Chapter 4359 Save me, save me!

In the stronghold.

Sumida Shouto's breathing was rapid, his eyes were red, and there was undisguised murderous intent in his eyes.

"Evil disciples! I will definitely wipe out every single one of you!"

Because his parents were turned into demon disciples, Sumida Shouto successfully transformed, but failed to save his parents. The demon disciples his parents transformed into were taken away by Daichi No. 8 who suddenly appeared.

It was as if he was holding his parents as hostages.

Dazhi No. 8 did not confront him at all.

Sumida Soudou immediately informed everyone of the incident, and then everyone gathered together and finally discovered that Nagayama Ittoku and Todoroki Kaizhen were missing. They were probably in danger.

Sakurai Keikazu, who also lost his family because of the evil demon, sat aside and didn't know how to comfort Sumida Kanato.

Sumida Sakuto said in a deep voice, "I finally know how Ishimori Koji felt before!"

It is said that Koji Ishimori also lost his parents in the DGP game.

Fortunately, Sumida Soutou is no longer a simple boy. He is not particularly impulsive and even quickly calmed down his emotions.

Because the experience he gained from the dream copy is that the more impulsive you are, the easier it is to ignore important things and fall into the enemy's trap.

And this is not the first time he has experienced the loss of relatives and friends. In the copy of Star Cane, the teammates he formed a bond with at the beginning were all dead, and even Star Cane was dead.

His endurance also became stronger as a result.

【Panda is so strong! 】

[Dazhi is so despicable this time! 】

[Beasts are pure beasts! 】

While others were worried about Yongshan Ittoku and Todoroki Kaizhen, they also felt troubled by this method of transforming humans into evil demons.

They all realized the seriousness of the problem.

It was not even possible to determine for a while what kind of power caused humans to transform into evil demons.

For a while, they didn't even dare to drink water.

This time, No. 8’s tactics were even more difficult. After discovering that it could no longer attack alone, it felt regretful but not too disappointed.

Then, he planted the seeds directly into the city's drinking water source.

The seeds he developed can be stored in water for a long time, and will germinate faster when exposed to water in the human body.

That's why he chose to scatter seeds in the water.

So, starting from this day, a large number of human beings transformed into evil demons began to appear in the city. They destroyed the city and killed humans.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi and others were also forced to give up their original special training and investigation, and began to eliminate those humans who became evil demons in the city.

And those evil demon disciples who were transformed from humans would die directly after being defeated, so that everyone did not dare to eliminate the evil demon disciples for a while, and could only find ways to imprison and restrict all the evil demon disciples.

Until a way is found to save everyone.

Of course, the first priority is to find the No. 8 Great Wisdom and prevent the disaster from spreading.

The problem is that Dazhi No. 8 is extremely obscene and has no intention of showing up.

Zimli opened her eyes again blankly.

Then she was shocked to see the yellow-haired Sakurai Sara, also known as Baili Yuan.

Bailiyuan smiled at her and said, "If the seeds are sown successfully, you will be able to give birth to a baby in ten months."

"Huh???" Zimli's brain was short-circuited.

[No, is it so exciting? 】

[Let’s talk about sowing in detail! 】

【What did I miss? 】

Fortunately, Zimli is just innocent, she is not stupid.

Zimli sat across the table angrily, staring at Baili Yuan who was drinking tea in front of her, and finally asked, "Who are you and why are you pretending to be Sakurai Sara? She should be dead!" "

"I'm just borrowing her body for use. She doesn't have any objections." Bailiyuan replied.

Zimli turned into a puffer fish again.

Then in a rage, Zimli chose to drink water to suppress it, but Bailiyuan told her, "Before drinking water, if you don't want to become a demon, it's best to boil the water before drinking it."

Immediately, Bailiyuan performed a performance, blowing on the pot.

Baili Yuan poured the freshly boiled hot water into his mouth while it was still in the kettle.

It hurt Zimli to see it.

"Are you crazy?"

"It's not hot!~~" Baili Yuan wiped his mouth and then showed his tongue.

Zimli found that the scalding hot water did not burn Sakurai Sara's body, and she couldn't help but look shocked.


"This is called professionalism. Good kids shouldn't learn from it~"


[Now I’m a unique girl! 】

【Not hot! ! ! 】

【This is really not hot! ! 】

【Drink more hot water! 】

That's right, seeds dropped into water will lose their activity when the water is boiled, and they will no longer have the ability to infect people.

On the contrary, eating cooked seeds has a certain strengthening effect on the human body. After all, they are seeds with the power of evil demons. When made into dishes, it is also a good snack for ordinary people.

When you boil water, why not make soup?


Bailiyuan and Zimli were in a high-rise house, courtesy of Kurama Guangsheng.

Tokyo’s big flat!

Standing at the floor-to-ceiling windows, you can overlook the entire city and see the chaos in the city more clearly.

The panic caused by the evil demons caused people in this city to suffer too much.

As more people died and were accepted by the virtual heaven, the buckle in Sakurai Sara's body took shape faster.

The virtual world would also come faster.

"How could this city become like this?" Tsumeli said in disbelief.

"This is the power of the evil demons. For ordinary people, a little bit of the evil demons' leaks is enough to cause a devastating blow to their lives."

Baili Yuan said, picked up his coat and walked towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Tsumeli asked hurriedly.

"Of course, to end this farce."

"I'll go too!" Tsumeli said hurriedly, and then chased after Baili Yuan.


Ukiyo Hidetoshi and the others are still working hard.

In order to find the trace of No. 8 Dazhi, everyone used their intelligence and energy, and even Kurama Neon went to Kurama Guangsheng for help.

Kurama Guangsheng did not refuse.

Because of this incident, the relationship between the family showed signs of warming up.

After investigation and reasoning, Ukiyo Hidetoshi really found No. 8 Dazhi, and then called all the others to start fighting the BOSS.

But the despicable No. 8 Dazhi pulled the evil demons transformed by Nagayama Kazutoku, Hong Jiezhen and Sumida Souto's parents to block everyone, making it impossible for everyone to start.

Under coercion, Sumida Souto believed in light more, and then he used the restoration light, and actually helped Nagayama Kazutoku and others to remove the evil demons and save their lives.

This scene made No. 8 Dazhi's jaw drop.

He immediately called for help.

"Save me, save me, save me!" (End of this chapter)

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