Chapter 4336 Just tell me whether it touches your heart!

The cheerleading session begins again!

The rebels came on stage first. Kurama Neon wanted to impress the audience with music like Sumida Souto, so she chose to perform with a girl band.

Unfortunately, neither Sakurai Sara nor Naha Sae could play, so only Haruie Onin and Kurama Neon could play together.

"So, why is it called a girl band performance!" Haruie Onin expressed his dissatisfaction.

"Hey~" Kurama Neon maliciously acted cute.

"You're lucky she didn't ask you to perform in a skirt." Ukiyo Hidetoshi said gloatingly on the side.

"What? You can wear a skirt!" Kurama Neon suddenly got an inspiration.

Haruie Onin's face turned black, "Put away your dangerous ideas!"

However, after a cheerful performance, the support rate was not ideal, not even reaching 50%, the support rate was only 30%, and even the prop box was not obtained.

"How could this happen!"

Kurama Neon and others were extremely disappointed.

[Because Haruie Onin didn't perform in a skirt! ]

[It's a girl band, but there's only one girl. Is that okay? ]

[If there's no girl, a boy girl will do! ]

[If it's a boy girl band, I'll definitely support it! ]

Haruie Onin was also anxious. He couldn't make money when he formed the team, and now he can't win the resurrection match after helping Kurama Neon. Doesn't that make him look like a rubbish?

It was still Gene who gave an explanation, which was the same reason given by Beloba. Such music would never touch the hearts of future people in the future.

What future people want is music that can touch their hearts!

"If that's the case, doesn't it mean that the only one who can pass is Sumida Souto?" said Inahusa with a frown.

"He's really amazing." Sakurai Sara exclaimed.

Gene nodded, "Judging from the situation, it is indeed the case. To be honest, I'm also looking forward to his performance."

Then it was the turn of the wish-shaper.

This time Beloba did not use her authority to cut in line.

Both Sumida Souto and Todoroki Kaima want to be resurrected, so both of them have to prepare a show. In fact, judging from the previous situation, neither Sumida Souto nor Todoroki Kaima has the strength to fight against others.

Even if they are successfully resurrected, there is no possibility of winning.

But they are not willing to give up.

The first to go on stage was Todoroki Kaima.

When he came on stage, everyone was shocked, and Baili Yuan's eyes widened.

"This is..."

[Emperor Burial! ]

[What is Shamatte Zhongdeng! ]

[I seem to hear a familiar voice! ]

[Whenever the peach blossoms are in full bloom...]

[I didn't expect such a deer scout! ]

Then, Todoroki Kaima performed death heavy metal, and his taste was beyond everyone's expectations.

The barrage of future people exploded instantly.

In the end, Todoroki Kaima only received 10% of the support rate. He left the stage with regret, saying that future people really don't know how to appreciate it.

"Such art is a bit ahead of the times for future people." Gene wiped the cold sweat.

[It's so funny, Lu Tan is being despised! ]

[He still has at least 10% support! ]

[I even suspect that Lu Tan is taking revenge maliciously! ]

Next up is Sumida Souto.

All the future people are looking forward to it.

As a result, Sumida Souto did not choose to perform music this time, but chose to dance.

Music and dance are both categories of art.

But most people can still appreciate music, but fewer people can appreciate dance, because it requires the ability to appreciate from an early age.

Fortunately, the appreciation ability of future people is not bad!

Sumida Souto performed on stage, and the dance he performed looked like a sacrificial dance, as if he was using his body to communicate with the heaven and earth and the gods, and begging for strength.

[What is this? ]

[Dancing the gods? ]

[Others have started playing music, but you are dancing instead, right? ]

[Why not dance~]

In fact, this is a real sacrificial dance, a dance that can communicate with the gods.

If it were in a suitable world, this dance would really be able to connect with the gods.

That's right, Baili Yuan taught him.

Baili Yuan has trained Sumida Soudou in all the eight arts.

What everyone cares about most is the package tied around Sumida Soudou's waist. No one knows what is hidden inside. Until the end, Sumida Soudou did not reveal what the item is.

The dance performance is over.

Sumida Soudou's praise rate has reached an astonishing 98%!

Sumida Soudou won the resurrection match again!

He also got a prop box.

Hong Jiezhen looked at Sumida Soudou who came back and couldn't help sighing, but showed an encouraging smile, "You kid, keep going!"

"Don't worry, I won't escape this time!" Sumida Soudou said very seriously.

His expression made Hong Jiezhen stunned.

Finally, it was the turn of the evil demons.

No. 5 Dazhi and Azuma Daochang both need to be resurrected, but they only prepared one program. Even if they can be resurrected successfully, the resurrection quota must be given to Azuma Daochang.

Naturally, No. 5 Dazhi had some objections, but No. 5 Dazhi's objections were invalid. The most important thing was that No. 5 Dazhi really couldn't beat the others, so he could only choose to help Master Azuma to revive.

Master Azuma had already woken up and joined the performance.

The performance of the evil demons was a combination of music and dance.

Baili Yuan was arranged to perform by Beloba. Don't ask. If you ask, it's the privilege of investors.

Baili Yuan and No. 5 Dazhi performed, each with a guitar. Azuma Daochang and Beloba were responsible for the dance part.

The performance began.

Some people were surprised and some were excited to see Azuma Daochang dancing.

However, Gene soon laughed, "Their performance was good, but it still couldn't reach the level of Sumida Souto. It's impossible to get a resurrection spot."

Then, Beloba, Azuma Daochang and No. 5 Dazhi all looked at Baili Yuan.

This program was prepared by Baili Yuan. They all wanted to know if Baili Yuan was hiding something and whether it could really hit the heart directly?

Baili Yuan became more and more excited as he played, and finally he suddenly roared and started playing the guitar with his teeth.

[This, this, this...]

[I almost forgot that he had this trick! ]

[Don't play it, the guitar is crying! 】

But this is far from over. With the help of the evil demon's body, Baili Yuan directly turned upside down, played the guitar with his teeth, and turned his feet.

Gene, Guagua La, Qiu En and Beloba, four future people stood there in shock. They didn't understand, but were shocked.

The spinning Baili Yuan was like a drill, drilling into everyone's brain and heart.

Baili Yuan: That's right, we play rock and roll, this is how it is!

The performance is over.

The final support rate is-


[Do future people have such a strong taste? ]

[This kind of advanced art is just right for future people! ]

[Just tell me if it hits the heart! ]

[This is a physical hit! ]

Unfortunately, I didn't help Master Wuzuma win the resurrection match.

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