I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 4377 is immoral!


There was a loud bang.

The wall between men's and women's soups shattered.

The earth demons smashed through the partition wall and into the hot spring of the female hot spring, causing a large area of ​​spring water to rise.

Before Kurama Niyin could exclaim, Baili Yuan crossed the hole, jumped into the hot spring, and landed in front of Kurama Niyin.

Baili Yuan looked at Kurama Niyin, and Kurama Niyin also saw Baili Yuan.

"Buster?!" Kurama Niyin said in shock.

"Nice figure~" Bailiyuan commented, and then killed the Earth Demon disciple.

Kurama Nione's face turned red, and she hurriedly squatted into the hot spring holding a bath towel, "Sex devil! H!"

At this time, the evil demon disciple in the sky passed by at the end, and it also noticed Kurama Niyin. Kurama Niyin's heart was in his throat.

However, this time the evil demon in the sky didn't attack her. It just snorted coldly and said, "It's immoral!"

If Kurama Neone hadn't been naked, she would have almost died.

"You bastards! You guys broke into the women's bath, right?"

[Hahahaha, I was laughing so hard! 】

[It’s over, the cat is not clean anymore! 】

[The difference between treating Maomao and Sister Huangmao is huge! 】

Can there be no difference?

Because the evil demon in the sky finally realized that it is not a human being, why is it shy?

Also affected were Beloba and the Ocean Demon.

However, when the hot spring water hit them, the Ocean Demon raised his hand and controlled all the water, preventing them from drowning.

Then, they saw Baili Yuan beating up the earth evil demon.

Beloba watched this scene with interest, "I didn't expect there to be a hidden program?"

Then Beloba asked the Ocean Demons, "Aren't you helping your companions? That big guy seems to be suppressed."

"No need." The Ocean Demon said calmly, "As long as the Earth Demon is still standing on the earth, it will not be defeated. Besides, this is not the Earth Demon's strongest form."

The Sky Demon disciple also did not take action, "If you can't even deal with this guy, you are not qualified to fight me. Let me see your strength, Buster!"

"Don't underestimate me!!" The earth demon roared, dug out a large stone from under the hot spring, and threw it at Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan smashed the stone with a casual punch and said with a smile, "Then show some strength and let me see your strength. Come on, show it~"

Seeing this scene, Kurama Neon hurriedly wrapped a towel around her body and carefully lurked in the direction of the men's bath, hoping to find Ukiyo Hidetoshi and Sakurai Keikazu for help.

When Kurama Mine left, Belloba glanced at Kurama Mine's position. Apparently she had already noticed Kurama Mine's existence.

However, when Kurama Nione came to the men's bath, she saw three naked men twisting and entangled on the ground, and the atmosphere became particularly "banana".

Hidetoshi Ukiyo and Keihe Sakurai used joint techniques to lock Azuma to the ground. It was not easy for Azuma to struggle.

Kurama Nione exclaimed and hurriedly covered her eyes, as if she couldn't see.

When they heard Kurama Neon's exclamation, the three people on the ground became more and more ashamed, but no one let go first.

In the end, Kurama Neone had to go get the drives for Ukiyo Hidetoshi and Sakurai Keikazu.

As for Dazhi No. 9, he went out to get dressed. Being so naked was detrimental to his image.

Especially after being commented on by Baili Yuan, he was particularly ashamed.

So, when Kurama Neon was getting drives for Ukiyo Hidetoshi and Sakurai Keikazu, she ran into No. 9 Daichi who was putting on his underwear.

Kurama Neone's first reaction was to cover her face in shame, but the next second, she looked at Daichi No. 9 in surprise, "No?"

Dazhi No. 9: "..."

He really wanted to kill someone!

Fortunately, Kurama Neone did not come here to study Daichi No. 9. Kurama Neone hurriedly found the bamboo baskets of Ukiyo Hidetoshi and Sakurai Keikazu, got their drives and buckles, and hurried back to the men's bath.

Daichi No. 9 finally put on his clothes and took Azuma's driver and buckle into his hands.

I don't know why, even though he was extremely angry, No. 9 Dazhi didn't look like a demon disciple.

When Kurama Neon and No. 9 Daichi brought back the drives and buckles of Ukiyo Hidetoshi, Sakurai Keikazu and Azuma Michio, the battle finally no longer had to be anxious. The three separated in a tacit understanding and caught themselves at the same time. The driver and buckle start the transformation.

On the other side, the battle between Bailiyuan and the earth evil demons gradually intensified.

In his extreme anger, the Earth Evil Demon opened the earth and engulfed the hot spring water. Then the Earth Evil Demon's power was fully enhanced, which was reflected in its size becoming larger.

The body size directly expanded to five meters tall!

Once the punch hits the ground, there is a deep pit.

However, Baili Yuan easily dodged and gave no chance to the Earth Demons to attack him.

"Ah!!!!" The earth demon looked up to the sky and roared.

Directly launched his own killing blow.

"Be swallowed up by the earth! Insect!"

The ground seemed to come alive. Countless soil and rocks were covering Bailiyuan, trying to bury Bailiyuan.

At the same time, there is also a force of gravity exerted on Bailiyuan's body, restricting Bailiyuan's movements.

"Can you continuously obtain power from the earth, and use gravity and control the power of the earth?" Bailiyuan has a better understanding of the power of the earth evil disciples.

Then, Baili Yuan was gradually buried by the soil.

The Earth Demon laughed, but the next second, the soil covering Baili Yuan actually separated by itself and was no longer under the control of the Earth Demon.

Baili Yuan walked out of the soil and said with a smile, "Your power is good, but now, it's mine!"

Baili Yuan did not copy the power of the Earth Demon, but... activated the power of the Goddess of Creation!

The buckle on his waist lit up, and the shadow of the statue of the Goddess of Creation appeared behind Baili Yuan. The light enveloped Baili Yuan, and at the same time, it seemed that a bell rang.

"The Goddess of Creation gave me the power to control the earth!" Baili Yuan made a wish on the spot.

The figure of the Collapse Source Demon God appeared, and his appearance changed unexpectedly. He copied some of the characteristics of the Earth Demon, and his armor turned into the color of the earth with cracked patterns.

Then, the Collapse Source Demon God merged into Baili Yuan's body, and the armor on Baili Yuan's body changed, showing the color of the earth and cracked patterns, and became thicker.

The shadow of the Goddess of Creation also disappeared.

"Let's call this form the Earth Form!" Baili Yuan said with a smile.

The reason why he could copy the power of the Earth Demon was because during the battle, the Collapse Source Virus of the Collapse Source Demon God invaded the body of the Earth Demon and then copied the data of the Earth Demon.

The transformation of form did not happen because Baili Yuan made a wish casually, but because he just copied all the data.

[Can you still play like this? ]

[You are invincible, sister! ]

[You are using the public bus for private purposes, right? ]

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