I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 4404 Ukiyo Hidetoshi: My mother doesn’t want me anymore?

Still in the mountains.

After a battle, both sides are regrouping.

Night falls.

A group of people including Ukiyo Hidetoshi are surrounding a bonfire in the wild.

Ben and John are in charge of vigilance, they are professionals.

Because the villa was destroyed, they can only live in the wild now. Fortunately, they have reserved some supplies outside the villa just in case. I didn't expect that they would be used now.

Several tents were set up.

A pot of broth was stewed on the bonfire. Ukiyo Hidetoshi personally cooked.

"My good brother, let your sister rub your head! Ah, the feeling I miss so much!!!" At this time, Sakurai Sara was rubbing Sakurai Keiwa's head angrily.

Sakurai Keiwa was very excited, and was particularly well-behaved and honestly held in Sakurai Sara's arms. However, when he noticed the strange eyes of the people around him, he hurriedly struggled out of Sakurai Sara's arms and blushed.

"I, I, sister, I'm not a child anymore!"

"Hehe~ In my sister's eyes, you will always be a child!"

Everyone was excited about the return of Sakurai Sara, but also shocked and a little suspicious.

"Are you really Sakurai Sara? Are you really Jinghe's sister? And not someone pretending to be you?" Sumida Souto started with a set of doubts.

Don't ask, the reason for asking is because you've been cheated too much. Enemies who can pretend these days are simply beasts!

Sumida Souto's suspicion was very rude, but no one was angry, because Sumida Souto's suspicion was very reasonable.

Probably, only Sakurai Jinghe, the person who knew Sakurai Sara the most, could be sure that Sakurai Sara was indeed the real person.

"Souto, of course my sister is her!" Sakurai Jinghe was a little excited. He hurriedly wanted to defend Sakurai Sara because he didn't want his sister to cause disputes and suspicions just after she came back.

Sakurai Sara pressed Sakurai Keiwa to her side, then smiled and said, "Yes, I am Sakurai Sara Honra, I have resurrected!"

"Resurrection? What's going on?" Inabasai asked hurriedly, her expression very serious.

Inabasai was also very excited about Sakurai Sara's resurrection, but she was more confused about why Sakurai Sara was resurrected.

"Haha, this~" Sakurai Sara scratched her head, and finally told the virtual heaven and some things that happened afterwards.

"I was taken to a strange place, where there were many people, and I was controlled by another me to cultivate a special buckle. Later, I was taken by that person and found that he was using my body. But he returned the body to me today so that I can fight."

For more details, Sakurai Sara didn't know how to start, mainly because of her limited cognition and couldn't describe those things.

However, her words still made everyone fall into thinking, and Ukiyo Hidetoshi was thoughtful.

"Could it be that it was Ms. X's operation?"

I can only suspect Ms. X.

By the way, I haven't seen Ms. X for a long time. What is Ms. X doing?

"Anyway, Sister Sara is back, that's a good thing!" Kurama Neon said with a smile, and then came to Sakurai Sara and started to be close to Sakurai Sara.

Sakurai Sara and Kurama Neon have a very good relationship.

If Qiu En hadn't stopped her before, Kurama Neon would have come to be close to Sakurai Sara.

After Sakurai Sara finished speaking, Sakurai Jinghe served Sakurai Sara a bowl of broth. Sakurai Sara, who tasted the food again, was so moved that she almost cried.

"In the soul state, my body is light. Although I don't feel hungry, I still miss my life as a living person!"

"By the way, there is another person named Mitsume and a person named Collapse Demon God who are treated the same as me." Sakurai Sara said while drinking the broth.


The others who were also having dinner all spit out and then started coughing. Sakurai Sara was shocked and quickly patted Sakurai Keiwa's back. She asked others in confusion, "What happened to you?"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi excitedly approached Sakurai Sara and asked, "You said, did you meet Mitsume?"

"..." Sakurai Sara silently pushed Ukiyo Hidetoshi away. Although she was also a fan of Ukiyo Hidetoshi and Ukiyo Hidetoshi was indeed very handsome, she didn't want to be too close to Ukiyo Hidetoshi.

How should I put it? When she thought that Ukiyo Hidetoshi was more than 2,000 years old, she felt very stressed.

Fortunately, Sakurai Keiwa explained on behalf of Ukiyo Hidetoshi, "Sister, because Mitsume is the name of Ukiyo Hidetoshi's mother!"

"Ah?" Sakurai Sara blinked. She didn't realize that Mitsume had given birth to a child. Mitsume looked about the same age as her.

Qiu En asked the key question, "Sister Sakurai, can you still contact Mitsume now?"

"Sorry, I can't see her, but it seems that living people can't see them in soul form unless they show up on their own initiative." Sakurai Sara shook her head and said, and then she took out the buckle of the goddess of creation.

After that, Ukiyo Hidetoshi borrowed the buckle, hugged it, and pondered, his eyes slightly red. He didn't understand why Mitsume didn't show up to see him. Was he abandoned by his mother?

Tsumuri hesitated to speak, she wanted to say something, she had met Mitsume before, but in the end, she still didn't speak, just looked at Ukiyo Hidetoshi with a very complicated expression.

When the Kamen Riders were resting.

No. 9 Dazhi has already started to operate.

"I said that only I can help Tyrannosaurus and destroy all the Kamen Riders!" Dazhi No. 9 said with his arms around his chest.

At this time, Dazhi No. 9, Taoist Master Azuma and Beloba were in the dark woods, looking at their wishes. They could vaguely see a glimmer of fire, which was the direction where Fuyo Hidetoshi and others were roasting fire.

"Haha, then what do you want to do? What conspiracy and tricks are you going to use?" Beloba said unhappily. She had already held a grudge against Dazhi No. 9's previous ridicule.

And now, the evil demons can be said to be exhausted.

There are only three of them left. If it weren't for Tyrannosaurus's strong fighting power, they would have surrendered long ago.

As for Dazhi No. 9, Beloba didn't think much of it. In her opinion, the evil demons of the Dazhi series were to increase the wisdom of Taoist Master Azuma.

And all along, the fighting power shown by Dazhi No. 9 was not strong.

Dazhi No. 9 smiled slightly.

"How can a person with a mind full of conspiracy and fighting understand my wisdom?"

Beloba wanted to hit someone.

Fortunately, Dazhi No. 9 just taunted him, and then began to explain.

"I remember that there was a bishop who had the ability to steal other Kamen Riders' equipment, right?" Dazhi No. 9 looked at Azuma Daochang and said.

His question made Azuma Daochang stunned, and then he reacted, "What do you mean?"

"That's right, humans are humans after all. As long as we can't make them transform, they will be easily solved by us!"

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