.

After the simple resupply, Bailiyuan wanted to leave. After all, he still remembered that he stabbed a bird's ass before, but in the end, Bailiyuan was still not in a hurry to leave.

Because... there are advanced easter egg refreshes nearby!

A platinum egg, a glory egg, and a sacred egg!

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